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                                                                                   Anne p.o.v~

I woke up from my bed got ready for today's competition. I looked at mirror once and went down Ringggggggg~ Ringgggggg~
                                                                                       in call~

Tyler: Morning gurl! Babe Anne is on call
James: Oh! Morning princess
Anne: Morning guys! Guess what
James: What?
Anne:  I am going to sing in competition today!!
James: Whattttt?!
Tyler: ( wink )
Anne: ( laughs ) Yeah aren't you proud?
James: Of course I am 
Anne: Yup!
James: You should win okay
Tyler: Yeah bro you should win 
Anne: Hopes! Okay byee I need to go now~
Tyler & James: Take care! Bye!

I locked my home and went down and sat on my keens to give kookie food

Anne: Kookie you know something I am going to sing in front of everyone today. I am very nervous! ( looks around ) Thank god no one is here. When I think it is for Kyle then I can give my whole heart and sing. I hope he feels comforting! Good boy see you!

I went to bus stop saw Kyle sitting there and beside him two girls are looking at him and trying to talk with him. 😑All popular guys are always with girls but the savage thing is he doesn't even care of them. And I am not jealous anyways this is so normal.

Anne: Morning Kyle
Kyle: Hm
Girl1: Oh his name is Kyle so cute right 
Girl2: Yeah
I made a ewww face looking at them no one can describe how silly I am 😌. I saw Kyle smirking at me. Yeah now it's payback time. He came to my ear and whispered

Kyle: Are you jealous now? ( smirk )
Anne: Do you think so? ( smirk )
Kyle: Oh got confidence? Hey girls what are your names?

Ahh! seriously this guy am gonna kill him he is speaking with them to tease me I can't see it anymore!

Anne: Is it that much fun to tease me?
Kyle: Honestly it is
Anne: Whatever. Today I am singing as you said don't forget to see my performance
Kyle: Is it today?
Anne: Yeah 
Girl1: Best of luck unnie 
Girl2: All the best! Oh our bus is here!
Anne: Thank you ( smiles ) Take care!
Girl1: Bye Kyle
Kyle: Bye
Anne: I don't even know who they are but they are wishing me luck you are the one who said me to sing you are not wishing
Kyle: ( comes closer ) Should I?
Anne: N-no I guess. Oh! bus is here

I was sitting in my usual seat and was waiting for John. I was so nervous I didn't even hear songs today and Ringgggggg! Ringgggggggg~
                                                                                        in call~

Anne: Why are you not here yet?
John: About that I am picking my girlfriend from her home so can't make it today I will see you in school
Anne: You won't come? I am with Kyle I am so nervous too pleaseee come
John: Be strong cutie! OH my girlfriend is home is here see you!
Anne: Okay bye then!

Ahh I hate it behind this guy makes me more nervous. After sometime I was hearing my songs and Ringgggggggg~ Ringgggggggg~ Who is it again?
                                                                                                                       in call~

Anne: Hello?
...: Your friend is not here?

Hey guys!

Sorry for the night update😝
I was busy playing roblox. Hope you liked today's update
See you guys in next update!


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