Lesson 14) Dear Niall

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Niall's POV

It's been 3 days and i'm doing well , I did have a problem with the amount of food but I finally can eat everything without being sick. Luke and I grew pretty close and I feel like he understands me fully. At this moment I'm about to open a letter from Harry.

Dear Niall,

It's a chaos and at this moment I wish you would be here to put everything in balance again. There's something terribly wrong with Liam. He isn't Liam anymore he's grumpy , aggressive , miserable and exstreemly insecure. We asked him multiple times if he wants to talk but everytime he get's angry or just walks away. We have no clue what to do anymore. Zayn tried to talk to him but Liam doesn't even reply to his texts , he has zero contact with us you're the only one he has contact with. I'm sorry for laying this on your shoulders but can you ask him what's wrong?

I'm glad to hear Luke and you are good friends ! Btw you said you could finally eat whole meals again i'm so proud of you! When is your first weighting moment?

All the love x H

I look upset at the letter , Liam is doing bad and i'm not there for him while he was there for me.

I decided to sent him a text message.

Li what's wrong? please tell me I want to help you , you helped me too :( trust me xx Niall

I get a response in a half second.

there's nothing just a bit ill , nothing to worry about ,tell the boys they just have to stay away from me for a few days i'm just really grumpy. Man peroid yk ;) how r u doing atm?

I'm doing good but are you sure? I'll tell the boys don't worry xxNiall

I'm sure , stay strong Ni :)

I quickly explain everything in a text and sent it to the other boys. I get okay's back. I look at the ceiling until Luke comes in sobbing. 'Luke what's wrong?' I asked hugging him tight.

'M-m-my friend A-a-ashton cutted h-himself to deep now h-he is in the h-hospital' He said breaking down worse 'Ashton Irwin?' I asked surprised 'Yeah how do you know him' He said stuttering. 'He is in the same school as me , he was a kind of for only a half day my friend' I said thinking back about what happend.

'He self-harms for a long time but he never got this far' Luke said sniffing.

'He'll make it he's strong , I keep him in my prays if that makes you feel better' Luke nods 'Thank you Niall you are a really good friend' he said with a weak smile.

Liam's POV

I put on my black jeans and a black shirt , i'm not in a good as you can read off my clothing. I walk downstairs, ignore my parents and hit outside. I see Sophia walking I keep my head down, if she sees me she is gonna try to talk to me.

'Liam! Wait stop walking' She yelled , I sigh deeply and I stop walking. Damn.

'What is wrong with you?! you act so weird' I sigh again deeply 'Sorry I guess! tell them that' I said pushing myself along her , she keeps talking to me but I don't listen anymore.

She gave up after a few minutes later , I think she finally get's that it's hopeless. I'm hopeless , I walk to my lockers and get the books I need for the coming 3 hours. I feel eyes burn in my back I want to scream stop with starring at me like i'm a lost monkey but of course I don't.

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