Lesson 6) on your own means no distraction

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Nialls POV

I'm a mess up , I am for real.
Today it's Saturday and I just weighted myself. I'm crying I gained weight instead of losing. It went so well where did I go wrong?
I'm 112 lbs , fucking 112 lbs! I was 110 lbs this is just awful.
'Niall baby what takes you so long?' My mom asked 'Shaving?' It came out as a question. My mom bursts out in laughter  'Shaving? Baby I don't want to wake you up out of your dream but you have no face hair' my mom said. I open the bathroom door 'Thank you mom' I said irritated.

Liam's POV
Josh and Zayn are laughing about some video but I just can't get Niall out of my head. 'Li you look upset what's wrong?' Zayn asked worried 'Nothing' I said upset. Zayn sighed and just let me be. My phone vibrates.

from Harry: I heard you hang out with Niall , is he okay?

To Harry: No clue he doesn't reply to my text messages

From Harry: He doesn't reply to mine too! I'm worried should I visit? The last time he freaked out tho

To Harry: Can I come with you? I'm sick of worrying

From Harry: Meet me in Nialls street.

'Zayn I am going home sorry' I said 'Take care man' Zayn said 'Yeah take care' Josh said.
When I see Harry I can't help but hug him. 'Hi mate' Harry said smiling wide. 'Hi , let's have a talk with Niall' I said , we press the doorbel and the door got opened by Nialls mom.
'Oh hello guys' she said surprised.
'Hello Miss we came here for Niall' I said polite. 'You can call me Maura sweetheart and he is upstairs but I didn't catch your name?' She said with a big smile 'I'm Liam' I said.
'Nice to meet you Liam' she said 'just shout if you want something boys' she said friendly.

Harry and I walk upstairs , Harry knocks on the door and we hear a soft "come in". We open the door and Niall sits on the ground sweaty.
'Oh Liam and Harry...hi' he said not sure. 'We want to talk' Harry said , Niall tenses up.
'Why don't you answer our texts?' I asked , he looks at his hands 'I don't know' he said.
'Bullshit! tell me why, i'm your bestfriend!' Harry is about to freak out I feel it. 'I honestly don't know okay! I'm not in my mood the last few weeks!' He yelled at Harry , this is gonna end so bad if they are already yelling at each other.
'Guys calm down this won't end up beautiful if you two keep yelling' I said afraid of their reaction.
Niall exhales slowly 'I'm sorry for letting you down' He said quietly.
'It's okay I just hoped you would be honest with me' Harry said disappointed. 'I'm not myself lately sorry' he said tears in his eyes.
'You don't look like yourself either' I said under my breath , Niall head shot up 'Why don't I look like myself?' He asked a bit harsh. 'You are skin and bones that's why' I blurt.
Harry scans Niall from top to toe and opens his mouth 'I never saw it but now I do , Niall are trying to lose weight?' Harry asked anxious biting his nails.
'No' he said , he lies no one just loses that much weight naturally.
'You are lying' I said 'You deny it again , when Zayn and I asked 4 days ago you denied it too' I added.
'I don't try to lose weight! Just leave me alone' he yelled , Niall is never this way. 'LOOK AT YOURSELF YOU ARE NOT HEALTHY ANYMORE' Harry shouted frustrated.
'I AM FOR GODSAKE! LEAVE IF YOU AREN'T GONNA BE NICE' Niall yelled back. I pull Harry on his sleeve back 'Let's go Harry , he needs time to cool down' I said shotting Niall a glare.

Niall's POV
'Why do I have to yell at them they were only trying to convince me' I said upset.

"They try to stop you from being perfect because they want to judge you more" Ana said.

I sigh and sit on my bed , the door got opened by my mom she's in tears 'Why are you acting this way?' She said tears roll down here cheeks rapidly.
I ignore her , she doesn't know that Ana tries to make me perfect and Ana said that friends only block the yellow path to perfection.
'I seem to losen my son' she sobbed.
I roll my eyes but secretly i'm crying inside 'Hell is empty and all the demons are here' I qouted William Shakespeare so soft that she couldn't hear. 'You won't lose me , i'm already lost' I said , she looks at me confused. 'I just want to be alone' I said , she sighs 'you know you can trust me , if you ever wanna talk' my mom said as hint 'No thanks' I said.
She leaves upset , I lock the door behind her and sit on my bed.
The pain in my tummy is worst , the emptiness hurts bad. I think that life isn't for everyone.
My phone rangs and I pick it up irritated 'Niall' I said , it stays quite for a moment. 'Uhm it's Zayn' Zayn said not sure. 'Hi I guess' I said confused.
'Are you okay?' Not again that question. 'No but don't worry' everyone doesn't care about me anyway. 'I want to know why' Zayn said. Stop acting like you care 'Tired' I said 'Oh sorry for calling just wanted to know how you were' He said 'See you later' I said. I lay on my bed and drift to sleep.

Harry's POV
Liam made me leave 'What if he has real problems Li?' I asked 'Then we need to find help for him' He said easily. 'Shouldn't we already?' I said 'We'll wait a little bit longer and than we are gonna do something about it' he said.
He walks with me until we are at my house 'Take care Haz' he said 'Thanks you , same for you' I said opening the door.
The smell of the amazing cooking of my mom fills my nostrils. We eat together but something is different.
'How is it going with Niall? Baby' my mom asked , I sigh deep 'I have the feeling we are drifting apart' I said.
'That's worst! You two get a long so well! What happend?' She said confused.
'He's just really distant lately , acting weird , doesn't eat' I said the last thing really quite.
'Doesn't eat? Why not?' My mom asked concerned. 'I don't know' I said honestly. My mom thinks for a moment 'Is he having problems with his body?' She asked , I shake my head violently 'No, Niall never had problems with his body and I don't think he'll ever is gonna get problems with it' I said 'Maybe he's having an illness without him knowing' my mom suggested.
'Who knows I just want my best friend back' I sighed.
I'm already losing my inspiration this is fucked up but i'll make sure I make it atleast 12 chapters long.
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