We'd Do Anything For You

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Lori pulled away from her gothic little sister, wiped her eyes and gave Lucy a small smile. "So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about? I'm all ears. My attention is all yours. One hundred percent."

"Sigh." Lucy sniffled. "It's not really something I need to talk about. It's just a question... A favor really."

"Luce, you can ask me anything."

"Sigh.. Could I.. maybe.. visit Rocky sometime?" She whispered.

"Of course, but why do you have to ask me? You should ask mom and dad." Lori chuckled.

"Sigh.. Rocky goes to an all boys school, and girls aren't allowed in their dorms so the only way I could visit him is if I got a hotel room nearby, but mom and dad would never say yes, unless you would come with me?"

Lori made an 'O' shape with her mouth then she smiled. "I can make some time in my schedule for a visit." She smirked at Lucy.

"Really?" Lucy perked up a bit.

Lori laughed. "Of course, Luce. I would do anything for you. We all would. We're family." She smiled.

Lucy let a small smile take over her face. "Then could I ask.."

"You can ask me anything." Lori repeated herself. "I'm your sister."

"Sigh.. Could you maybe look at the houses around the school? If you find one you like then maybe you and Bobby could move there and I could see Rocky more often."

Lori nodded her head. "I can't promise anything because I don't know what I'll find, but I'll look."

Lucy let out a small squeal of excitement and threw her arms around her eldest sister. "Thanks!"

Lori chuckled. "Of course, Lucy. I would literally do anything for any one of my siblings when they need me, I'm just glad that you still need me for something."

Lucy pulled away and frowned. "I'll always need you. You're my older sister. I just- Sigh- I didn't think anyone would need me."

Lori gave her a sympathetic smile. "I will always need you. I need you to stay exactly who you are and stay alive, because without you everyone in this house would be worse. We'd be lost without you. We'd be sad all the time. And most importantly we'd be quiet. Could you imagine all of us being quiet?" Lori chuckled. As if on cue a loud explosion went off outside the door and their siblings burst into the room all talking at once.

"I told you I could open the door."

"It wasn't locked Lisa!" Lola yelled.

"I could have opened it with my tools if it was, it would have taken me like six minutes." Lana stated.

"There's a hole in the wall now." Leni stated as she walked in.

"I can't believe you blew up the door, dude! Mom and Dad are gonna flip!" Luna yelled.

"I can fix it!" Lana called out. "I just need some screws and a slab of wood from McNutty's! Who's driving?!" She asked loudly.

"I 'wood' say yes, but I have to get to work soon." Luan chuckled.

"I'll drive ya little dude. Mostly cause I don't wanna be here when mom and dad see the hole."

Luna and Lana raced out of the room and down the stairs.

"Hey! Can I get a ride?! I have to go meet Clyde!" Lincoln yelled then he turned to his younger sister. "Unless you need me, Lucy. I'm right here if you do. You come first." He paused halfway out the door. "If you need me I will stay home and be here for you."

"I'm okay, Lincoln. You go have fun." Lucy stated with a nod.

"Okay!" Lincoln rushed out of the room. "Guys wait for me!" They heard him yell as he ran down.

The remaining seven sisters laughed at the odd antics of their brother, until Lola stumbled over some of the crinkled up paper.

"Ugh, What is this? Lynn! Not everything has to become a ball!"

Lynn looked down by her feet. "I didn't crumple these all up." She picked up a piece of paper and spread it out to read what it said.

The world would be a better place without people like you in it.

"What is this?" Lynn frowned. She picked up another ball of paper and unfolded it to read it.

Go slit your wrists and cry goth

"What the hell is this shit?!"

Lori sighed, she stood up from the edge of the bed. "Lynn, don't get too upset, but these are notes from the kids at school. To Lucy."

"What?!" Lynn shouted. "Why didn't you tell me about this?! I'll kill those stupid little punks!" She grabbed her hockey stick from the corner of the room and broke it over her knee. "As soon as I get another stick they are dead!"

"Lynn, maybe you should take a breather before you, ya know." Luan stated nicely. "Kill someone."

"Oh I'm gonna kill someone! I'm gonna kill a lot of someones!"

Lola picked up a ripped piece of paper, her hands crinkled the paper in her fists when she read it. "Oh! Someone thinks they can mess with Lola Loud's sister?!" She threw the paper down on the ground. "I don't think so!"

"Guys, we should all calm down and-" Leni tilted her head to the side when she saw a glimpse of a sentence. She picked up the paper by her feet and scoffed. "How dare they! I bought you that!"

The paper floated down to the floor whenever she let go of it.

That gray sweater with the black cat you wore last August was awful!!

"Sigh.. It's okay guys."

"No! It's not okay! You can't let these bitchy girls talk about you like this!" Lynn shouted. "Where are they?! Where do they hang out ?! Or live?! I don't care I'll beat them up anywhere!" She yelled.

"Hold your hockey sticks!" Luan yelled, then chuckled. "You can't just go beat them up." She said.

"Like hell I can't! Watch me!" Lynn stomped out of the room. "Lola!"

"Right behind you! Just need my sparkly pink baton to bash their heads in with!" She shouted. There was a fire in her eyes that scared even Lucy as she marched out.

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