Chapter 12- Bloodbath

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*Most chapters past this part contain violence/gore - please beware!*

"1," the announcer called. All 24 tributes immediately rushed to the cornucopia. Ximena made it there first and grabbed a backpack and a spear. Haliey got there just after them. She fought the District 2 girl for a dagger, managing to stab her in the side.

Jean ran up to get a backpack and simultaneously grabbed the bow. She shot at the District 6 boy and hit his leg, pushing him into the ground. She scurried off into the woods.

Paul went straight for a sword and then stabbed District 5's girl and one of District 4's tributes, then went off into the forest in Jean's direction.

Ryan snatched up a sword and a water bottle after knocking a District 9 tribute to her knees and jetted towards the woods. Alaya was punched by the District 9 boy, but she knocked him out, managing to grab a sleeping bag and five-dagger pack. She also darted toward the trees.

Reva found nothing in the cornucopia but death and decided to sprint off in Jean's direction, Rian following right behind them.

Jay and Q'uira nabbed a worn pack, two knives, and a sword. Maliery was on the ground, being trampled by the crowd. Q'uira quickly ran over and picked her up, sitting the girl on her shoulders. The three ran off into the woods.

Maxtess didn't care about getting any weapons. He thought he had the power to survive with nothing but an apple that had rolled his way. He was off in Alaya's direction.

The cornucopia was almost empty of tributes now. The last three were Ximena, Haliey, and Diego Fylin, a District 2 career. He was 16 years old, with dark brown hair and green eyes. They all stared at each other, completely silent.

Suddenly, nine cannon shots were fired, signaling the tributes that had died. The loud sound broke the tension between the competitors.

"That's the Hunger Games for you," Diego said, smiling crookedly.

Ximena crossed their arms with a sigh. "No, the Hunger Games are just getting started. That was only the bloodbath." 

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