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                                                                                Anne p.o.v~

When I got that msg my eyes widen and stood from my place and went to Kyle's seat 

Anne: John wait a min ( sits with Kyle )
Kyle: Is singing your passion at any cost?
Anne: What did I do to you? I said you it was just an accident and it's not even a matter
Kyle: It matters to me. How can you kiss me without my permission?
Anne: I really didn't mean to ( looks down )
Kyle: If I want to delete that video from my phone participate in coming singing competition ( smirk )
Anne: But why?
Kyle: Just do as I say!
Anne: O-ok 
Kyle: ( whisper ) Your voice is awesome 
Anne: T-thanks. But when did you take that video you won't even come out of your house though 
Kyle: Are you stalking me? ( smirk )
Anne: N-no never!
Kyle: Not always. One day when I came out of my home and came to see that puppy.. You were singing to your kookie. You thought no one was there but I was there. I liked it that's why I took a video of it is it wrong? ( smirk )
Anne: But-
Kyle: Will you tell it to someone? ( smirk )
Anne: ( whisper ) Please let me tell to John I don't want to hide anything from him and I trust him that he won't say to anyone 
Kyle: Why do you trust him like that? You both became friends just 2 days ago
Anne: I know but I feel safe with him and trusted him easily 
Kyle: You can't say to anyone that is final if you say then this video will be on social media ( smirk )
Anne: No! b-but-
Kyle: Okay you can go back to your seat now ( cold ) 
Anne: O-ok

I hate him to the core!! But I still like him ahhh gawwd!! Better kill me why am I having a crush on someone who is cold as ice. How can he take video while I am singing!? That guy.. I can't even cruse at him!

John: What happened? You okay?
Anne: Yeah I am fine
John: What did he tell?
Anne: Shh🤫 Can you come to my home today? stayover?
John: Okay but what happened and why is your face so red?
Anne: Is it red? I hate it! I will chill for sometime I am going to hear songs. Yaa chatter box don't talk and disturb me 
John: Yeah yeah. Next is my stop anyways when should I come?
Anne:  Like 7 pm?
John: Okay done. Oh yeah my stop is here bye cutie!
Anne: Bye!

After some time I also reached home after chilling for sometime. Damn I can't come over it.. How can he say not to tell anyone I will tell that's my wish then I received a call from Tyler
                                                                                                     in call~
Tyler: Hey gurl! What's up?
James: Heyy princess!
Anne: Yaa Tyler go to a place where no one is there without James pleawsee  
James: Anne! Why?!
Anne: Nothing just pleasee leave Tyler alone I need to speak with her. And you Tyler speaker off
Tyler: Okay speaker off
Anne: Whom are you trying to fool here huh?! Turn off the speaker now!
Tyler: Fine... Okay tell me

After that I told her the whole story she was woahhh and kept on asking me questions Ah this girl really😂😂

Tyler: Really?!!
Anne: Don't shout idiot it is true!
Tyler: Bro you just wait after I come there I will kill him
Anne: No no I can handle it 
Tyler: Still you don't give up on him that is veryyy shocking 
Anne: I love the way he is 
Tyler: My friend is in deep love with someone ( laughs )
Anne: Yaa stop stop okay I need to go now byee. Don't you dare tell to James I am waring you Tyler! 
Tyler: Yes ma'am 
Anne: Now turn on the speak 
James: What is it??
Anne: Nothing you both! Enjoy! Byeee 
James & Tyler: Take care! Bye!

I would never tell this to James I am scared to say- DING DONG~~~

Anne: ( opens the door ) Hey ya!
John: Hey dude
Anne: Come in. My house is a mess hehe 
John: You live here alone??
Anne: For few months I am alone. My brother went out for few months
John: Oh I see
Anne: Yeah you see 😉
John: ( chuckles ) I am your guest anne give me something to eat
Anne: 😑 Kk Mr. John what will you like to have?
John: Anything goes
Anne: I don't know how to cook so I will just give you some snacks wait here
John: Okay
                                                                       John p.o.v~
As she went inside I was looking around her house. Isn't she scared of being alone? 

John: Anne aren't you scared of being alone in home?
Anne: Of course I am scared but whenever I used to get scared I will hug my teddy bear feels great you know
John: Are you still playing with Teddy bears?
Anne: Why not? I can't sleep without my honey
John: Don't say it is your name of teddy bear
Anne: Hehe it is!
John: where is my snacks? 
Anne: Wait wait I am searchingg

I saw a photo frame in her room. ( end of John p.o.v~ )
                                                                     Anne p.o.v~

Yup! Gotcha I found something to eattt. 

Anne: Where are you?
John: In your room
Anne: ( runs ) Yaa! Go outside! And give me that photo now!
John: ( runs ) Nope let me see it! Don't make me run!
Anne: Okay no running show me I will tell who I am in that 
John: That's better. But I already guessed something Is it you ( points )
Anne: Yeah! That's me
John: That is not the point. Who is he? Looks Kyle
Anne: This was the reason why I didn't let you see ( low voice )
John: Reason what?
Anne: Yeah it is Kyle so what?
John: Woahhhh you guys went to same Middle school?!
Anne: Yeah we did. This pic was taken by a girl in our class nice right group photo
John: Nice. But that guy back then also he don't know to smile?
Anne: Yeah he was also cold from that time to now he didn't change his attitude 
John: Have you ever talked to him in middle school?
Anne: Yeah rarely. Like when the teachers ask to collect notebooks and sometime group projects
John: You are seriously dumb. You know him from long ago but you rarely talk to him 
Anne: I am not dumb ( pouts ) Back then I fell for his attitude like even though he is cold he used to help many elders and give them respect. But who knows he will become this handsome now
John: Just say that you admire him so much 
Anne: I agree!
John: Okay you were talking with him something in bus right what is it?
Anne: Yeah yeah I will tell first eat this ( gives chips )
John: Don't you have chocolates?
Anne: N-no! 
John: I know you have it. But you are not giving it ( raising eyebrows )
Anne: Yup I won't give ( mocking )
                                                                  [ Time Skip ]

Anne: Should we watch Charlie and the chocolate factory?
John: Are you a kid?
Anne: No I am not okay you tell 
John: First you tell that bus matter how much long should I wait it's already 12am 
Anne: Okay fine I will tell. See bro just tell if it was correct I was singing to my kookie I thought no one would be there he was behind taking video of my singing. ( shows her phone )
John: I don't think it is wrong. Your voice is nice that's why he took it and that's his wish 
Anne: Yaa you need to take your friend's side not his! He said if he have to delete that video I have to participate in singing competition is it fair and he even told if I tell this to someone he will post that video in social media ( whining )
John: But then also you said me ( chuckles )
Anne: Don't tell anyone okay. I don't want that video to be in social media 
John: Okk I won't tell anyone
Anne: But what will I-

Hey guys! Author here!

Nowadays I am updating so soon right that's because I am free 😝
Hope you liked today's update 
See you in next update💜

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