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Niall's POV

'Slow down a bit okay you don't want to gain more' I almost choke in my food because of what my dad just said. I look down at my food , it just turned ten times more awful. What the fuck is happening I never worry about food.
'Are you gonna finish that?' My brother asked , I shake my head.
He dumps the food in the bin and goes to the kitchen.
'Son don't you think you are eating a bit to much?' My dad's words hurt 'Maybe' I answer as confident I can. I stand up 'I'm going upstairs' I said running upstairs.
In my room is a long mirror , I take off my shirt and look in the mirror.
I never been really worried about my body I mean I have a really fast metabolism. I thought it was just okay but if I take a look now I don't see any abs what I do notice is the layer of fat on my belly. Maybe the reason why I can't seem to meet my princess.
I pinch it , I better get a rid of that, it isn't really what you call sexy.
I notice also that I have also chubby cheeks , I look like a squirrel.
'My dad's right , I have to lose some weight' I said , I walk to the bathroom and stand on the scale: it shows 163lbs. To much.
That's how I started , I don't like to point at who's fault it was that I start to think this way but we all know who's guilty. You might think like "yeah it's your own mind" that's true and that's why I'm trapped , if I could change it I would. Then I never had a story to tell but I have.
This is my story.

+ TRIGGER WARNING: this fanfiction contains eating disorder , selfharming , depression and suicide thoughts. +

If you can't stand one of these topics, than I advice you to stop reading.
I wanted to make this story because it's pretty common in the society of today and I want to show how bad it is for your health. I have to admit I have also problems with my body and actually don't do things the good way either. Please don't be so insecure we are all beautiful just the way we are.

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