Lesson 22) Stop pushing them away

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Liam's POV
Niall's phone call scared me , who is he and who is she? I'm worried Niall sounded so scared.
My door got opened 'Liam? There is a visiter for you' I look up confused.
'Who is it?' I asked 'It's family since they didn't visit you I thought we could make exception' She said.

Family. I don't want to speak to my family 'Well tell them to go' I said a way to rude than I meant.
'I think it's good for you to see your family Liam' she said. 'They'll ruin everything I don't wanna see them and you can't force me' I said stubborn. I don't wanna see the people who didn't support me , they must feel that they lost me.
'Alright , I tell him to go away' She said with a deep sigh , I don't feel guilty at all. Okay maybe that's a lie but I've been a bit rude to her.

*"Just remember that i'm sorry but he and she are back and this time she's here to stay" his voice trembles*

He was talking about my dad he knew he'll come for me. Niall warned me but what scared him than.
She , think Liam think. Who is she?

Niall's POV
I managed to lose an extreem amount of weight and I found a way of hiding.
I wear oversized sweaters and since my mom is really smart she weighs me once in awhile. Before she does I put stones in my pockets and drink a lot of water.

No one found out , a half of me is disappointed cus' I don't want this. But the otherside is messed up and wants this really bad.

I lost those chubby cheeks , for the first time in my life I have cheekbones who are visible. I didn't speak to Liam for a long time , his dad didn't bother me anymore and I didn't speak to Zayn , Harry and Louis either. Don't want to be a bother.
The spaces between us keeps getting deeper maybe it's better. My phone rangs.

"Ello" I said
"It's Louis! Me and Harry organized a pool party are you coming?"

'Ew you wanna appear shirtless there you better not' ana said.

"I have a family dinner sorry" I lied
"No you are lying I asked your mom , because I was scared you wouldn't come since we haven't much contact and all... be honest with me Niall" he said upset.
"I'm sorry , 'm just tired" I said slightly guilty.
He sighed deep "It's our annivarsey but it's okay all the others do come though , it's starts in an hour so if you change your mind" he said even more upset.
"I'll remember , congrats by the way"
"Yes....." He sounded so upset.

I hang up , i'm losing my friendship again. It feels like a déjà vu.
I get up and walk to the bathroom , my mom is working late night she told me to order pizza. Of course I didn't but I did eat a apple. I stick my finger in my throat and vomit until my stomach is empty and the hunger pains are back.

I get up , smiling at the dizzy feeling.
I try to walk of the stairs but I lose my balance and fall down. Head hitting each stair. I lay at the end of the stairs , groaning cus' it hurted. My head hurts awfully a lot. And my sight is blurry as fuck. With a lot of trouble I get my phone , who is magically not broken out of my pocket. I twisted my ankle or something cus' I can't get up myself. I dial Zayn's number.

"Zayn Malik"
"Zayn fuck can you please come to my house I fell pretty bad from the stairs and I can't get up" I whined.
"On my way! Don't move" he said concerned.

In 10 minutes he is here , probably climbed through the window.
'Ouch' he said looking at me , he puts a arm under my knees and my eyes widen. 'You can't lift me' I said.
'Why not? How did you thought I could help you anyway' He said surprised 'You'll hurt your back' I said anxious.
'No of course not Niall! You are a light weight' he said lifting me up against my will.

'Do you hear that whining , that is him struggling lifting you up ,you fat pig' ana whispered in my ear.

'Man Niall! You weight nothing' he said concern written in his eyes.
He makes me nervous , I make sweaterpaws 'Ni it's 20 degrees outside and you wear a sweater?' He said confused.

'I'm really cold' it isn't even lied i'm freezing. 'Let me feel your hands' he said I give him my hand confused.
'Jeez you aren't kidding you are freezing cold' he said surprised. I nod.

Zayn's POV
Niall's hands are unhealthy skinny , I can see his bones really clear and his behavior is really different from normal.
He doesn't have cheeks anymore , they're sunken. His eyes have big dark bags under them and his eyes scream for help.

