Lesson 5) deny it

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Niall's POV

It's been exactly 4 days since I vomit after dinner. I got obsessed with vomiting it's so easy after a few times. I lost weight again i'm now 110 lbs. I'm so happy my jeans are too big on me but I still have a long way to go but i'm closer to perfection. The only thing I really miss in my rise to perfection is my mom and brother. Even though Greg and I don't really get along most of the time.
I push them away . Ana tells me: after that i'm perfect, I can be their son/brother again.
At the moment I'm walking to school.
Today I can eat something around the 50 calories and not more.

People stare at me , they are judging my fat body I knew it , maybe I shouldn't have been so happy this morning. Today I also have P.E. and I tried my best to get my mom to write a note that I can't enter the class. Too bad she didn't want to write one.
So here am I walking to the boys dressing room.
This class I have with Liam and Zayn yay... they are like sporty and stuff and here am I.
I enter and see that half of the boys are done and the rest is almost done , I sigh in relief. I won't change until everyone is away. 'Niall aren't you gonna change?' Liam asked friendly 'Uhm yeah' I said taking my shirt out of my bag. I feel Liam and Zayns eyes burn. They shrug and leave. I'm all alone in the dressing room. I change fast and enter the room. 'That took quite a while Horan, sit down' I turn red and sit down.
Again I feel Zayn and Liams eyes burn on me can they quite stop that.

Liam's POV
Niall turned red and sat down.
Zayn and I look at him shocked , his arms are bone and his legs they look like if he falls he'll split apart.
'Man that's sick' Zayn whispered in my ear 'I know right' I answered.
'Okay everyone we warm up with a 5 rounds run, START' we jump up and start running. 'Li I don't think Niall will make it' Zayn said worried 'Why?' I asked a bit dumb 'Because he's this skinny man look at him, it's sick and I feel it in my tummy' he said in a childish voice, I chuckle but turn serious again.
After 3 rounds I see that Niall is a bit behind. Zayn was right Niall is never gonna make it. I slow down so that I run next to Niall 'You okay?' I asked.
'Dizzy' he only answered.
Normally Niall would run with us because he belongs to the quick runners but now I have the feeling he can pass out any minute.
Suddenly Niall stops running , I see he stops and I do the same. He's pale , paler than normal.
'Niall what's wrong?' I asked concerned. He collapse to the ground and I sit beside him. 'Niall!' I yelled hitting his cheek, not violent.
'Coach Hemmings Niall passed out' I yelled.
Everyone stops running and turns to us.
'Make space!' Coach yelled , he lifts Niall up and walks out 'Don't mess around' he yelled.

'I told you so' Zayn said 'I could see it coming, I asked him if he was okay and he only said that he was dizzy' I explained. Zayn brings his lips to my ear 'I'm worried ,Niall is really skinny more like skin and bones' Zayn said , it surprises me that Zayn is worried about Niall. He isn't fond of him to say the nice way.
'I know maybe it's time to talk to him' I said he nods. 

Niall's POV
I open my eyes and see the face of our coach , damn it! 'That took a very long time Horan , tell me what is the possible reason that you passed out' a lack of food , too much exercise , no breakfast , 4 days no food I answered in my head.
'I don't know' I lied 'Did you eat breakfast this morning?' He asked polite. 'I can't remember' I lied again.
'Eat some sugar it make the dizziness disappear' He said handing me an mars bar. 242 calories too much I only can have 50 today. A small panic rushes through me.
'Yeah thank you' I said taking the mars in my hand 'Take care Horan' He walks away but stops 'Payne is coming in a minute I told him to keep an eye on you' I nod and say thanks.

I see Liam coming with Zayn? That's a surprise. They look concerned. Zayn and concerned never seen that before. 'How you feeling Niall?' Liam asked 'Awful' that wasn't even lied.
'Did you ate the Mars bar?' Zayn asked , I shake my head even if I did, I won't tell him he will call me fat like Josh does. 'You should you don't want to faint again' Zayn said nicely?
'Did you eat breakfast this morning actually?' Liam asked he looks at me stern and I feel myself getting nervous 'I uhm' he cuts me off 'I already was scared for that, you need to eat breakfast you can't go to P.E. with an empty stomach' he said , I just nod.
'Don't scare us like that again Horan it's no fun' Zayn said with a smile.
Wow what happend to him did someone threw something at his head and made the kids switch turn. They smile, I smile weakly back.
'Niall would you like to go to café after school with me and Zayn?' Liam asked sweet. He's such an angel to everyone. 
'Uhm I don't want to be a burden or something' I said 'Don't be silly! Of course you aren't' Zayn said now it just starts getting creepy.
'Okay now I just don't dare to come' I said making Liam burst out in laughter. 'I get that but we just like your company' Liam said.
'Okay I'll be there I guess' I said with a fake smile.

I walk down the cold streets , hands in my pockets. Zayn texted me the adress of the café , I open the door and the warm air tickles my face a thick smell of coffie and chocolate is in the air. I feel myself almost drool at the smell it's been so long. Liam waves at me in the back. I sit down next to Zayn 'Hi' I said with a big smile 'Hi , what would you like to order? I pay today' Zayn said sweetly. 'uhm let me think for a minute' I said , in plain black coffie is only one calorie but I really hate plain coffie , I can take green tea that are only 2 calories but it does have antioxidants so. 'can I have an green tea?' I asked Zayn 'Of course' he said. A blond waitress comes to our table , wait is that Perrie 'Good afternoon Zaynie can I take your order?' Perrie asked with a wink to Zayn he smiles 'I would like a diet coke , for Liam an Lipton Ice tea and for Niall a green tea' Zayn said placing a kiss on her free hand. They are adorable together. 'It will be here soon would you like to have something else?' she asked 'You' Zayn said , she blushes 'Tonight' she only said, Liam crunches his nose. 'Niall we wanted to talk to you about something important' Liam said bloody serious what scares me a bit 'Okay i'm listening' I said a bit unsure.

'How are your eating habits?' Zayn asked , I feel a lump forming in my throat 'Normal why?' I said without making eye contact 'we don't believe that' Liam said. Thankfully Perrie comes with our drinks. 'A green tea for Niall' she said giving me as sweet smile 'thank you Per' I said 'A Ice tea for Li' she said placing the drink in the front of Liam "thank you Perrie' 'And a diet coke for the vogue model who I can call my boyfriend and don't get cocky enjoy' she said leaving Zayn all blushy.

'But back to you , we are worried' Zayn said , "concerned that you stay fat yeah" Ana said. I take a sip from my green tea I don't want to talk about it. 'You don't have to be worried' I said emotionless. 'Niall you are-' I cut Liam off scared to hear what he has to say 'Spare me what you want to say, i'm fine leave me alone' I said standing up 'Thank you for the drink Zayn' I said before walking away quickly. I'm scared Liam is gonna follow me so I start running. When i'm home I see my mom with Harry in the living room 'Niall baby Harry is here to talk about something-' I cut her off 'JESUS what is it with everyone! why can't anyone leave me alone!' I yelled at them going upstairs.


Friendship start to fall apart :(
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