Completely Horrified

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Lori Loud was in the middle of a phone call with her fiancee about wedding plans when she heard a loud ear piercing scream that made every other average sound in the house go silent. Concerned that one of her siblings might be hurt she quickly stood up from the couch, trying not to trip over Lisa and her microscope, and made her way up the stairs where she heard the scream coming from.

"Boo Boo Bear, I have to call you back. One of my sibs are literally screaming about something."

"Okay Babe. Love you. Talk later!"

Lori hung up the phone and saw a crowd gathered outside Lynn and Lucy's bedroom door. "What is going on up here? Are they fighting again?" Lori questioned.

Her and Bobby haven't found a place yet so since she was still living at home everyone still had to keep their same roommates.

Which meant Lynn and Lucy still got into fights, well they all did, but when Lucy was 10 and Lynn was 15 their fights got worse to the point where Lucy almost fell out the window while they were shoving each other. Ever since then they mostly ignored the other's existence until Lori would move out and the rooms would change. Luna with Leni, Lynn with Luan, the twins together, Lisa with Lily, and Lincoln and Lucy both would have their own rooms since it would be awkward for Lincoln to room with any of the girls and the twins refused to be split up, even though Lola begged for her own room when the discussion first happened.

"We don't know, but it sounds harsh. I think Lynn is crying."

"How do you not know?"

"I believe the door to be locked since it is closed and none of our siblings have opened it." Lisa stated coming up behind Lori.

"Is that why we can't open it?" Leni asked. "I thought it was just closed and we were respecting their space." She stated making everyone near her facepalm.

"Just open the door!" Lola yelled. It wasn't clear if she was yelling at her siblings on the outside or the inside, she was just yelling.

"Well okay." Leni took a bobby pin out of her hair and knelt down to pick the lock so they could get in. "Lucy! Lynn! We're coming in! Don't be mad at us." She said as she opened the door slowly.

When the door opened the siblings gasped in shock and horror at the sight of their gothic sister laying lifeless on the floor in a black dress covered in blood.

"Lucy?!" Lori yelled shoving past her other sisters to get to Lucy.

"Ewww! When is she going to stop playing with fake blood?!" Lola shouted out in complete disgust.

"Lucy!" Lori called for her to wake up, but the young goth girl laid still her head lulled to one side.

"I don't think she's faking dudes." Luna said in a worried tone.

"Luc?! What happened?!" Lynn yelled running from the top of the stairs to the door of her room. She shoved past her other siblings and saw Lucy laying on the floor with a puddle of blood around her.

"We don't know." Luan shrugged.

Lynn rushed over to Lucy and Lori. "Not again!" She shouted out before she shoved through her siblings again to rush into the bathroom and get some bandages.

"Again?!" Her siblings chorused in a mix of surprise, confusion, and shock. "What do you mean?!"

Lynn ran back into the room, treating her siblings like bowling pins to be knocked out of her way.

"Come on, Lucy. Wake up." Lynn said. She shoved Lori backwards accidentally as she started fixing up Lucy's arm to stop the bleeding then she shocked everyone when she smacked Lucy in the face a few times. "Wake up, Lucy!" She shook her sister trying to wake her up and started feeling scared when Lucy just flopped in her arms. "Lucy! You can wake up now!" She yelled feeling worried.

"Lynn, what is going on?" Lori asked. Her phone was shaking in her hand unsure if she should call 9-1-1 or if this was some kind of disturbing prank. "Hey." She pulled Lynn away from Lucy. "Look at me. Lynn." She finally got Lynn to look at her and noticed the fear in her younger sister's eyes. "Should I call an ambulance? What is going on, Lynn?" Lori asked as her sister started to cry.

Lynn sniffed. "I-I don't know. It was never this bad before." She cried. "She always wakes up after a few good shakes." Lynn wiped at her eyes. "And- And when I fix her up she-she doesn't bleed anymore, but- but now it's- it's soaking the gauze and I don't know what to do!" Lynn started sobbing into her hands. "I failed her! I failed!"

Leni rushed over to comfort Lynn.

Lori finally decided. She brought her phone up from her lap and dialed 9-1-1. She didn't know what to tell them exactly. Her sister was hurt? Bleeding? Tried to kill herself? It was all too much. All the different thoughts spinning in Lori's head making her feel really nauseous.

"H-Hi. Ambulance. We-We need an ambulance. My address? It's, um, it's- it's-" All the thoughts in her head felt like they were crashing into each other and she couldn't make words come out of her mouth. She forgot her own address. "My- My address is-" She felt the phone being yanked from her hands and heard Lola yelling into her phone, screaming for them to "hurry up already". She felt like a failure. She was the eldest and yet she didn't expect this. She didn't know how to handle it. She blanked when asked what her own address was and she had it memorized since age 2.

Lynn was a sobbing mess. Leni was crying and trying to comfort Lynn at the same time. Lori went silent. Luna and Luan were just staring at their little sister's body with complete horror on their faces. Lincoln was holding Lana and Lola in his arms like he did when they were six and scared, Lily was clinging to his leg, and Lisa hugged him from behind.

They could do nothing but wait.

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