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                                                                      Anne p.o.v~

I am getting ready to go karaoke with John I don't know why but I feel relived after I told everything to Kyle. I wore my black jeans and white t-shirt and my jacket. I am the best dresser ever😎 I went down and I was wearing my shoes Ringggggggg~ Ringggggggggg~

                                                                                              in call~
John: Where are you??
Anne: I am wearing my shoes why?
John: Come down I am waiting for you~
Anne: Heck! You're here?
John: Yup!
Anne: I don't wanna go bike ride again
John: Come on, if you don't come I will come up and I will carry you 
Anne: Don't ever do that. I will come by myself!
John: Great then come

After that he hanged up the call. I went out and was locking the door that's when someone called me

Marie: Anne
Anne: Yes!
Marie: Take this dear ( gives a bar of chocolate )
Anne: Woahh! Is it for me?
Marie: Yes yes 
Anne: ( takes it ) Thank you aunty!
Marie: ( chuckles ) Why won't you ask why I gave you this 
Anne: Opsiee sorry I got excited. Why are you giving this aunty?
Marie: I don't know what you said you spoke with him yesterday from morning is not cold to me today I saw his smile which I never did. Thank you so much dear ( smiles )
Anne: That's a relief. That guy has never been sweet to me always cold as ice ( pouts ) but I know aunty even if he is cold he will take care of you. Okay aunty thanks for the chocolate my friend is waiting for me ( smiles )
Marie: Bye dear

She went and I again went inside my home kept my precious chocolate inside the fridge. I went outside and locked the door I was about to turn but some turned me which made me flinch when I opened my eyes I am in between of Kyle's two hands I tried to escape but he is making it hard!

Anne: W-what?
Kyle: Should I be sweet with you?
Anne: W-were you hearing what I spoke to her?
Kyle: Why can't I?
Anne: You can ( looks down )
Kyle: Thanks ( cold )
Anne: Waaaa did you just say me thanks?!
Kyle: ( comes closer ) Hmm?
Anne: N-nothing but why are you saying thanks?
Kyle: If you weren't there yesterday I would have not known that Marie aunty is precious 
Anne: Ah for that? I know you could do it I just gave you a hand 
Kyle: Are you going somewhere?
Anne: Yeah ( whisper ) I am going to practice singing 
Kyle: Good that you took that decision
Anne: Hehe I know right okay then see you!

Ahh I am so happy todayyyyy I wanna scream from and sing the whole dayyyy. I went down and saw John playing with kookie 😍

Anne: His name is Kookie!
John: You came finally why you took this much time?
Anne: You won't believe it if I say but Kyle just said thanks to me!! ( jumping )
John: Great you are happy huh?
Anne: Happy as ever!
John: ( laughs ) Let's go then
                                                                    [ Time Skip ]

Anne: You ready?
John: Yes remember what I said sing it with a feel 
Anne & John: Let's get it! 

I took a deep breath before the music could start and music started playing I was singing and singing I sang from my heart and John kept on cheering me the whole time I thought I am doing this for Kyle. After I finished I saw John whose mouth was hanging in air 

Anne: ( laughs ) Y-your mouth
John: ( closes ) What!?
Anne: ( chuckles ) h-how was it?
John: I think you need to practice more
Anne: Oh okay ( looks down )
John: Just kidding idiot. Your voice is fabulous!!!
Anne: Really?!
John: Yeahh give me hifi
Anne: ( hifi ) Yay!!
John: When is the competition?
Anne: It's on Monday
John: Seriously dude?
Anne: Yes whyy??
John: Today is Sunday
Anne: Wtf!!! I thought today is Saturday
John: ( shows his phone ) This looks like Saturday?
Anne: No! IT's not! Today is Sunday that guy I am gonna kill him he was the one who told me this late. I am a fool I just called teacher yesterday and said her to add my name is competition!
John: Okkk nothing will happen. We still have time and you are really good at it just practice once again now and go home sing one more time at last before going bed drink hot water got it?
Anne: O-okay

Hellooo! Author here!

Hope you liked today's update see you on next update 💜
Saraghae 🥰😘

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