Lucy Has Left The Building

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Lucy crept down the stairs and quietly walked into the kitchen. She looked around, but didn't see anyone so she slipped out the back door nearly tripping over Charles. She caught herself and tip-toed through the yard until she made it to the other side of the street then she made her way to the cemetery to meet with Edgar.

Leni saw Lucy running across the dimly lit backyard while she was looking out the window waiting for the sibling meeting to start.

"Okay, we all know why we are here. This older boy is obviously pressuring our sister into stuff she is not ready for yet and we have to do something about it."

"I totes agree. Lucy is way too young to be with a shirtless boy! Boys should only be shirtless in pools, not in bedrooms!" Leni shouted disgusted at the thought.

Lori, having already been with Bobby, rolled her eyes. "Yeah. You should never be without clothes in a bedroom with a boy." She stated. She didn't care if she sounded like a hypocrite as long as her younger sisters got the message. "And you should never be without clothes in a girl's room." She snapped at Lincoln making him fall off Leni's bed after flailing his arms caused him to tumble to the edge of it.

"Woah.. Ow." Lincoln moaned. He popped up and held up his hands in defense. "Why are you yelling at me?! I didn't do anything!"

"Just a lecture to keep in mind for the future. Now, back to business, we have to keep this creep away from Lucy so we'll all have to keep a closer eye on her." She stated.

"Which eye should I keep on her? Do I have to wink?.. because I can only wink my right eye." Leni asked making them all facepalm.

"It's an expression." Lisa droned.

"Ohh." Leni nodded.

"Anyway, we need to divide the time between us so we make sure someone is always with Lucy." Lori stated. "Lisa, the chart."

Lisa stood and pulled a chart out of seemingly nowhere. "Very well, there are 24 hours in a day so I have divided our time based on everyone's schedule for the next month." Leni raised her hand and Lisa sighed. "That's approximately 730 hours." She hit the chart with her pointer to make sure she had everyone's attention again.

"Now then, depending on how long we have to do this I will devise a new schedule every month if I have to, but hopefully this boy will get the darn message and stay away." Lisa huffed.

"The first two hours of the days and the last four hours of the nights belong to Lynn since she should be returning to their room eventually." Lynn nodded.

"The hours after breakfast, but before lunch are Luna's since she drives us all to school and her studio is close enough to the middle school that she can periodically check in."

"Right, mate." Luna nodded.

"After school until dinner time is split between Lana and Lola, depending on the day because they both have after school activities on their schedules."

They high-fived thankful to not have anything too early since they both were not morning people.

Lisa pointed to herself.  "I will take two hours after dinner to quote, help Lucy with homework and bond as sisters, unquote."

"Leni and Luan will take the hour before bed time and also fill ins for anyone who cannot make their allotted time due to prior engagements since those two schedules are the most flexible."

"What about me?" Lincoln asked.

"I was getting to you." Lisa rolled her eyes. "Lincoln has weekends since he usually just hangs with his friends and can easily take Lucy along, perhaps even invite Rocky if he is still in town. Wink wink." Lisa stated instead of actually winking with her eye.

"Which leaves Lori, who has the busiest schedule, what with the wedding plans and the house hunting, free to watch Lucy like a hawk from the distance any chance she gets. Everyone clear?"

"Lily doesn't get any time?" Leni asked feeling bad that they had to keep leaving Lily out of the group.

"She is far too young to be concerning herself with this." Lisa stated. "But Lily can join in on anyone's time if she wants too."

"Okay, everyone knows their schedules for the month?"

They all nodded and chorused "yeah"s while standing up.

"I have one more question." Leni asked making them all groan. "Who is supposed to be watching Lucy right now? They're not doing a very good job because she left."

"What?! Leni!" Lori yelled.

"Was it me?! I'm sorry!"

Everyone groaned and rushed out of the room and down the stairs.

*Back with Lucy*

"Lenore! You came!"

Lucy bit her lip nervously. "I- I just came to tell you that I can't-"

"Hush darling, we need no words. Our lips only need each other and our poison." He grinned holding up a little baggie with a pill.

"Edgar, I can't-"

"Silence! We should not speak. We should let our love speak for us." He approached her. "Pale lips of grace and beauty." He recited as he gently brushed his fingers against Lucy's lips. "Renew thy love between us. Make our deaths, our promise, eternal." He leaned forward to kiss her, but a rustling in the bushes made him pull back.

"Lucy? Is that you?"

"We cannot do this now my love." He quickly kissed her hand and placed the baggie in it. "Take it tonight. Call me so I may hear your last breath, then after my madness sets in and I see the Raven I shall take mine and join you in the unholy afterlife." He whispered then he ran off.


Lucy turned and tried to hide the bag in her fist. "H-Hey Rocky."

"What are you doing out here?" He asked then chuckled. "Right, it is night time and you're at the cemetery. Dumb question. But, uh, what do you have in your hand?"

Lucy gulped. "N-Nothing."

Rocky sighed and took a step closer. "Are you- Are you doing drugs?" He asked worriedly. "Did your boyfriend give you that?"

"Sigh." Lucy shook her head. "I'm not doing drugs, but yes he did give me this." She quickly placed it in the pocket of her black shorts before Rocky could see it. "I, uh, I have to get home. I wasn't really allowed to come out tonight."

"Oh.. Okay." Rocky nodded. "See ya around, Lucy." He said as he turned to walk away from her.

"Wait- Rocky!" Lucy called out so he would turn back around. "Do you mind walking me home?"

Rocky smiled. "Not at all. Can we talk on the way there?" He asked.

Lucy nodded. "I'd like that."

They started walking away from the big tree, through the graves to the front gates, then they made their way down the street in the direction of Lucy's house.

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