Birthday Surprise

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                                                                                         Anne p.o.v~

When he called me cutie I was the happiest person in the whole world I just. Why he reminds me of him I'm not gonna lose this lil guy 

Chris: Anne wanna hear Circles from Post Malone? The climate is nice
Anne: C-Circles?
Chris: Yeah I've my hand phone let me ( takes out the phone and plays the song )

When the song started playing I couldn't hold my tears anymore I just started sobbing 

Chris: A-Anne? What happened?! ( goes near her and hugs her )
Anne: ( hugs back ) The one who taught me this song isn't here ( sobs ) You remind of him
Chris: It's fine Anne I'm here 
Anne: ( sobs ) I-I want to meet him baby 
.....: Then here you go 

I was just crying in his tiny arms then I heard a voice from behind I just turned to see who it was and....

....: Not even a hug?
Anne: ( runs to him and hugs him tightly ) 
...: ( hugs back ) I missed you cutie
Anne: ( starts beating his chest ) I-I ( sobs ) hate you
John: o-ouch it hurts girl ( laughing )
Anne: ( crying and hides her face )
John: Sorry Anne
Anne: ( looks at him ) You hated me that much? That you didn't even show up once what did I do to you why you hate me that much 
John: I never hated you and would never ever. The day when you heard me I tried to explain you and searched you very much I felt very guilty for doing that to you after reading the letter you gave me I came to know how much you trusted me I broke your small heart by listening her and I thought you're happy without me..
Anne: ( tears flowing ) Who told you huh!? Do you know how much days I searched for you every day every single day! and every single night because of you I couldn't sleep what do you think I was happy without you? After that day even I don't even remember how much times I've searched for you whenever someone call John name in college I used to follow them but it was never the John whom I wanted the whole 3 years in my college I spent searching you and every time it was defeat and every single time when I cry only you come to my mind first. If Kyle wasn't there at those times I don't know what I would have done and you're telling I was happy without you ( looks away while wiping her tears )
John: ( smiles ) I love you cutie
Anne: I hate-
John: ( hugs her )
Anne: You know how much I missed this hug?
John: ( looks at her ) Wanna do your pink promise again? 
Anne: If you leave me again I can't tak-
John: Shh listen to me. I'll never leave you again and won't let you cry because of me anymore 
BESTIES FOREVER? ( shows his lil finger )
Anne: ( smiles both does the pinky promise )
John: At least now? plwease?
Anne: ( looks at his hand ) You still have it?
John: Oh this? Hey it's so precious for you and for me too cause it is the first gift from you 
Anne: My dad must be proud now that watch was his fav thank you for still having it ( smiles )
John: Okay don't try to escape you're still in my arms you better say I love you then I'll leave you
Anne: ( tries to go underneath )
John: If you think you can go outside from my giant hands that's not possible cutie
Anne: Fine! I LOVE YOU!
John: Love you too ( smiles )
Kyle: Dude she is mine 
John: Yeah of course I know ( releases her from his arms )
Anne: ( runs to Kyle and kisses him )
Chris: Oh no my poor eyes 
Selena: Oh my Anne my innocent eyes
Kyle: ( breaks the kiss and attach his forehead to hers )
Anne: Thank you thank you very much!
Kyle: ( smiles ) Love you princess
Anne: Love you prince
Mia: John?
John: ( chokes ) M-Mia
Anne: You guys know each other?
Mia: Yeah ( whispers to Tyler ) High school crush
John: ( whispers to Anne ) High school crush 
Tyler and Anne: Whattt!!
John: Don't shout Anne!
Anne: ( discussing something with Tyler )
Tyler: Yeah! Exactly! 
Anne: Right say it!
Tyler: Guysss a new couple has formed today!!
Everyone: Huh?
Anne: John and Mia are gonna date!!! Yay!!
John and Mia: What the fuck! ( both of them blushing )
Tyler: Aww my sister is blushing
Anne: Hehe this pabo is also blushing 
John: Girl stop teasing me!!
Anne: Then you like her don't you? Just accept it already
John: ( smiles ) Wanna date me? ( looks at Mia )
Tyler: Say yes!!
Everyone: Say yes!! Say yes!!
Mia: ( blushing ) Y-Yes
Tyler and Anne: Yay! ( hifi )
James: You both ( chuckles )
Kyle: Chris is Marie auntie's son
Anne: Aww ( looks at Chris ) Today you'll come with us I'll tell to your mommy don't worry 
Chris: Yayy okay!
John:  Are we going some where?
Anne: Yeah yeah come today it's my treat for y'll!

As time passed we all were together and it felt like the darkness inside me has got a light. They make me happy and light up my day. The old me who never told anything to anyone and the one who never talks with people and the girl who was always sad.. Everything changed now! 

Hey guys!!!!

Ahh my heartu this story is finally finished.. Thank you for reading this story 😊💜

For the people who are in darkness you guys just remember there is light waiting for you.. 
You just have to overcome it now I know it's easy to say hard to do but Darkness isn't forever I know you people will get someone to hug you when you're crying 😊 And if you guys want some comforting words please do tell me cause comforting people is what I love to do..

Love you guys!💜


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