Chapter 16- They Die

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Ryan got up after the second cannon shot reached the ears of the group.

"We need supplies," he said, tying his sword to his waist.

"You both stay here, I'll get what I can," Alaya volunteered. When the two boys nodded, she began heading downstream. She was out of sight quickly.

Ryan sat down on a rock and unclipped his locket from around his neck. He rubbed his thumb across it.

"What's that?" Max asked, grabbing it from his hand.

"Give it back!" Ryan exclaimed, grabbing hold of his sword.

"Fine, geez." Max rolled his eyes and placed it on the rock between them, "What's so special about that thing anyways?"

"It has sentimental value. You wouldn't know what that is - you're too self-absorbed," Ryan retorted.

"What's inside it?" Max asked. Ryan narrowed his eyes at the other boy. "Oh, come on. I'm not that bad."

"Sure," Ryan chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean, man? Do you wanna go? Come on, hit me!" Max joked, getting to his feet.

"Here." Ryan opened the locket. It revealed a picture of a girl.

"Oh..." Max replied. "Sorry."

"It's cool. I've accepted my fate already. It's just nice to reminisce." Ryan looked forlornly towards the stream.

"Wanna go fishing? Alaya might not be mad at me for once if we got some more food," Maxtess said, standing up.

"You have no weapon," Ryan reminded him.

"Right. I should probably get one of those sometime," he replied, nodding.

"Yeah, probably."


Ximena got up from the camp they had built. It was pretty luxurious (well, as 'luxurious' as a place like the one they had could be), piled with blankets and food. Haliey walked over to Ximena to give them a kiss, and they shared a moment. It was like the whole world stopped when they were together.

Diego came out of the tent and looked at them, raising an eyebrow. "Enough smooching. Let's get back to gathering supplies," he said, breaking their kiss. The two looked at him. Haliey sighed.

"Fine, whatever," she responded, walking over to inspect the food supply. "Who ate all the fruit?"

"Diego," Ximena answered, crossing their arms. "You have a problem."

"I know," he told them. He moved over to where Haliey was and grabbed an apple. "Oh look, one left." The boy began munching on it.

Haliey rolled her eyes and walked over to Ximena, who was packing their bag. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"To get more food," they replied, grabbing a spear.

"And you're leaving me with him?" Haliey looked concerned.

"You'll be fine. Worst case scenario, he attacks you. You can just kill him." Ximena grabbed Haliey's hand.

"Fine," Haliey sighed, rolling her eyes with a smirk, "Love you!"

"Love you too, babe," Ximena said, leaning in to kiss her.


Maliery buried her head in the backpack as another cannon shot flooded her ears. She was close to bawling her eyes out next to Q'uira. Mal hated the fact that people were dying - and not from natural causes.

"Are you okay?" Q'uira asked, giving Mal a hug.

"I'm fine, just a little tired," she replied, curling into a ball.

Suddenly, Jay walked into the cave, soaking wet. A bloody gash had appeared across his face.

"Oh my god! What happened? Are you okay?" Q'uira yelled, helping him sit down.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm okay. I saw some apples, so I climbed a tree to get them. I fell off and hit my head. I lost the apples when it started pouring rain," he told her, wiping his head off. Mal turned away. The gash was now oozing blood all down his cheek.

"Ew!" Q'uira exclaimed, ripping off a piece of her shirt and giving it to him to cover his forehead with. She got up and walked outside, "It's pouring hard today..."

"Yep," Jay answered. Q'uira went outside to grab all of the resources that they'd left out there, but she stopped when she saw the state they were in. The berries were all moldy and the blankets all wet. She ran back into the cave.

"It's gone, all of it. All of the food," Q'uira said. "We have nothing left."


Jean got up, her face drenched in tears. Her clothes were covered in Reva's blood. She turned to face Paul, face blank.

"You did this," Jean glared at Paul. He backed up.

"I didn't mean to! I was doing spear practice and she got in the way-"

"THAT'S A LIE!" Jean screamed, stomping her foot in the puddle of blood surrounding Reva's body. It had begun to rain, causing the puddle to start to wash away.

Jean walked closer to the boy.

"I-" Paul cut himself off as he backed into a tree.

"You know what happens to liars? To killers?" Jean reached into her pocket for her dagger. She then charged, pushing Paul to the floor and stabbing him straight in the heart. Blood began gushing out of his chest. He tried to breathe, but his vision was already going black.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. Jean twisted the knife, causing him to scream in agony.

"They die."

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