Lesson 13) acceptence isn't always there

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I scared you lmao of course it wasn't gonna end

Harry's POV
Everyone on school didn't bother to ask a thing about Niall anymore they moved on. I'm locking the door at the moment to go to school until I see the mailman. 'It's for you' the man said handing me the letter. I quickly open it to see a messy but also pretty handwriting. I start reading it while walking farther , who said only girls could multitask.

Dear Hazza,
It isn't so bad as I thought it would be , the rooms are normal not with very bright colours but not with dark ones either just normal. I have a room mate I don't know if i'm happy with that or not I don't like the thought of this person might judge me but let's think posetive right?
I'm gonna work hard , I want to come out of here as fast but as good possible. It's gonna be hard and I know that, I have to fall back and stand up but I know i'll make it.
Thanks Liam once again he's a true hero , say hi from me to the rest and please film Louis whenever he is sassy af I would love to watch it like a movie ;)

Kind regards , Niall

I smile at the letter i'm glad it isn't that worst, on school i'm gonna right him back. I see Liam sitting and walk to him 'Liam!' I said enthusiastic he looks at me he has blood shot eyes 'Are you okay?' I said concerned 'Totally fine' he said pissed and walked away. I'm a bit confused by his reaction but soon Louis runs to me and gives me a quick peck on the lips 'Hello boyfriend' he said with a smirk 'I have a letter from Niall' I said happily 'Really lemme read' He said grabbing the letter out of my bag.
When he finished he smiled 'You should totally film me i'm a fucking movie star' he said with a imaginary hair flip.

'Sad I didn't record that' I said while laughing 'Have you spoken to Liam?' He asked smile falling 'Yes he seemed...pissed' I said 'He is acting strange I asked if it was because Niall disappeared but he said no' Louis said with a deep frown. 'Don't frown' I pouted earning a kiss.
'Zayn will find out what's wrong don't worry' I said.

Liam's POV
The whole time people stare at me , like i'm some lost monkey and it irritates me as hell. I also receive a lot of "are u okay's" why can't they leave me the fuck alone. It's break time and i'm not in the mood. My stomach growls dangerously , I didn't have breakfast this morning and i'm not thinking about lunch either.

I sit down on a table in the back of the cafetaria , i'm just searching for random things until I get interrupted by a hard punch against my arm I look up really angry to meet 2 warm brown eyes and a evil smirk 'Don't look so angry man! You must be in a bad mood I don't see you often this angry' Zayn said taking a seat next to me. 'So talk about it to me , talk to daddy Malik' he said teasing me , I stand up and walk away.

I'm not in the mood for this teasing , he follows behind me fast 'Wow man I'm joking but there's seriously something wrong ' he said grabbing my shoulder and turn me around to face him 'I don't want to talk and leave me alone' I push his hands roughly off my broad shoulders.
I push myself through the crowd of people , I walk up against someone and scol the person.

I end up on the whole otherside of the building in a empty classroom.
It used to be the drama club gather place but the drama club doesn't exsist anymore. I sit down knees curled up to my chest to and let the tears spill. A recap of yesterday evening comes back.

**'Mom dad can I tell you something really really Really serious' I said while biting my finger nails 'Before that do you wanna promise me to don't get angry' I asked 'We promise' They said. 'Mom and dad i'm gay' I said it feels like a whole weight is off my shoulders 'Uhn what' my mom asked again a weird glare on her face 'I'm gay?' I said a bit confused now by her expression 'Oh no my son likes cock!' My dad yelled pulling his hair 'How could you!' My mom screamed.
I feel my heart poundering in my chest 'What? You don't...are you really angry on me?!' I said tears start to come up. 'YOU EMBERRAS OUR FAMILY! YOUR FARTHER HOW CAN HE MAKE OTHER PEOPLE JEALOUS WHEN YOU ARE A FUCKING QUEER' her words cut like knifes.
'I'm still a human being my sexuality doesn't define who I am!' I yelled back tears running down my cheek.
'God! YOU ARE SUCH A MESS UP' my dad yelled shoving me backwards. I stumble a bit 'I thought you would be better than this' I said softly 'Being gay is a sin and a disease!' I thought I was almost gonna faint by all their words.
'IM YOUR FUCKING SON YOU MADE ME !' I yelled while sobbing now. 'ONE MORE WORD AGAINST US AND WE DISOWN YOU' My dad yelled and I fell completely silent.
Just starring at them , my own parents all this time they supported me in everything but now they really are thinking of disowning me because i'm gay. I walked away upstairs to my room and locked it.

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