Lesson 25) Ana takes lives

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Liam's POV
The prom , something everyone labels  as magical. The day girls spend all there money on a dress. The day guys wear a suit. The day you have to have fun with a date. The day we all should be happy but I am not.

I look for the last time in the mirror, the black suit fits me good , my hair never been better but I miss something no someone. 'Are you ready Liam?' Harry asked , I didn't go home anymore. I could move in at the Styles household since I have nowhere to go , I'm searching for an appartement on my own I have one in mind but I didn't make a decision yet.
'Yeah' I sighed deeply , he smiled weakly. 'It'd be okay' he said.

At the party everyone is happily , talking with each other with drinks in there hands some are dancing and others are kissing. We spot Louis and Harry whispers in my ear 'I'm gonna attack him watch me' he said.
He runs to Louis and tackles him in his arms and kisses him passionate. Louis punched him hard and I start laughing 'ouch' Harry whines. 'Shit I thought you were someone else' He said smirking , liar.
I walk to them 'Asshole' Harry said pouting 'Don't tackle me Harold' he said. 'You look stunning Lou' Harry said. 'You both look amazing' I complimanted 'You to bro , if I wasn't with Harry I would've hit on you' Louis said I smile shyly. We dance weirdly at the music until the music got turned down.

'Attention everybody , Liam
Payne has something to tell us , I want everybody to pay attention' I look up 'Good luck mate' Harry said with a weak smile I nod and mention thanks.
I walk up the stage , all eyes are on me and i'm shaking with nerves.
'Thanks' I said when I get the microphone. I clear my throat.

'This year been chaos, with all the studying and tests I think everyone can agree to that. This year has been tough for some people , one of those people is Niall Horan' I take a pause and exhale shakily.
'Niall had to fight a battle against himself , his own mind his own insecureties but I don't like to talk about that so i'm not gonna continue for now' I said some chuckles are heard.
'We all know the Niall who laughs about everything , I remember one time that Louis set up an enormous fight with the teacher because she made a kind of homophobic remark and he called her slutbag and Niall choked on his own laughter no one laughed but he just continued' I chuckle myself 'Or that one time when he had a low mark and screamed "WtF is this?! what I get this when I skipped dinner for learning, I could've eaten KFC and I love KFC biggest mistake I ever made" never have I ever laughed so hard everyone must remember that' I chuckle again. 'Niall wasn't only funny , he was also a way too understanding , I remember one time Harry and Louis discussing who they would kill and I remember Harry saying "I feel like if I would say to Niall , Niall I have to kill you he would say 'sure' and Louis added 'He'd be like "just get me a pint and kill me" ' everyone starts laughing.

'Carefree , he was that once , if you had a rough day he'll come along on a Segway that random is he , or when he hits himself with a basket ball and has a bruise he wouldn't care' everyone is laughing.
'It's upsetting that I have to go back to the last 3 months , Niall had to go through an eating disorder non of us noticed and god how guilty I still feel I never done something' the audience is silent 'but I did at the end when I actually was already a bit to late , he got therapy and went back to the old him' I took a shaking breath. 'In the time he was in therapy I got some issues what caused me to get therapy' I look at my feet 'In the time I had therapy everything changed again , Niall texted me Josh was making fun of his body and he couldn't really get his words out his head I told him to tell Zayn , Harry or Louis he did , he told Zayn' I said searching for his face in the audience.

'I thought everything went well , I didn't received text messages anymore so for me everything was okay but that wasn't the case' I said.
'I had to hear later that the bullying didn't stop it got a lot worse , no one seem to have noticed Niall went from good to worst in just a few days' I said 'I don't know what happend but Zayn, Harry, Louis and his mom told me is that Niall went back to wearing sweaters while it was 20 degrees , he was quiet , his cheeks were sunken he simply didn't look like himself anymore' I said tears threatening to fall.

'On the moment I was out of therapy I  also heard that he had an second heart attack the day before' I said people gasp.
'This speech is getting a way to long' I chuckled a bit and the audience joins in. 'The chance Niall would actually make it was 3 out of 10 , though I didn't lose hope , we had to tell our goodbyes and I never felt so bad inside' I said tears fogging my eyes even more.

'I wanted to tell this to give Nialls eating disorder a voice , every mental illness should have a voice cus' they suffer. Those people , suffer more than their faces tell you I mean take Niall for example we didn't noticed the first time and the second time we didn't either I love him , I think it's save to say that i'm gay' I saw people wiping their eyes.

'Thank you all for listening-' I get interrupted by someone in the audience 'Is he alive or not!' It came out rather rude I point at my heart 'Here he is alive' and that's is how I leave the stage.

I'm sorry I ended it bad but it's so cliché to end a Anorexia story good.
Please please please watch out okay? With things like this eating disorders or other mental illnesses.
I know myself how dangerous this is... Please ask for help , I was scared but I told my best friend and she told me to tell my sister and now I get help. Anorexia can take your life away , depression can drive you to the edge , anxiety can make you scared to death and waste your life. Please be smart

Drag me Down is so good!! I'm obsessed

Xx Luna ;)

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