Lesson 1) Fasting

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Niall's POV
'Niall boo wake up you are gonna get late for school' my mom shouted from downstaires. I sigh and get up , I quickly wash my face but I can't help but look at my body in the mirror.
'You look chubby as fuck Niall' I said to myself 'You better skip breakfast and jog to school' I added.
When I'm fully dressed , I go downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon make my stomach growl dangerously. I look down at my stomach and completely change my mind about the food , it's fatting and disgusting. 'Niall sweetheart aren't you gonna eat breakfast?' She asked 'i'm already late mom I make sure I eat something on school' I said and make my way out of the door.

I enter my school and see of course Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson with a group of people around them. They are what you call popular , Liam payne the sweet popular guy he's nice to everyone and if you need someone he'll be there for you. Zayn Malik the exstreemly hot popular guy, every girl (and I think some guys too ) are head over heals about him , he doesn't have to do something about himself he'll always looks like a vogue model. He can be nice , see can. He is playing Bradford bad boi a lot.

Last but not least Louis Tomlinson , my favourite from the popular kids.
He's terribly funny and he's incredible open. He's really nice to me, he loves it that I crack up whenever he makes a joke.

There are the popular girls:
Perrie Edwards she is really nice though she has a resting bitch face.
We have Sophia , beautiful but a slut sorry not sorry she always cheat on Liam but he still takes her back after awhile.
And we have the rest Jade , Leigh Anne , Jesy and Lilian.

Where I stand ? I'm the nobody people see me and know me but if you ask 'do you know Niall?' most of the time they say no.
But I don't mind it , my friend Harry is a different story he's popular without being popular it's weird I know. He doesn't belong to the popular kids but everyone knows him. He's handsome , sweet , kind and a really good friend. I swear it's in the name. Enough introduction of the people on school.

'Nialler !' Harry shouted , I smile at him 'How are you doing my Irish fella' I laugh at him , I almost forget Harry is always happy.
'M fine' I said not really happy at the thought of last night.
'It doesn't sound like you're fine' he said while pouting. 'I am don't worry' I said with a fake smile.
'Harry Mate!' Louis said happily , he sits down next him.
'How you boys doing?' Louis asked excited 'i'm doing great Tommo , is the gossip about Liam true?' Harry asked serious at the end.
Louis sighs 'I dunno to be honest , when I was about to ask him he almost freaked out so it can be'.
My stomach growls loud 'You hungry Ni?' Louis asked , I shake my head and stand up. I have to escape more questions.
I walk to the classroom and sit down in the back. The noise of the zoomer fills the classroom.

Slowly on the classroom got filled with more students , some of them look at me weirdly. I'm never to early in a classroom so I don't disagree to the staring.
I can't keep my head at the lesson , the only thing in my head is the food I didn't eat. 'So Mr Horan can you answer the question?' The teacher asked , I sigh irritated 'Nope' I said popping the P.
'Next time I want you to pay attention in my lesson' She said stern.

It's break time and my palms are sweating , what if they are gonna ask questions?

"Than you lie idiot"

What was that? 'Niall!' Harry shouted I look up and smile. I sit down next to Harry and scroll through my twitter.
'Aye Niall I don't like this muffin here you can have it' Louis said sitting down next to me and hand me the muffin. I stare at it , I want it bad "no you don't" yes I do.
"Shut up fatty , do you want to stay fat? Do you want your dad to be ashamed of you?"
No... I pick the muffin up and throw it in the bin.
'Aren't you gonna eat it Niall?' Louis asked confused 'Not hungry' I said.
They both gasp dramatic 'You? Niall James Horan isn't hungry?!! Who are you and where is my big man Niall' Louis yelled a bit to hard if you asked me.

"You heard him big man means you're fat"

I feel my eyes getting teary 'excuse me i'm gonna have a wee' I said standing quickly up and running to the toilets. No one thank god.
I start crying silently , I wipe my eyes with my shirt sleeves and stand in the front of the mirror. I see a fat , ugly , sad person staring back at me.
I'm shamed of myself , where did I go wrong.
'Are you okay Niall?' A sweet voice asked from behind me.
I turn around and see Liam with a worried frown on his face 'I'm fine don't worry' I said with a fake smile , I want to walk away but Liam grabs my wrist 'Wait, are you sure? you can always come to me to talk just remember' he said , I nod 'Thank you Liam' I said and leave the toilets to go to my locker.
I take my English books out 'Niall' I look up from behind my locker and see Zayn with a bunch of people.
'You look ugly today' he said , I sigh and look at my shoes.

"I told you so"

They laugh and on this moment I want to crawl in a dark hole and forget I exsist. 'Zayn!' Liam yelled he doesn't sound happy.
'Li mate-' he got cut off by Liam 'Why are you pestering Niall?' He asked , I feel the panic building up in my body what if I get beaten for Liam who speaks up for me. 'C'mon Liam he's not dumb he knows I don't mean everything I say' he shrugged.
I slam my locker shut and just walk away , heart in my throat. Shoving Liam harder than I meant out of my way.

After hours of worrying and having this sickening empty feeling in my stomach , the last lesson is almost over but today I coulden't keep my head in any of the lessons.
'Pssst' someone whisper/yelled , I ignore it 'Pssssst Niall' again.
'Niall don't skip me for god's sake' I turn around Irritated.
'What do you want of me!' I said angry , my face soften when I see a worried Harry. 'Sorry Haz just not feeling well today' I said.
'Never mind, your awfully pale maybe you're ill' he said.
'Maybe' I said , the zoomer goes.
And I stand up to quickly not a good idea I feel dizzy , I almost lose my balance Harry grabs my arm.
'Dizzy?' He asked , I only nod.

I've put all the books I also need tomorrow in my locker and walk home. Zayn all the other popular kids stand outside , they look at me their eyes judge me I swear they're laughing in their mind about me. I bite my lip and quicken my pace.
My stomach twists when i'm getting closer to my house.
I go inside and kick my shoes out and fast run upstairs.
'Niall baby dinner!' My mom yelled 'I'm not hungry' I yelled back ignoring my stomach who isn't agreeing with me 'but you-' my mom got cut off by my dad 'Maura let the boy he won't die of skipping a meal' my dad said.
My stomach twists at his words.
I run to the mirror third time I look in it today 'Jesus hell Niall you need to lose all that fat fast' I said well poking the fat on my stomach.
Tears run down my cheeks 'So much' I whispered.

"Stop crying Niall , i'm gonna help you to get perfect"

I listen carefully to the voice 'How?' I asked.

"The first step you made: Fasting. Now we are gonna move on and I make sure you end up perfect"

'Thank you Ana' I said and go back to my room to lay on my bed.

So as you can see this story is all about Niall being Anorexic.
I want to warn everyone who's reading this , You are perfect , you don't need a thigh cap to be beautiful , you don't need a flat stomach to be beautiful , you don't need to be skinny to be beautiful okay?
Whenever you need someone just send me a message okay.

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