Lesson 15) Gay rehab

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Liam's POV
A week past and it's been drama , I had lot's of fights with everyone , friends , teachers and of course my parents. Today we are gonna visit Niall but i'm not in the mood to be stuck in a car with a kissing Louis and Harry. I'm waiting outside for already 7 minutes. I see a car come up , the window rolls down 'Aye Payno come in' Louis shouted hair a mess and they probably had sex.

I take a seat 'That's a nasty bruise Li' I forgot it completely 'Oh yeah I had a nightmare last night fell out of my bed and hit my nightstand' I lied. The actual story is very different. My dad forced me to come downstairs where a man was waiting for me from the gay cure thingy. Of course I got angry when he started talking about how sick it is to be gay and god will give me a place in heaven if I change myself. I walked back upstairs but get stopped of course I shouted 'Don't touch me!' And the man literally start beating me , I fought back and won but still I have bruises of the fight. My parents didn't even help me.

'Are you nervous Liam?' Harry asked 'No i'm just really excited' I said 'Same I missed our Irish lad' Louis said. Till my surprise Louis and Harry didn't snogged the whole time. We step out of the car in the front of the yellow building. We walk to the receptionist 'We are here for Niall Horan' Harry said happily 'Yes I see , Harry Styles?' Harry nods 'Follow me please' She said walking us through the halls. 'Well the visit our is a hour long and have fun' She said.
Niall sits on a chair waiting impatience making me already laugh.

'Niall!!' We yelled in synic making shriek 'Jeez I didn't even see you standing there!' He said jumping up hugging Louis first , Harry secondly and me. He hugs me longer than the others or it just feels like it.
'So tell me guys what have you been up to these lovely days?' Niall said curious 'God what am I happy seeing you this excited again , the life his back in your eyes' I said 'That's beautifully said Liam and I totally agree' Louis said I smile slightly at his comment.

Niall's POV
Liam shots a fake smile at Louis , his eyes aren't sparkling like they used to. I'm genuinley concerned 'Earth on Niall?' I look up 'Sorry i'm just.. liam are you alright' I said Liam flinches 'What? Yes i'm fine' I just see he's lying but I'll just later ask if I can talk to him alone for a moment. A half hour past full of hilarious story's from Louis and Harry. Liam been really quiet. 'Guys can talk to Liam for a moment alone?' I asked they look at each other and leave.

'Liam what's wrong forreal I see you changed a lot?' I said genuinley worried he stay silent just bites his lip 'First of all explain the bruise on your face' I said 'I f-' I cut him already off 'Don't bullshit me, I see through your lies' I said stern , he smiles bitterly 'Got in a fight with a man' He said shaking his head by the memory 'Why?' I asked looking at him suspicious 'Because I didn't want to go there , I don't need to go there and they can't force me , it was cute that he thought I didn't fight back' He's caught up in his thoughts and his feelings flow out by every word he spoke he raised his voice more 'I never asked for that treatment and I'll never ever attend the treatment I rather die' He said I gasp I have no clue where he's talking about but it's scaring me.

'Where are you talking about?' He shakes his head 'I can't tell you i'm sorry I never had to start talking about it' He said standing up quickly , I grab his arm roughly 'You are not walking away from your problems like I did' My eyes getting teary , he's ruining himself 'To late I already am' He said pulling out of my grip , a tear slide down my cheek. Louis and Harry come back they hug me immidiatly 'Don't take it to the hard he's acting weird since you are in treatment' Louis said.
'He confessed last week that he had family issues he said I couldn't tell you guys but you have to know' I said feeling a little bit guilty for telling them his secret. Louis' eyes widen 'That clears up why his dad acted so weird when we came to visit' Louis said Harry and I look at him confused.
Louis explains everything , I showed them the text 'Wow he must feel really bad' Louis said 'Am I the only one or did you guys see that Liam lost a bit weight' Harry said , we look at him. 'Now you saying , I don't see him in breaks' Louis said I close my eyes for a moment.

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