Lesson 9) Work out until you can't walk

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This is an update out of the sunny Morocco :))) enjoy

Niall's POV
Today my mom and dad aren't home for the whole day. What means I can do everything I want.
"Massive workout day" ana cheered.
I groan  loudly 'I really don't feel to it' I whined.
"So you want to stay fat everyone will hate you" Ana said. Of course I changed my mind and started changing my clothes.

I change in a sweatpants and a tanktop. I don't feel good in a tanktop but it trains better.
I start the workout what consists of 20 burpees and more.
Sweat drops rolling over my forehead rapidly and I'm not even at the 50 crunches.

I keep going and going until I slowly are getting a headache. "Take some a painkiller and continue" Ana demanded.
I go downstairs and search for the painkillers , it's no where to be found.
I sigh irritated and get my phone out of my pocket. Who do you want to call no one likes you anymore , calling Harry is no option , neither Liam or Zayn. "That means go on with your work out" ana said sternly.

After 10 minutes my breath isn't equally anymore , it's scaring me.
My sight is blurry again. Out of nowhere I hear the doorbell ring I slowly walk downstairs to keep my balance. I open the door , Liam.
'Hi Niall I wanted to see if you were okay' he said , I try to stand up straight but I can't my back hurts to much. 'Yeah i'm fine' I said small fake smile on my face.
'Can I come in?' He asked , I nod and he steps inside. When I want to close the door I almost lose my balance and he sees. 'Wow wow are you sure you are fine' he asked. 'Yeah i'm sure' now I see Liams face twice and I'm sure i'm totally not okay. 'You can't even stand straight, here take my arm' he said offering me a arm not buying my bullshit at all.
I smile slightly , he leads me to the couch and we sit down. I feel awkward I cover so many space on the couch. 'Niall why do you leave so many space inbetween us' I feel myself getting angry , I don't like those fat shaming jokes.

'Funny' I said harsh , he looks at me with his stupid puppy eyes and I can hit myself right now. He's so cute. 
'Do you honestly think that there's no space between us' he said surprised , I stay silent. He grabs my arm and pulls me close to him and I yelp.
'Niall this is close , that was far okay?' He said , I just nod.

'Niall i'm very worried about you' he said , concern written over all his features.
'Why?' I asked like I didn't have a clue. 'Niall I think you have Anorexia' he said , if this was a cartoon my eyes would fall out of it sockets. 'No' I said simply , Liam looks me deep in the eyes.
'No , I can't be look at me' I said slamming a hand over my mouth.
'Niall don't even! you are 5 times smaller than me , I never saw someone so skinny before and it's not healthy anymore' he said I shake my head stubborn.

I don't want to listen I know how I look like and i'm so not proud of it.
'I'm not anorexic , I eat normal' I lied 'Well it's weird cus' I never see you eat around people' he said , okay good remark. 'Okay i'm sick of the lying, I just feel awkward eating around people' I said it was half a lie and half not.

'But Niall there's nothing to feel awkward about , everyone eats around you I do too' he said nicely.
'Look Niall I want you to just feel okay maybe you have no anorexia but you look like you have and i'm worried if you can convince me i'll let go of it' he said , easy convince him that i'm alright.

But i'm not... 'Good how can I convince you?' I asked 'what about dinner? With Zayn of course' He said fast. I swallow thickly 'Yeah why not? Text me when' I said fake happy.


Quickly I walk through the empty halls , I missed my alarm this morning.
I open the door to English and feel everyone's eyes burn holes in me 'Mr Horan your late?' Mr Egbert said. He hates me , he hated me since the day he first saw me. I think it's because i'm Irish. 'Yeah i'm sorry I slept through my alarm' I said barely hearable.
'Sit down and shame on yourself' he said.

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