Lesson 8) No dinner with friends

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Niall's POV
Liam , Zayn and I sit in the car on our way to an restaurant.
I'm trembling never in a million years that I can escape from eating now.
'Come Niall' Liam said with a smile , I smile weakly back.
We walk in and sit down , a fake happy waitress comes to our table 'Would you like a drink?' She asked , wait I know her. 'Sophia?' Liam asked 'Hi Liam , Zayn and Niall' she said my name with disgust. 'Niall what would you like to drink?' Liam asked 'A diet coke please' I said barely hearable.
'A ice tea for me' Liam said 'and for me a diet coke too' Zayn said.
'I'll bring it as fast as possible' she said with a wink to Liam.
'She is so into you' Zayn said , Liam cocks an eyebrow 'is she?' He asked.

'definatly' I said with a smile , Liam thinks and than smiles.
Sophia is back , yay ( note my sarcasm ). 'A Ice tea for Liamo' she said ruining his beautiful name.
Liam thanks her 'a diet coke for Zayn' she said placing the coke in the front of Zayn. 'And a diet coke for you' she said again disgusted. I feel myself getting upset what is wrong with me.

"You are fat idiot" ana said.
"Plus you are also worthless"

'Niall!' Zayn yelled waving a hand for my eyes 'Sorry I faded out' I said.
'Yeah say that , what do you want order?' He asked sweetly.
'Uhm let's take a look' I said my eyes scan over the dishes. To much calories , to much fat nothing is good enough.
'What do you guys take?' I asked anxious 'I'm going for a bacon burger with chips' Liam said , I already feel myself getting sick. 'I'm going for spicey chicken bites' he said with a smile. 'Can take your order?' Sophia asked , I feel myself getting nervous.
'I want the bacon burger with chips please' Liam said with his price winning smile. 'I want the spicey chicken bites please' Zayn said.
My heart pomps so hard in my chest that I can't concentrate anymore.
'Niall what do you want?' Liam asked with a nervous giggle 'uhm I' I don't get an normal word out of my mouth.
'He wants the chicken bites with out any saus' Zayn said 'Okay' she said.

I feel embaressed , I must be a bright red colour at the moment , i'm sweating but at the same time I feel really cold. 'Niall are you okay?' Liam asked , I nod and give him a fake smile.

After a few minutes our food got brought by Sophia. When she places the tray in the front of me I feel myself getting sick. I can see all the drips of fat on it , I can almost feel myself getting fatter by only looking at it.
'bon appétit' Sophia said and left giggling. Under Liams glass is a paper struck. 'She left her phone number' he said surprised.
'Man I said it!' Zayn said enthusiastic.

They start eating their food and I leave mine untouched. I stare at it and keep repeating how bad it is for my health. 'Niall are you gonna eat?' Liam asked soft 'uhm yes' I said taking a little bite I swallow it. I feel really guilty immidiatly.
After a few minutes I have taken 3 bites.

'Niall eat it' Zayn said 'It won't eat you' he whispered. I'm not sure about it , I look at Liam he looks upset.
Do I make him upset? 'Niall please remember what the doctor said? you have underweight and it won't hurt you' he said. I decide to eat half of the meal.

In the car I feel sick "You messed up it's only gonna take more time to be perfect" ana said 'I know' I said back.
'What?' Zayn asked 'oh nothing I was talking to myself' I said.
'Thank you for dinner , are u sure that I don't need to pay cos to me that's no problem' I said 'No No don't even dare it was my idea so I pay' Liam said.

'Thanks for everything again' I said and go inside to find my dad sitting on the couch.
'Where have you been son?' He asked. 'Dinner with some friends' I said.
'Niall i'm worried you are getting really fat I don't want you to get bullied eat healthier' I feel tears burn in my eyes threaten to fall.
'I beg your pardon Mister' I voice suddenly said.

I turn around a single tear rolls down my cheek , it's Liam with my phone in his hand angy look on his face.
'Niall isn't even close to fat , if Niall is fat than i'm obese Niall is weighting atleast 22lbs less than me' he said angrily. 'I think you need glasses Mister cus Niall is anorexic and now I finally understand why' Liam spat.

'I don't know who you are but I don't like the way you are talking to me' My dad said raising his , I feel extreemly intimidated.
'And I don't like the way you make Niall feel about himself' Liam said my eyes went big.
My dad wants to say something but got interruped by Zayn who comes walking in 'God Liam why does it take so much time!' He said irritated but stops his tracks when he see's my tear stained cheeks and Liam's angry face.

'and who are you?' My dad asked irritated 'Uhmm Zayn Mister Horan' he said awkwardly.
'Can you both leave please' my dad said more politely.
Liam gives him a nasty glance and Zayn says a quick bye.

I run upstairs before my dad can say anything , I look at myself in the mirror fat that is what I see. My tummy is big and my thighs are so round only woman have round thighs.
I kneel down and stick my finger in my throat. I vomit until there's only acid left.

I smile and feel satisfied by the result.
I lay down my bed and check my phone *3 text messages from Liam Payne*

Is your dad the reason you try to lose weight?

Sorry but your dad is an asshole and blind cus' you aren't fat at all

If you could only see what I see you would know exactly where I talk about , believe me :)

I stare at them and decide not to reply to them.

Liam the superhero!
what's your fav music?
I have a love for sad music <3
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