He's Too Old For You

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Lynn knocked on the door, but she didn't get an answer. She knew it was getting late and thought maybe Lucy was asleep, but there was a fear creeping up her spine that wouldn't let her walk away from the door.

"Hey Luce! I'm coming in!" Lynn announced and slowly opened the door scared of what she would find. "Hope you're dressed!" She chuckled as she opened the door further just in time to see Lucy trying to shove her shirtless boyfriend into her coffin to hide him from being seen by anyone.

"Moooooooom!" Lynn shouted. "Daaaaaaad!" She yelled loud enough that her siblings came running out of their rooms towards her screaming voice.

"Woah!" Luna yelled. "What the-"

"Lucy!" Leni gasped.

"Eww!" Lola yelled out.

"I agree with Lola." Lisa stated. "Eww!" She shouted out also.

Lucy turned around to face all her siblings and gulped when she heard the footsteps on the stairs.

"Kids?! What's going on?!" Lynn Sr. yelled towards the crowd.

"Is it Lucy?!" Their mother shouted in a panic. She raced to her daughter's bedroom and saw her thirteen year old daughter standing with a black shirt in one hand and her other hand on the back of a boy with chest hair.

"Oh my-" Lynn Loud Sr. fainted.

Rita rolled up her sleeve. "Lori, Lynn, get that boy outta my house! Lincoln and Luan help your father!" She stormed into her daughter's room and grabbed the young man to get him away from her little girl, then she shoved him toward the meaner older sisters. "Lucy, we need to have a talk." She stated as kindly as she could while fuming. She slammed the door shut to keep the other kids out.

Lynn cracked her knuckles. "Oh ho! I have been waiting for this since I met you, you creep!"

Lori grabbed his arm and drug him down the stairs towards the front door, unaware that Lola and Lana were following them. "Stay away from my little sister!" Lori opened the door and shoved him outside on the front porch.

Lynn came running down the stairs and flew into his gut with the flying ninja kick she had been perfecting since childhood. "And don't ever contact her again!" She yelled when she got up to go back into the house. She turned and saw Lola and Lana chasing the young man down the road while cussing him out, mostly Lola.

"You can't keep us apart! She is my Lenore!" He shouted back.

"You wanna bet you-"

BEEEEEP. A car honked loudly to the kids running down the road.

"Get outta the road!"

"You wanna piece of me!" Lola shouted and turned to chase the car, but Lana quickly tackled her into their front yard. Lola started growling as they rolled in the grass. "Let me up, Lana! Ewww! Now I'm all dirty! I need a bath!" She yelled, then she shoved Lana off of her and raced up the stairs to take a nice hot bubble bath.

Lana chuckled. "Man is she a handful sometimes." Her sisters gave her a look as if to say 'that's the pot calling the kettle black.' She shrugged at them. "What?"

They ignored her and shared a look with each other.

Lynn frowned. "Do you think Lucy was- I mean she was still in her clothes- maybe they didn't."

Lori sighed. "I don't know, Lynn. I only ever had to ask one of my sisters and that's because she's Leni." She chuckled a little.


"No. She still hasn't, but I had to ask her because, well she's so kind and innocent.. and dense that I was worried about her so I asked, but she said she's not ready yet."

"Oh.. Well I'm not ready yet either, but I didn't think Lucy would be!"

Lori shook her head. "I don't think she is, but dating an older boy? He could be pressuring her into doing things she not ready for."

"Ya mean like killing herself?" Lynn scoffed bitterly.

Lori frowned. "Yeah, like that. I think we need another sibling meeting, right now, while mom is talking with Lucy." She started up the stairs with Lynn on her tail.

Lori told Leni, Luna, and Luan to meet in her room in an hour.

"I thought that was still our room?" Leni questioned.

Lori sighed and rolled her eyes. "It is, I just said my room because I was talking to Luna and Luan too. Just meet in our room in an hour."

"Why an hour? Why not now?"

"Because Lola is taking a bath."

Luna raised her hands up in surrender. "Got it. Hour works."

Lynn told Lincoln, Lana, and Lisa.

They decided to leave Lily out since she was too young to really understand what was going on and why everyone was freaking out because Lucy was found in her room with a shirtless guy.

Meanwhile, Rita was talking with her daughter in her bedroom.

"Lucy, Sweetie, why was your boyfriend shirtless in your room with the door closed? And why didn't we know he was here?" She started trying to approach the subject without an accusing tone.

"Sigh." Lucy sat down on her bed. "I didn't tell anyone he was here because I know they hate him."

"Your father and I never said we hated him, but we do think he is way too old for you though."

"He's only three years older. If we we're both Vampires it wouldn't matter how old we were."

Rita sighed. "Okay, well you're not Vampires, dear. You're a thirteen year old girl and he is a sixteen year old boy. He's old enough to drive... Wait, does he drive?"

Lucy grinned, baring her fake fangs. "He has his own hearse."

Rita shook her head. "I'm sorry, honey, but you're not allowed to date a boy who drives until you are old enough to drive yourself."


"Whatever happened to Rocky? Now he was a nice boy your age."


"We still need to talk about why that boy was shirtless in your room?" Rita sucked in a breath. "Were you two.. having.."

"Sigh. No." Lucy groaned.

Rita let out a breath of relief. "Oh.. Okay good. So.. why was he not wearing a shirt in my thirteen year old daughter's bedroom?"


"Lucy Harriet Loud, answer me."

"I was sculpting him."

"Ohh. Alright Dear, well um, I hate to do this but you're going to have to stop seeing him." Rita said as she left her daughter's bedroom.


The funeral march played and she picked up her phone off the stand.

Tonight Lenore. Underneath the moonlight. Meet me at our spot.

I'm grounded.

Lucy responded. Her mother never said she was grounded, but she did say not to see him again.

No one can ground our love, but us. I got the pills. Meet me, my darling. We'll be together in eternity much like Romeo and Juliet. Promise to meet me.

I shall sneak out.

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