Lesson 21) The weight is heavier

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Niall's POV
It's the next morning , I get up early and take a ice cold shower. I walk to the scale. I inhale deeply. 138 lbs.

"No wonder they like to poke your tummy" Ana said.

I feel sick "What holds you back to vomit?" Mia said.

I run to the bathroom , I vomit I hear footsteps on the stairs. 'Oh baby are you okay?' My mom asked 'No I think i'm ill' I faked. My mom helped in bed. She kissed my forehead and said she was going to the supermarket.

Liam's POV
Niall was right they're nice here , they think I have to stay one month what would mean that I have to stay as long as Niall. The schedule they made for me is really stern. One hour a week I can excerisise and only 2 hours. That's horrible for me i'm used to more exercise.

{A/N sorry for the quick time skips}

A week passed , I learned that my Bullimia is caused by an overdosis of stress and that the rehab has traumatized me. I have several pills I need to take. 'So did you have any nightmares in this week?' My therapist asked 'Yes , it's still the same one over again only the person who brings me the news has a different emotion' I explained.
She writes everything down 'What dream are we talking about?' she asked. 'The one where my friend died because of his Anorexia , my other friends tells me the news with the same excuse and a different emotion the last time his emotion was pure joy' I explained 'And you've told me he was healthy , tell me Liam are you scared to lose your friend?' She asked 'Of course , i'm terrified he falls back in old habits' I said frowning at the thought.

'You should have more trust in him , he realized that what he did was wrong and learned how to live healthy I'm almost sure he'll be okay' she said nicely.

After my conversation I go to my room , the bed of my roomate is covered with white thin blankets. I don't see any of his clothes I decide to check this at the woman behind the counter. 'Hi uhm maybe a weird question but my roomates things aren't there anymore and the bed bad has only the thin basic white blankets and stuff?' I asked confused.
'And his name is?' She asked friendly.
'Marcus Gills' I said , she types it in the computer and let her eyes go along the lines 'I'm sorry to tell you this boy but he died today the poor lad got an heart attack' I feel my heart drop in my chest. 'What?' I said voice not more than a whisper.

'I'm sorry boy' She said , I nod 'is okay' I stumbled back to my room , as I now call it. I lay down eyes closed 'Maybe I had this nightmare as vision for Marcus?' I asked myself out loud. I decide to text Niall.

To Niall : Hi Nialler :( my roommate died today :((( we didn't even said goodbye I feel sorry for him. I'm so scared the same will happen to me but on the otherside I want to get back to normal he didn't , I guess I have to live it :/

A minute after I sent the message I get one back.

From Niall: Hi Liam :(( that's awful! Stay strong don't let this stand in your way okay? Please promise me <3 Josh is saying nasty things to me on school and I don't dare to tell the boys :| sorry that I lay this on
X Niall

My stomach churns , I feel myself getting really protective over Niall not only because he's my crush but also because Niall deserves to be threaten like a human being.

To Niall: IM GONNA GET HIM WHEN IM BACK FUCK HIM , I think you have to tell the boys. I know it's scary and Zayn will overreact but it's important <3 I love you hope to see you soon.

Niall's POV
It's Friday , finally free from all the judgemental people. I weight myself 127 lbs. I'm doing good that's the thing somewhere I wished it wouldn't work. It's all mental they see , it's true I can't control myself. I'm walking through the halls head hanging low.

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