My Another Universe

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                                                                              Anne p.o.v~

I can't believe that Selena also have gift for me ^^. I think to myself that I'm the luckiest person now~

Anne: Come on baby~
Selena: O-okay I'll read it aloud. ( seeing the paper ) Anne I hope you were my real sister. I am soooo lucky to have you with me happy birthday!! I really really hope you get everything you want and I want to sing like you when I become big and I'll make you proud and here is a secret for you.  I love you more than my mom ( wink )

She was saying and at last she winked I was just controlling my smile and chuckles at her cuteness suddenly Tyler shouted

Tyler: You! Little Bratt!! When did you add the last line there?! I'm your mom the one who gave you gave you birth you like her more than me? ( pout )
Selena: Yes omma, I love Anne veryyyyyy much bigger than this world

That lil girl closed her eyes while saying veryyyyy ah I can't stop adoring her I finally came to the earth. I first closed my eyes as if I was in frustration and I opened my eyes gave them a death glare and they both gulped at looking at me 

Selena: Y-you didn't like it?
Tyler: W-was the English bad? 
Anne: You.. ( points at Selena ) Come here
Selena: W-why?
Anne: I said come!
Selena: ( flinched and walks to her ) W-what?

She was so cute 🤭.. She came closer to me and looked me with her small eyes. I picked her in my hands and started spinning

Anne: I love you too baby and I'm already proud of you
Selena: ( giggling )
Tyler: Ahem.. I was the one who helped her to write that just an information ( looks away )
Anne: ( chuckles ) Come here idiot 
Tyler: ( runs and hugs both of them )
Anne: I love both. You guys are my another universe and my happiness 
Selena: Here Anne keep this letter don't lose it okay?
Anne: Yes ma'am ( phone beeps ) 

My lips curved a smile when I saw the person calling and then Tyler spoke

Tyler: Selena I think we need to leave someone alone now ( smirk )
Selena: Yes omma ( looks at Anne )
Anne: Yaa both of you go out 

I locked my door and answered my phone when I took the phone my jaw dropped the next second from what I heard
                                                                            in call~

....: ( singing Magic Shop )
Anne: ( holding back her tears ) 
....:  You liked it? Hope you were happy hearing me sing your fav song 
Anne: ( sniff ) I love you my prince
....: Love you too my princess 
Anne: Woahh srsly is this my Kyle? The one who always say no when I tell him to sing?
Kyle: ( chuckles ) How was my voice?
Anne: You want me to be honest?
Kyle: Yes your majesty 
Anne: If you were here I would have kissed you till night I was that much happy >_<
Kyle: Should I come there then?
Anne: N-No I was just kidding 
Kyle: Aww I just now woke up if I was soon I would have come there and done it and I'm missing your blush princess
Anne: W-what? Hehe okay leave it what is my gift? ^^
Kyle: You sound excited. But I don't think I've a gift for you though
Anne: ( pout ) How come
Kyle: Okay baby girl, Come to xxx place 7 pm. We'll go dinner from there
Anne: B-bay girl?
Kyle: Yes that's you
Anne: ( rolls her eyes ) Okay baby boy 
Kyle: If I call you baby girl shouldn't you call me daddy? ( smirk )
Anne: N-n-no! NEVER! Dirty guy ( author nim: Couples these days😒 And the one who is reading this if you think I'm single! Who told you I'm single huh? I've 7 boyfriends at Korea you know long distance relationship 😌 y'll know whom right😎  )
Kyle: Kk don't forget to come there see you princess 
Anne: ( pouts ) Bye prince

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