Lesson 11) Search for help cus' you need it

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Liam's POV
'Liam.. This is not good my chest hurts' He barely get out of his mouth. My eyes land on him and I grab my phone as fast as possible. Dialing 999 telling them what's wrong , they think he might gonna get an heart attack, I start shouting 'MRS HORAN!' really hard she comes running upstairs. I still hold Nialls hand , he's unconscious. She runs to her son 'MY BABY' she shouts out of terror.
'I called an ambulance , they t-thing he is in the middle of an heart attack'
I said.

Paramedics storm inside the room and it genuinley feels like an déjà vu.
I just sit on the ground , i'm just paralyzed the only noise I seem to hear is the crying of Nialls mom.
I start sweating out of the nowhere , my heart is pounding in my chest , i'm furious. I turn to Maura Nialls mom , she looks at me with mixed gaze 'this is your husbands fault' I said loud. She opens her mouth but closes it again.

Josh POV ( I love writing this )
It early morning and i'm sitting on an empty table in the kantine. My parents had to work early and brought me.
I see Zayn walking in with Perrie concern written all over his face.
He looks at me , shakes his head and sit down on the opposite side of the kantine. Perrie looks at me bitchy , Jade and Leigh anne gather too.
Again bitchy gazes , more people gather in the kantine. Louis is holding Harry tight in his arms while Harry seemed to cry.

Louis shots me one of his I'll kill you when no one is around gazes. What is wrong with people.
Last but not least Liam is storming inside , fury all over his feathers written like it always been this way.
His fast paces turn to me , I feel trilled what have I done?.
I try to remember but no I have no clue. Where's Niall actually?

'You' Liam shouts before grabs my collar roughly and shoves me against the wall. 'You broke his self-system' Liam spat , his puppy eyes are a black colour. 'Where the fuck are you talking about?' I said confused and a bit stressed. He punch me in my abdomen and I whimper 'Niall' he said. 'I still don't get it' I said more afraid now 'You thought it was funny to make someone worry about his body huh? Well reality check it has cost him his life!' He yelled.

My mouth drops , I took someone's life , I killed someone. 'Because of you he stopped eating! Because of you he almost didn't dare to come out of house to ashamed of the way he looked! I lost the person I am in love with' Liam was crying now.
'He asked for help yesterday , he finally dared to ask for help with his anorexia' Liam was sobbing and tears roll down my cheek.

When I look around I see Zayn crying , Louis , Harry , Perrie , Jade , Leigh Anne , Jesy and even the nurse.
'I hope guilt eats you alive' Liam said letting go of my collar.
A crowd of people look at me in disgust , some people cry also others are not even looking at me.

Liam's POV
I lost the love of my life on this stupid disease , my heart hurts why couldn't I convice I loved him before he died.
Because i'm fucking coward.
Zayn let's go of Perrie to hug me but I shake my head and walk away from them I need time alone. In the halls people try to ask me questions about Niall but I shake them off saying I don't want to talk about it anymore.

I walk to his locker , I remember his code he told me it in freshmans year when he forget his French books. I remember how terrified he was for our teacher. I brought him his books with the excuse I used them the hour earlier. I unlock his locker , I can't help but go through his papers. I smile at some , it are note chit chats with Harry they probably had to sit far from each other. I look at the date "november the first" I remember this day.

He walked up to me and was terrified for my reaction but I wasn't even angry things happen you know.
When I saw him I immediately thought he was beautiful.
I smile at all the other papers I find , an essay for English he had an A that kid always been smart. He marked it with a big black circle and under lined it he was definatley really proud of himself. "Yeah back them he was" a voice in my head said. A tear rolls down my cheek again.

A blue paper caught my eye , I read it the negativity is huge. I'm crying again , I didn't even heard the zoomer. I find more papers, they are happy with drawings of cocks and weird chats with Harry again.
I smirk such a naughty boy ( iew not really a compliment ).

I gasp when I feel a hand on my back , I turn around and see Nialls mom.
'Liam' she said teary eyes 'he made it' she said , I start sobbing my whole body starts trembling 'Are u serious?' I whispered , she nods and opens her arms.
'Oh my god' I sob in her arms , my love his still alive 'Can you keep a secret my love?' She asked , I nod.
'Niall's dad , Bobby only has to sign the divorce papers' she said , I can't help but feel shocked.

