A Different Kind Of Love

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Lincoln was hanging out with Ronnie Anne after school. He was happy that she decided to move back to Royal Woods with her older brother Bobby when they started high school and immediately asked her out, well actually Lori and Leni pushed him to ask her out, but he was glad his two older sisters meddled because it gave him the courage to ask her out.

They had officially been dating for five months, almost half a year. They weren't as mushy as Lori and Bobby because it wasn't their style. In fact most people who would see them together would think they were just friends, but Lincoln knew in his heart even if Ronie Anne didn't say it out loud he knew she loved him and she knew he loved her because Lincoln made sure she knew even if he was to embarrassed to say it out loud.

Their relationship wasn't about sweet pet names and always saying 'I love you' like Lori and Bobby or trying new things together and supporting each other like Luna and Sam and thankfully it wasn't creepy and obsessive like Lucy and her ex.

No, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were the same as they've always been. Just hanging out and enjoying each other's company. Only now every once in a while they would hold hands or  share a hug or even kiss.

"Shoot, sorry Ronnie Anne. I should really head home soon." Lincoln said looking at the time on his phone.

"That's cool." She shrugged.

Lincoln hopped off the table they were both sitting on. "Talk later?"

"Sure." Ronnie Anne frowned. "Uh, hey Lincoln?" She called before he rushed off. She hopped down off the table and stood in front of him.

"Yeah?" Lincoln asked turning back to face his girlfriend. "What's up?"

"I hope your little sister is doing better." Ronnie Anne sighed.

"Oh.. uh.." Lincoln gulped. "Thanks."

Ronnie Anne rolled her eyes. "Bobby told me about it." She scraped her foot through the grass. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked quietly.

Lincoln froze. He looked away and sighed, then he looked back at her. "Well.. I- I didn't want you to feel bad about it." He rubbed his white hair. "Clyde felt really bad when I told him, like it was his fault because I spent so much time with him that I wasn't there for Lucy and I know we spend a lot of time together too so I-"

"Why would I feel bad about that?" Ronnie Anne shrugged. "I feel bad for you and your family, but I don't think us spending time together had anything to do with it." She scoffed. "I know you always try to fix everything and you blame yourself for stuff that has nohing to do with you, especially when it comes to your family, but let's be real Lincoln. Do you really think you would have found out if you were at home instead of out wih me or Clyde? Do you really think it would've made much difference?"

Lincoln frowned. "I just thought if I was home more maybe I would've noticed sooner and could have helped her before-" He cut himself off and swallowed hard.

"Lincoln." Ronnie Anne sighed and took a hand out of her pocket to place it on his shoulder. "I know you don't wanna think about it, but if it will stop you from blaming yourself then I'll make you think about it." She took a deep breath. "Lucy, didn't want anyone to know. That's why she shut you and your other sisters out. Even if you were all home at the same time if she was hiding it you wouldn't have known. How did you find out?" She asked cautiously.

Lincoln frowned. "We found her and she was covered in- We called 911." Lincoln said shaking away the image.

"Exactly. You only found out because she couldn't hide it anymore, but if you were home every day and she was locked up in her room shutting everyone out do you think you would have found out?" She sighed.

"But if I was home and Lucy was locked in her room I would've gone to talk to her and make her talk to me. If I knew she was being bullied then I would have done something."

Ronnie Anne gave him a small  smile. "That's what I love about you, Lame-o." She chuckled. "You always wanna take responsibility and be there for the people you care about."

Lincoln blushed. "Did you just say-"

Ronnie Anne moved her hand off his shoulder and tried to hide her own blush. "I said that's what I love about you. I didn't say I love you or anything like that." She punched his arm making him yelp. "Lame-o."

Lincoln just smiled. "Yeah I know. I heard you. Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I really have to go. It's my turn to watch Lucy."

Ronnie Anne nodded. "Yeah, I know. Family comes first." She smiled and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

Lincoln raised his hand to his cheek with a huge grin on his face.

"Get out of here already." Ronnie Anne chuckled playfully shoving him.

Lincoln shook his head to snap himself out of his daze. "Right. Yeah. I, uh, I gotta go." Lincoln ran off, but he looked back over his shoulder. "Love you too!" He shouted then ran away before she could see him blush.

Ronnie Anne started to turn red in the face and when Lincoln was out of site she pumped her fist. "Yes!"

"That seemed very unlike you."

Ronnie Anne gasped and spun around trying to hide from her own embarrassment. "Clyde?! What are you doing?! Don't sneak up on me!"

Clyde chuckled. "I was just making sure my best friend was going home to check on Lucy instead of hanging out with you and forgetting. I know how he gets when he's around you."

"What?! How does he get?!"

"Not telling." Clyde started walking away, but Ronnie Anne chased him.

"How does he get?! Clyde?!" She yelled. "I run faster than you!"

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