Chapter 11- 3,2,1

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The tributes were now getting prepared to head into the arena - they'd arrived at their destination. Capitol soldiers escorted each of them to their rooms (could they even be considered 'theirs' if they weren't even going to stay in them for more than a few hours?) and they were left alone.

Ryan sat down on a small couch laid right next to the glass tube that would take him up into the arena.

"This is my last chance to plan. I need to find water, grab a sword, and get on high ground. Maybe I should form an alliance? Oh, whatever. I'm going to get killed." Ryan rubbed his thumb across his locket. It was a rusted gold circle with a defined pattern indented in the material. Nobody but him knew why it was so special.

The announcer called over the intercom placed in each room that there was one more minute before the tributes had to enter the tube. "That means two more minutes and I'm in the arena. I need to try to stay strong... I can do this. I can survive."

After a moment, Ryan took a deep breath, then stepped into the tube. He watched as the glass closed on him. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he was lifted up. The world around him became black as he rose higher and higher. Then, a white flash. The tube came to a stop and he saw the 23 other murderers he'd be competing with.


Alaya studied the room. She was extremely bored of the fancy items placed everywhere they stopped. She wanted to get into the arena already, even if it meant she could die.

"I would rather spend my last few days starving to death, trying to keep myself alive, not sitting in a room with a glass tube, a couch, and four blank walls." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

The announcer over the loudspeaker called for one more minute. That was her cue to head into the glass tube, where she struggled to figure out how to close the door. After a few seconds, it automatically closed and started lifting her.

She was eventually standing on a pedestal, staring at a dark wooded forest. She looked around at the other tributes, then at the cornucopia. When the announcer started the countdown, her plan was to run.


Jean pulled the hoodie over her head. She was cold, sitting in the tiny room. She was also very bored. She got up and started pacing back and forth, twirling her hair. She had nothing to do and it was killing her. All this waiting was going to make her mind be drawn back to things she didn't want to think about.

"Devon... Ugh, I hope he's okay." Her thoughts wandered to her five-year-old brother. He was all alone - he'd had no one left but her. After their parents died, she and Devon had been left on the streets. Eventually, they'd been taken in by the mayor of District 11.

Yes, they did have a home and food, but it didn't matter much to Jean. She wasn't able to be there for her little brother. She felt herself beginning to tear up, and blinked a few times to clear her eyes.

The announcer came over the intercom and Jean walked over to the glass tube. During the climb, seconds felt like hours, and she could barely comprehend what was happening. She saw the other tributes around her when the tube stopped rising, but her brother's voice was clouding her mind.

She gasped for breath. "I'm Jean Scarlett. I am 16. I was born and raised in District 11. I am a tribute in the 58th hunger games, and-" Her thoughts stopped spinning suddenly, and she was able to hear the words of the announcer.

"3." She acknowledged her surroundings.

"2." She located the bow and arrow she wanted.


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