New Relationship!

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                                                                              Anne p.o.v~

When they called my name I saw John once and he smiled at me. I went to stage and took a deep breath and started singing the song was so light I just closed my eyes and sang it from my heart I was fully in the vibe and no one was shouting and clapping I was very relaxed and when I finished my song I opened my eyes and everyone was clapping for me then the teacher came.

                                                                                                                                                 in mic~
Teacher: Wow! You have a fabulous voice Anne I really enjoyed it!
Anne: ( smiles ) Thank you mam.
Teacher: Okay now questions time. For whom did you sing this song and why?
Anne: This song was for the guy who pushed me in this stage and he was missing someone very much these days I wanted sing this to him and comfort him and also this is his fav song( smiles )
Teacher: He must be a lucky guy. Thank you for the wonderful performance ( smiles )

I came to backside and saw John coming to me

John: You rocked it cutie!
Anne: Hehe thanks. As you said I didn't lie are you happy now?
John: Yup! You're great really
Anne: I know, I know😌
John: ( chuckles ) Let's go to our seat and watch other performances
Anne: You go dude your girlfriend will be mad if you sit with me
John: True though. Okay then see you later~
Anne: Ba bye!

I went to seat and I was searching for Kyle when I saw him and he didn't even see me great. After all performances finished they were announcing the winners I was sitting so relaxed cause no matter I lose or win I tried and gave my best at stage.

Teacher: 3rd place goes to Jake from xxx class!
Everyone: ( clapping )
Teacher: 2nd place goes to Anne from xxx class!

When they said my name in 2nd place I was jumping here and there in my mind. I was so happy that it was me at 2nd place!!!

Teacher: 1st place goes to Clarie from xxx class

When they said Clarie name on the 1st I was fully surprised and was happy for John yay!! John must be super happy at this moment can't wait to see him. After announcing the winners we were going back to our classes  when I was walking to my class I heard Clarie her group and John were talking. An amazing idea came in my mind I was about to start the idea and someone dragged me again into janitor room again I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes... I knew it... ( blushing )

Anne: W-what?
Kyle: Who said you my fav song is Circles?
Anne: O-oh aunty Marie told me. Why are you not saying anything you didn't like it?
Kyle: ( comes closer ) I should say something now
Anne: W-what? Please don't tell you didn't like it 

With that he smashed his lips on mine. The heck I was fully surprised and my eyes were like a ball but kissed back.

Anne: T-that was my first kiss
Kyle: ( hugs her ) Thank you for singing it I was tearing up when you sang that to me the song was my mom's fav song every time when I hear it I used to miss my mom you remind me my mom
Anne: ( hugs back ) Hehe I remind you of aunty? She must be very proud now right
Kyle: ( chuckles ) Yeah very much.
Anne: ( breaks the hug ) Woahh did you just chuckle?
Kyle: Why can't I? ( comes closer )
Anne: N-no I mean of course you can but this is the first time seeing it! Can you smile for me?
Kyle: ( smiles )
Anne: Woahhh I love yo- Nothing ( blushing )
Kyle: Okay come on say it ( chuckles )
Anne: Can I? 
Kyle: ( smiles )
Anne: I LOVE YOU!!
Kyle: Love you too ( kiss her forehead )
Anne: Yaaa you know something? You are my crush from since we were studying in middle school. Woah it still feels like I'm in dream am I really in? ( pinch herself ). Ouch it hurts!
Kyle: ( chuckles ) Why didn't ever come and talk to me?
Anne: If I say that I like you on that time I don't even know what you would have done and I used you admire you from distance you know 
Kyle: Why not? I would have done nothing you could have said me I have been already liking you since you move to apartments and the day when you spoke for me and told me your problems after that day I liked you even more and today can't hold it you just brought tears in my eyes.
Anne: Woahhh. Hehe just think if any girl who likes you knows that we both are together what will happen?
Kyle: Nothing. Will you be my girlfriend?
Anne: ( tears in eyes ) Yes!
Kyle: ( kiss forehead ) No one can hurt my girlfriend
Anne: Ah what are you doing see my eyes it is becoming sweaty because of your sweet words 
Kyle: Come on give me another kiss ( smirk )
Anne: ( blushing ) You have a great duality. But actually now we are in school so I'll go now see you later!
Kyle: Are you leaving? 
Anne: You look cute when you ask this hehe. Yes I'm going I will see you at bus okay😉
Kyle: Bye princess!
Anne: ( blushing ) Bye!

It just feels like a dream I was in class sitting at my bench and listening to this boring teacher I can't wait to tell John everything. I can't wait to see his reaction and Tyler if I say this to her she will be like swearing in air. Let this school let over!~ 

Hey guys!

Finally both are together. As this is my first story trying to do it within short time

Hope you liked today's update
See you in next update


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