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                                                                             Anne p.o.v~

As I entered in the class I saw him laughing at me. That little one how dare he laugh at me!!
Anne: Ah John you! How dare-

I closed my eyes tightly cause I fell on someone I accidently touched his cheeks with my lips. This is unexpected. The whole class gasped I immediately got up then I looked down to see who it was and that moment after that I don't remember anything I went blank and fainted. After some time I heard someone calling me

John: Anne are you okay?
Anne: ( crying ) 
John: W-what happened? Don't worry no one is here we are in nurse room.
Anne: ( hugs him ) I don't wanna come to ( sobs ) class again
John: ( hugs back ) Come on Anne. It was just an accident you didn't do it purposely 
Anne: ( stops crying ) I feel so embarrassed 
John: Ahann.. I thought you would be blushing so hard ( chuckles )
Anne: ( starts blushing ) Stop. But what will he think of me ahh
John: Nothing just ask him sorry Anne and he saw us running so I am sure he knew that it was a accident..
Anne: Yaa it's all because of you  
John: 🤨 Who was the one started it?
Anne: Okay! That was me happy?! 

Whenever I think of it again and again I start to blush so hard like  I cannot control it. I-I don't know why near me John was there he stared at me I just looked down 

John: You are hiding your blush from me am I right ( chuckles )
Anne: N-no n-never I am not b-blushing ( blushing hard )
John: stop stuttering cutie.. show me your face
Anne: N-no!
John: Hey see I have a chocolate you want it?
Anne: Yeah! 
John: There you go.. Omo cutie why are you blushing very hard😂
Anne: Aish! I-I can't control it whenever I think of that incident I start blushing
John: You must be lucky that it was your crush
Anne: Hehe nothing like that ( blushing )
John: Oh hey Kyle!
Anne: W-what?! ( blushing )
John: Gotcha! 
Anne: Stop fooling around!
Anne: ( someone enters ) Yes ma'am 
Nurse: Are you ok?
Anne: Yes ma'am. Thank you
Nurse: You both can go to your classes now
Anne & John: Okay ma'am 

We were outside of our class I took deep breath and went inside. I know this was going to happen everyone was whispering and looking at me I don't care I was searching Kyle I got amazed by how he was sitting. He was sitting like as if nothing happened woahh this guy! Seriously so cool the next second he looked at me and I saw a little smirk in his face I just started looking everywhere expect him then I started blushing and went to my bench 

Anne: Aish! Why is he smirking at me ( low voice )

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