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                                                                                 Anne p.o.v~

We are at home packing their things for the trip.. Me, Tyler and James... I will be alone if they both go..

Anne: We still have time can I also come along? ( puppy eyes )
Tyler and James: NO
Anne: Please I won't disturb you guys 
James: No means No Anne.. I heard you have crush on Kyle you know if you speak to him as a friend you won't stutter. 
Anne: Uh.. Yeah okay so what?! Don't change the topic😤
James: You are a big girl now you can be alone...From tomorrow take the bus and order food in online don't open the door for strangers got it?
Anne: Yeah you are the one who is saying I am a big girl and you are also the one who is telling which you tell to babies.. I know I should not open for strangers
Tyler: Aww.. We will miss you 
Anne: Well, I won't miss you both
James: Our baby is bad at lying.. It is clearly written in your face that you will miss us🤭
Anne: Ahh!! Don't go!! ( fake crying )
Tyler: We will be back soon Anne 
Anne: Okay at least give me a hug both of you🥺

After giving me a warm hug both of them went.. Truly I will miss them so much I don't know how I am gonna pass my time without Tyler. Okay I will go sleep now 

                                                                 [ Time skip ]

I woke from my bed and started getting ready. I went downstairs ah without James this house is empty..   Ringgggggg Ringggggg

Tyler: Morning gurl!
Anne: Morning where is my James?
Tyler: He is only mine😤
Anne: Oka-
James: Hey princess good morning
Anne: Yaa you both enjoying without me
James and Tyler: Yes we are enjoying😝
Anne: Aish, you both okay I need to go byee
James and Tyler: Take care! 
Anne: Yeah okay.

It's time for school!! I ordered something from online today and took some for kookie he must be hungry too.. I went down and I was searching for kookie then I saw someone sitting near him oh... Wait it's Kyle I should ask him sorry right.. I remember what James said I will speak to him as a friend.. Okay let's get it!

Anne: Hey!
Kyle: Oh you.. 
Anne: Yes it's me
I sat down in my keens and gave kookie food..
Anne: You need to eat well, Then only my kookie will become big boy.. James won't be at home so from now no bread for you.. I will give you something like this ( patting his head )
Kyle: Who is James? 
Anne: James? He is my brother.. 
Oh Anne you should ask sorry

Anne: I am sorry for yesterday.. I raised my voice at you I don't really do that but I got anger 
Kyle: ( hummed for his response )
Anne: Thanks, you know how to go bus stand? 
Kyle: Yes I always take bus so yeah
Anne: Can you tell me how to? Since my brother is not here I need to take bus
Kyle: I am going there so you can come with me ( cold )
Anne: O-okay?
Aish, don't stutter Anne! This is the first time I am speaking to him this much and without stuttering that's great!!! James got some brain..  Should I talk to him again? Why am I thinking let's see him as a friend now..

Anne: Why do you always take bus?
Kyle: I like it ( cold tone )
Can someone be this cold.. He is cold as ice 
Anne: Oh I see
Kyle: We are here
Anne: Okay this bus? let's go
He pulled me wrist.. And stopped me No no no don't blush Anne!!
Kyle: Don't be in a hurry it's not the one we should take
Anne: O-oh o-okay 
Okay let's think that he is not here.. I plugged my earphones and started listening to songs.. After few min I got up from the seat.

Kyle: Where are you going?
Anne: Why the bus is not here yet? We won't be late for school right
Don't he have mouth he can at least say yes or no..  After that a bus came and stopped 
Kyle: Come
Anne: Okay
We came inside the bus and only few students were there that's good he sat behind me I was sitting in front and listening to songs.. 
                                                                     [ Time Skip ]

I was listening to my fav playlist suddenly someone came and sat beside me.. I looked up to see who it was and do I even know him? Why is he sitting beside me? There we go should should I speak back I should though 

....: Hey
Anne: Hello 
John: My name is John
Why is he saying his name?!
Anne: My name is Anne
John: What are you listening to?
I am struck with an chatter box!!
Anne: Magic Shop ( cold tone )
John: Ohhhh
After that I didn't wanted to talk so I continued hearing songs.
John: You don't speak much?
Aish what the matter with him!!?
Anne: Yes ( cold tone ) 
I am struck here behind that guy don't even care of me! When will the school come!! I looked behind and asked Kyle
Anne: When will we reach the school?
Kyle: Just wait
John: You're Anne from xxx class?
Anne: Yes
John: Shoot! I am from the same class don't you know me?
Anne: Sorry, I don't know many of them from my class..
John: No problem! 
Kyle: Let's go
Anne: Okay
Finally!! I am here thank god I am not late.. 
John: See you! Anne
Anne: See you
                                                                         [ Time Skip ]

I am here sitting at my bench waiting for the bell so that I can go eat.. I am starving Tringgggggggggg~ Tringggggggg~ Great! Let's go!! I stood up from my bench and this happened I fell down everyone started laughing..
Anne: Ah! 
John: You okay?
Anne: Yeah
With that I left the classroom I am embarrassed.. I didn't even thank him he would feel bad. While everyone was laughing he cared about me I didn't even thank him.. We will thank him later for now let's eat!!
                                                                        [ Time Skip ]

It's the last class for today let's sleep from sometime.... I slightly rubbed my eyes and I was seeing around there were no one in the class!! Oh no I overslept


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