Truth or Dare!!

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                                                                                         Anne p.o.v~

Why should I always be so unlucky? Not everyone in this world can be happy I am one those people. I don't know what is wrong with me why am I not sharing my things to anyone? There are very few people behind me. My brother James he never let me down in any situation he love so much after my parents died he is the one who is taking care of me. James and Tyler are dating for a year now the worst thing was I saw them kissing in my room my jaw almost fell down I kept on asking them questions but I can't stop them because they both love each other very much..
I was in my own thoughts suddenly my phone started ringing I took the phone and saw who it was.. my lips curved a small smile it was video call from Tyler I sat up and attended the call

Tyler: Heyyy gurl!!
Anne: What?😑
Tyler: Should I need a reason to call my bestttt friend??
Anne: You will never change
Tyler: So boring dude.. Yeah let's play truth or dare ( evil smile )
Anne: No I am not interested 
Tyler:  If not I won't-
Anne: Okay let's play anyways I know what will be the next word
Tyler: Truth or Dare? 
Anne: Truth of course!
Tyler:  Tell me if you have crush on someone 😈
Anne: Wait! What?!! ARE YOU CRAZY!!
Tyler: If not tell me from which animal you scared the most
Anne: Nooo!!
Tyler: You have to tell otherwise you will get a bad punishment tomorrow in school 
Oh wait! It is correct time to reveal about my crush to Tyler Oh god! I am saved for now
Anne: Ihavecrushonkyle  
Tyler: Will you tell it slow you are faster than my internet 
Anne: Ugh! I HAVE A CRUSH ON KYLE!! Enough?! Are you happy now?!
Tyler: Woahhh are you serious you have a crush on the popular guy 
Anne: Yes ( blushing )
Tyler: Wait!! What is that?! Are you blushing?! OMG! ANNE IS BLUSHING!!
Anne: Yaaa so what?! Now don't shout my ears are bleeding
Tyler: I already guessed it🤭 
Anne: HOW?!
Tyler: I am always with you idiot whenever Kyle use to enter you used to admire him very much do you think you can easily fool me?!

Anne: You knew this much but you never asked me😤
Tyler: Yaaa anyways I know it now!! Oh hey my mom is calling me see ya Kyle🤭
Anne: Youuuu why-
Aishh she hang up ahh why is she calling me like that!! she seriously lost her mind.. Oh my! what if she tells it to James what the oh no he will kill me. I quickly dialed her number what what?! Switched off?!! I am gonna die!!

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