Let's Not Say Goodbye

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Lucy was sitting on the couch, a poetry book in her hands. Her big sisters Luan and Luna were also in the room. Luna was mindlessly strumming her acoustic guitar and Luan was practicing her more mature jokes with Mr. Coconuts for an upcoming show at the Funny Farm, an under 21 comedy club that just opened up.

There was a knock at the door. Luna set her guitar down and stood up stretching her arms.

"Knock, knock." Luan laughed.

"Knock, Knock jokes at your age? Come on, you're better than that!" She made Mr. Coconuts say.

"You're right Mr. Coconuts!" She chuckled. "Hey Luce, I got a joke I think you'll like!" She announced.

Lucy looked up from her book.

"Okay, a man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. "You can't cut me down!" The tree yelled. "I can talk!" The man responded "You may be a talking tree, but you'll dialogue." Luan laughed. "Get it?"

"Ha. Ha." Lucy stated.

"Yo Luce, Rock is here." Luna said as she went back to her guitar.

Lucy stood with a smile on her face, it wasn't very big, but anyone who knew her knew that it was her happiest of smiles.

Rocky wanted to smile back, but the sadness he felt was too great to allow a smile on his face. "Hi."

"Hey Rocky." Lucy's smile faded away as she approached him. "Are you- You're leaving soon?"

Rocky nodded. "Yeah. Sorry, but my break is over. My classes are starting back up soon so I gotta get back." He saw her frown and took her hand. "I'm worried, about leaving you, worried you might-" She yanked her hand back and looked away from him.

"I'll be fine." Lucy stated quietly. She glanced back at her sisters then looked back at him with the tiniest of smiles on her pale face.  "I have my siblings to talk to and unlike last time I will talk to them. This won't be like the last time."

Rocky nodded. "I know." He wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear. "This time let's not say goodbye." He pulled back and grinned brightly at her. "I'll see you soon, Luce. Text me or call anytime. Let me know what Lori says and how soon til I can see you again." His smile fell and he looked worried once more. "I, uh, I really care about you, Lucy. Please, stay away from that guy."

Lucy shook her head. "I have no plans to go anywhere near him. I only plan to see you again. I'll ask Lori as soon as I see her. Bye- See you soon, Rocky." Lucy waved as Rocky walked out the door. She closed the door and stared down at her feet. "Sigh." She frowned.

"Aw, I'm sorry little dude." Luna said slowly approaching her little sister. "But you'll see him again."

"Yeah, don't feel so down." Luan agreed. "If you wanna talk about it, we're here." She gave Lucy a small smile and gently nudged her arm to get her attention. "Luce?"

Lucy shook her head, she moved away from her sisters, then she started walking up the stairs. "I'm fine. Maybe later. I just want to be alone in the dark for awhile."

Luan frowned. "Lucy?"

Luna ran up the stairs stopping her half way up. She pulled on the young girl's arm to get her to turn around and look at them again.

"I know you want time, but-" Luna gulped. "Don't shut us out again, okay? Don't- Don't fade away." Her breath caught in her throat.

Lucy stared at her sisters. The frowns on their faces said the same thing. They were scared, not just concerned because she was sad, but scared because they didn't know what she would do.

Lucy pulled her arm out of Luna's grasp. "I wish to be alone." She whispered turning her back towards them, but instead of walking up the stairs she placed her hand on the railing and let out a sigh. "I also wish to stay alive." She stated before she walked up.

Luna and Luan glanced at each other and let a small smile of relief take over their faces. Once again it wasn't much, but coming from Lucy it was more than enough for them to have a little hope that everything would be okay. That Lucy would be okay.

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