Lesson 10) you want me death

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Niall's POV
My mom picked me up panic written all over her face. 'Can you walk?' She asked while parking the car 'i'm not injured' I said she helps me out of the car. 'Are you dizzy?' she asked 'a bit but i'll be fine' I said. She holds my hand as we walk inside.

She sits me down on the couch 'Niall be honest with me , what is wrong? Don't say nothing because this didn't happen a month ago' she said stern.
I don't know what to say I can't even explain it. 'Mom i'm being honest now I have no idea why I was having a panic attack I was just thinking and suddenly I felt scared' I said truthful.

'Maybe we have to get you some help' she said my eyes widen 'NO! I can do this myself it was just once if it happens again i'll go' I said afraid.
'Right okay, call Harry that you are home before starts getting worried' she said I nod.

Upstairs I start calling Harry 'Harry Styles' he said in a deeper voice than normal. 'Hey it's me I'm home' I said not quite sure 'Yeah I heard about your...issue uhm get better soon' he said as awkward as me. 'I will...bye' I said and hung up.

"Don't let this hold you back from perfection" ana said.
'I almost have the idea that you try to kill me' I said.

Liam's POV
I have a new and better plan than ever before , i'm sure it'll work.
We have dinner in a quarter with Niall and honestly i'm anxious about how he is gonna do this. I have a clothing crisis , I just have nothing to wear.

'Liamo!' Zayn said coming in , he starts laughing when he still sees me in my underwear. 'Can't find good clothes help meee' I said pouting.
'Okay let stylist Zayn find you a good oufit' Zayn start searching 'this one or I'll kill you with the black skinny and your black coat' zayn gave me the outfit. It's perfect as always Zayn is a way to good in this it's not fair. I quickly styled my hair in it usual and we leave on our way to Niall we sing along with Bob Marley.

We stop at Niall's house and step out. Zayn presses the doorbell , he opens the door dark circles under his eyes , he looks even worse than the last time I saw him. I see that Zayn tries to say something but doesn't know what to say.

'You ready?' I cracked , he nods I scan him he wears a black , what I think ever was a skinny jeans and a white shirt. His arms creep me the shit out. The car ride is silent and awkward. 'Where are we actually going?' Niall asked awkward 'Uhm to this Italian restaurant I forget the name' I said 'oh I love Italian food' e said with a little smile. My smile grows 'That's great!' I said enthusiastic.

We walk in the three of us , choose a table right beside the window.
'Would you like a drink? Sir' a waiteress asked Niall , Niall looks really uncomfortable 'Uhm a diet coke please' he asked looking at the ground immidiatly after. 'A beer for me please' I asked 'Make 2 of that' Zayn said. 'Okay i'll be back with the drinks and you may want to order than' She said shotting Niall a wink.
He doesn't see 'She was so into you Ni' Zayn said with a smirk.

He looks up and starts laughing 'No totally not she was just nice' he said.
'I didn't know girls winked to just be nice' I said 'but anyway how are you doing Niall you feeling better?' Zayn asked 'Yes, i'm not dizzy anymore and yeah only a bit tired but i'm always tired so think you better can call it lazy' he said we chuckle.

The waitress comes back with our drinks and place them in the front of us 'Are you ready to order' she asked with a big smile. I look at the boys and they nod.
'Uhm can I have the margarita pizza?' I asked , she writes it down 'And you?' she asked with a sparkling in her eyes pointing at Niall 'Uhm can I have a pizza Hawaii?' He asked.
'Sure' she said 'and I want the pasta' Zayn said. 'I'll be back soon' she said ripping of a paper and give it to Niall.
She signs a call me and I turn to Niall.
Who turned a dark crimson colour.

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