A Light In The Darkness

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Lincoln answered the door when he heard knocking. He smiled at Rocky and let him in the house.

"Wait right here. I'll go get Lucy."

Rocky nodded. "Thanks Lincoln."

Lincoln rushed upstairs to let Lucy know she had a visitor, but got stopped by all his sisters.

"Is someone here? Is it the creep?" Lynn said punching the palm of her left hand with her right hand.

"Guys, be cool. It's Rocky." Lincoln held up his hands to calm them, but they all squealed anyway. "Shhh. Come on guys calm down."

"Little dude already showed?"

"Rushed over as soon as I told him." Lincoln said. "Now calm down so I can get Lucy. Please." He said as he knocked on the door to Lucy and Lynn's room (though Lynn was currently rooming with Luna and Luan in a bag on the floor to give Lucy some space).

The door creaked open slowly. "I don't feel like talking. To any of you." Lucy said quietly. She was about too close the door, but Lincoln stuck his foot in the way thankful she didn't slam it on him.

"You have a visitor downstairs on the couch. Just wanted to let you know." Lincoln told her nicely.

Lucy threw the door open. "My Edgar!" She yelled happily.

Lincoln tried not to roll his eyes and his sisters tried not to groan out loud as Lucy ran past them down the stairs only to see a tall red haired boy in a dark blue button down shirt staring at her.

Lucy yelped and quickly hid her bandaged arms behind her back. "Rocky! You're- You're back?!"

Rocky smiled at the goth girl who stopped halfway down the stairs. "Hey Lucy. Good to see you." She expected his voice to crack like most boys their age, but his voice was already deeper than it was the last time she talked to him.

Lucy kept her arms behind her back and walked down the last four steps then walked backwards towards the couch. "Yeah, uh, good- good to see you too." She nearly tripped over the chair, but Rocky caught her around the waist since he couldn't get to her arms. She stared into his eyes.

Rocky frowned. "Are you hiding your arms?" He sighed. "You don't have to, Lincoln already told me- uh- I already know about your attempt." He whispered. "You don't have to hide it from me."

"Sigh." Lucy pushed away from him and straightened herself. "I'd show you, but you'll look at me with disappointment like my siblings." Lucy frowned.

Rocky shook his head. "I don't feel disappointed, I'm sure your siblings don't either. I just feel worried and a little scared."

"Sigh. Sorry for scaring you." Lucy stepped away from him and sat down on the couch. "I-I didn't mean for anyone to find out. I still try to avoid Lynn because she did and I know that she hates me."

Rocky shrugged. "Maybe it's just hard for her to understand. I don't understand, but I'd like to try." He said sitting down next to her.

"Sigh." Lucy stared down at the white bandages on her arms. "How is your boarding school?" She asked avoiding the subject of her and what she did to herself.

Rocky shrugged. "Eh, it's okay, but sometimes I miss here." He licked his lips. "I miss you." He looked away shyly and blushed.

Lucy looked towards the fireplace trying to hide her own blush. "I-I miss you too.. sometimes."

Rocky looked over at her the same time Lucy looked back at him and their eyes met. "Why did you-"

"Did you make any new friends?" Lucy once again avoided talking about herself by asking him a question. "Or maybe a more than friends? Like a girlfriend?"

Rocky gave her a small smile and shook his head. "Yeah I made a few friends, but no girlfriend."

For the first time in a long time her siblings spying on her from the stairway saw a ghost of a smile appear on their sister's face.

"What about you? Boyfriend?"

Lucy looked away from him. "Sigh. Yes. I have a boyfriend."

Rocky frowned. "Oh." He backed away from her slightly. "Good. I'm happy for you." He sighed, rubbed his hands nervously on his jeans, then stood up. "Well I should get going I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He said as he walked towards the door to leave.

Lucy gripped her black shorts with her hands and hissed at the pain in her wrists. "I'm not."

Rocky paused before he put his hand on the doorknob. He turned and saw Lucy practically shaking. "What was that?" He asked.

Lucy shook her head. "Sigh. I'm not okay. I- I haven't been for a while, but it's hard to talk about."

Rocky sighed and walked away from the door. "We don't have to talk, but would it be okay if I sat with you? I care about you, Lucy, and I'm worried about you."

Lucy nodded. "Sit with me in my darkness and chase away the pain, like you used to do when we were younger. Let me borrow your light so I may smile again."

Rocky chuckled. "My light is yours for as long as you need it, Luce." He went back to sit down beside her and gently took her hand.

Lucy leaned her head against his shoulder. "Thank you Rocky."

"Anytime, Lucy Bear." He smirked reminding her of when they were eight and she changed her image to impress him and called him 'Rocky Bear'. At least he got her to laugh a little, and not a fake laugh.

Her siblings rushed upstairs so she wouldn't hear them squealing.

"Yes! Our plan is totally working!" Lynn yelled excitedly. "Soon it will be Bye Bye Mr. Creepazoid!"

"My plan." Lincoln chimed in.

"Oh who cares, it's working!"

"Yeah until Rocky goes back to boarding school and Lucy gets all sad like she did last year." Leni said making her siblings stop jumping up and down happily. "What?" She asked innocently when they all stared at her.

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