'Niall take of your sweater I want to see the damage' I said, I want to see how petit he is.
'No it's alright I have no pain' he said fast. 'No Niall take off your shirt' I said taking a step closer , he takes a step back. 'Take.Off.the.shirt.now' I said irritated. 'Nope' he said popping the P.
Than I take my chance and jump on him tackling him to the ground. He kicks me in my manly part.
'Damn Niall!' I screamed in a much higher voice than normal.
'Don't touch me!' He said getting up.

Harry's POV
The pool party is amazing , everyone came except of Niall and Zayn.
'Babe come in the water it's really nice' Louis nags in my ear for more than 15 minutes. Zayn said he would come why isn't he here?' I asked 'I'll call him ,just said it earlier before I started nagging' he said winking and pecking my lips.

I spot someone who I don't like being here on OUR party. Josh.
'Congrats on both of you' he said raising his drink , I roll my eyes but thank him.
Louis comes back grin on his face 'Zayn will be here in 2 minutes' he said huge smile. 'Why so happy?' I asked pecking his lips.
'Wait for it' he said , I see the door open Zayn walks in with Niall hanging over his shoulder trying to get out of his grip. I'm laughing.
'I brought a blond friend I hope that's okay' he said grinning , I "eeek" like a teenage girl.
'Niall!!!' I hug him tight he groans.
'Hi Haz' he said not very happy I frown 'What's wrong?' He smiles shyly. 'I don't like swimming sorry' he said I frown even deeper.
'You used to love it' I said upset.
'Used to , past content, not anymore' he said I feel Louis sneaking a arm around my waist , my smile falls.
'Can we talk private for a moment?' I asked he nods and Louis lets go off me. He signs I have to come before I follow Niall.
He pulls me close and whispers 'Tell me how it went babycakes' he said with a sad smile.

We walk upstairs to Louis' room.
'Your cheeks are sunken explain please , you wear a sweater while it is 20 degrees outside explain too please' I said a bit harsh but i'm done with his playing.
'It isn't that bad , i'm cold' He answered. 'How can you be cold?' I said not buying his bullshit.
He rolls out his hand , I have to block the gasp what is about to leave my mouth , the bones of his hands are so visible. Niall always had boney hands but now it's sickening.
I feel his hands , they're indeed ice cold. 'Maybe swimming in the pool helps cus' they're indeed really cold' I said.

'Did you miss the part I told you I didn't like swimming' He said annoyed. 'Niall you're acting really weird , man period?' I said with a grin , I got him snapping inside.

Upset I walk to Louis and can't help but cry in his shoulder. 'Haz fuck you should be happy, what happend love?' he said trying to comfort me. More people said sweet things to try to comfort me not knowing what actually happend but it was sweet and I appreciate it.
'Thank you , let's forget about this and just party hard' I said everyone wolfer whistles and we all start dancing.

Alcohol worked against my depressing feels , alcohol works always. After five glasses i'm piss drunk , sick and horny as fuck.
I walk to Louis and pinched his butt.
'Kiss me you fool' I said putting my fingers around his belt loops , shoving him close to me. My lips dancing on his.

People whistle and Louis kisses eagerly back , taste of mint and something sweet. He pulls away breathless. 'That was hot' he said in his sex voice 'I know , now let's get out of here I'm horny as fuck' I said already searching for condoms in my pockets. You know i'm always prepared. 'Haz how much I would love to , you are drunk and your brain isn't working completely' I start crying. I'm an emotional drunk.

'Fuck how many drinks did you take?' He cursed I start laughing 'Zayn man! get Harry a glass of water he's drunk of his mind' louis said.
I feel rage in me 'No Zayn if you dare to get me a glass I swear I make you drink the water and the glass' I said furious.
'Harry babe calm down' Louis tried.
'I am calm' I said , I gag and run to the toilet throwing up all my guts.

We are close to the end

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