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   "Long Ago a great kingdom was ruled by some of your ancestors," Aslan explained looking towards the Pevensies.
  "That kingdom had many loyal soldiers and an army so strong it held the White Queen at bay. This was many decades ago and they have now died off, however the souls of the soldiers remain loyal and at service to the descendants of their rulers,"

    "So you're telling us to summon a ghost army?" Ed questioned, "We're screwed"
   "Not a ghost army but an army of the undead" Susan chimed in
    "great a zombie army, even better" Nia turned to Peter, "So do you wanna risk everything for an army that may or may not exist or-
    "Zombie army."
  Nia stared at him for a moment in shock. "So what do we have to do?" Enne asked,
   "You must retrieve the ancient scrolls from the tombs of the ancestors"
    "of course we do" Nia groaned
   "the trip should take no more than 4 days, but there are other items you must gather on the way in order for the spell to work"
   The group split up to get ready for their journey to the tombs.
   "Nia, I talked to Lau and she said her father is pretty adamant about a wedding"
Peter sighed as Nia walked over to him, "Hey don't worry about that now, soon we'll have a zombie army or we're all gunna die" She grinned, "Either way sounds pretty bad not gunna lie."
  Peter smiled and wrapped his arms around her, "I love the optimism" he muttered.
   "Can you two stop fucking and get ready, we're on a tight schedule here"
    "Jesus Edmund we're just hugging" Peter called back annoyed while Nia laughed.
  The six of them walked into the depths of the forest once again in a truly desperate attempt to save their country.
    "This is fun" Lucy exclaimed, "Like our last adventure"
    "Our last adventure wasn't fun" Ed turned to his sister
    "Yea Nia and I nearly gave up near the end" Enne agreed
    "God all that for a fucking orb we used for one battle," Nia shook her head
    "Also you nearly died" Susan mentioned
    "pshhh died is a strong word I was just taking a really long nap"
    "What are the other items we need to pick up?" Peter asked. Susan looked at the map and paused, "Actually it might be easier if we split up for the three items then regroup by the waterfall to get the scrolls"
    "Sounds good I call Enne!" Ed quickly yelled
    "Hey! You can't do that!" Nia argued back
    "You can be with Peter so you have all the time to be all lovey dovey with your boyfriend"
    "He's not-
  Ed eyed Nia and Peters intertwined hands and raised his eyebrows, "yea just a couple of besties who sleep together and occasionally make out"
    "hey that was one time- The king butted in only to be elbowed by Nia and given a warning look.
    "And we don't sleep together like that- I mean we do but not in that way-
    "oh my god stop talking" Nia groaned. "And you" she turned to Ed, "mind ya damn business"
  Behind her the three girls laughed thoroughly enjoying their friends embarrassment.
    "Ok ok, so Su and I will go get the water lily petals from the magic pond place" Lucy said easing the tension, "Enne and Edmund can go get the jewl from the giant bird nest place, and Peter and Nia can go get the sword from the other super dark scary place"
    "why do we get the shitty place?" Peter complained
    "Cuz y'all are the warriors or whatever" Susan laughed.
   "Alrighty then here's where we banana split" Nia said glancing at the map, "See y'all in like a day I guess"
   A chorus of goodbyes were exchanged between the friends as they all took their went their separate ways.
    "BYE NIA"
  The two friends kept yelling to each other until they could no longer hear the response. And on that surprisingly cheerful note the group headed out to find magical items to raise a zombie army that may or may not exist.

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