'You don't divorce with him because of me right?' I asked she chuckles 'No my lovely , I wanted to divorce for a long time but didn't want Niall to get upset but after what happend I can't even look him in the eyes anymore' she said disgust in her voice.

I nod understanding 'Does Harry know?' She shakes her head 'I want to get him out of his class now do you wanna come with me' I nod.

We walk to Harry's economic class and Maura nods on the door. She steps inside and I hear her conversation 'Hello i'm sorry to disturb the lesson but can I steal Harry for a moment? It's really important' I can imagine Harry's face 'That's okay Miss can I ask your name?' The teacher asked 'Maura Horan Nialls mom' some kids gasp.

When Harry comes out the door , I see he cried a lot and he's pale in his face. He looks at me 'Don't you need to be in Maths now?' He asked confused 'Harry , he made it' She said , Harry's eyes widen 'He's alive?' He asked with a trembling lip. She nods her eyes fill with tears. Harry pulls his Harry hair. 'Where are we waiting for?! Let's go to the hospital' he yelled 'I'm afraid that isn't possible lovely' Maura said.
'Why not?!' Harry and I asked in sync. 'They said Niall isn't ready for visitors yet' she said.

Niall's POV
The doctor walks in , they already runned a few tests over me.
'How are you feeling right now on a scale from 1 - 10?' The doctor asked.
'5' I said i'm really weak at this point and I hate it. 'Niall we called your friend and mother to come for a conversation so they'll be here in a few minutes' I nod to lazy to answer.

After 5 minutes they come in , Liam has a goofy grin on his face and a movie in his hand 'Here you go , I thought you would like to watch a movie and I know a guy who illegaly knows how to get movie who are just in the cinema' I smile at him , Insurgent. 'Come here you bad boy' I said spriding my arms.
We hug for a moment , My gives me a kiss on the cheek and I gasp when I see Harry behind her.

'Hi...' He said awkwardly 'Hi' I said in the same awkward way 'Come on guys' Liam whined 'Just give each other an hug and don't take like this you know each other since like.. I don't even know' he said , we both laugh and hug.
The doctor comes in and sits down 'I see everyone is present' no they are at home playing video games.

'Do you please wanna follow me and Niall you too' They nod and we walk to another room , I see my biggest enemie right there in the corner of the plain white room. My breath hitches , I don't want this. 'Niall can you stand on the scale please' the fucking weighting scale , I shake my head slightly. I don't want this , my mom let out a sob making this only harder for me.
'Come on Niall' Liam says barely above a whisper , I tremble but take a step forward to the scale my heart beats rapidly but I walk closer until I have to stand on it. 'Okay stand on the scale please' my eyes are already getting teary.

I stand on it cursing unhearable than everyone gasps 'Niall Horan you are genuinley one of the lightest candidates I ever have seen in my clinic' I look at him surprise all written over my face.
'N-Niall look at the numbers' Liam said with a trembling lip , he's broken. I shake my head 'P-p-please' he begs.
I let my glare fall on the number: 92 lbs. Now it's my turn to gasp 'B-b-but how?' this was never meant to happen.
'Niall this weight is normal for a girl of around 8 years old not for a boy from 19 years old and with you length this is even extreemly dangerous and to let you realise how bad this is I'll tell you more' the doctor said. I swallow thickly 'While looking at these number it surprises me that you aren't death yet' I start sobbing and crying 'This is so unhealthy that your blood pressure is so low that it can cause all kinds of problems like your heart attack for example' the doctor said , I pull on my hair in frustration.
'I can't believe...' I said softly.

'But don't worry we gonna sent you to a rehab center where you can quickly gain weight in a healthy way and become a healthy 19 year old' the doctor said and I nod 'Thank you Liam for making me realise how unhealthy I was doing' I said turning to a crying Liam. 'You asked help yourself Niall don't thank me' he said.

Don't think that the end is near cus' it's not I have still a lot of things I have to put in the fanfic.
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