Surprise Proposal

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                                                                                    Anne p.o.v~

I got ready and went to the place where Kyle asked me to. But seriously how come there is not gift for me!! I went inside a big park?? This guy is wired man but then I saw one little girl coming to me and.. It was Selena

Anne: Baby what are you doing here?
Selena: I'm here with mom and dad Anne
Anne: Did they leave you here?
Selena: No no Anne they sent me here to blind fold you ( bunny smile )
Anne: ( chuckles ) Mhm okay then 

I bent down and she closed me eyes. She kept on telling me to go straight and finally she stopped the directions and told me to take off 

Selena: Yeah take it off now
                                                                                                          in mic~

Kyle: Hey beautiful, We've have been in a relationship for a while now. I'm so lucky to have you by my side and want you to be by my side forever ( walks near her and keel downs ) 
Wanna become Mrs. Kyle? ( shows her the ring )
Anne: ( tears flowing ) Yess!!
Kyle: ( pulls her near and kiss her )
....: Yay!!!!
Anne: ( gasp ) 
James: My lil girl is finally getting married!!
Tyler: ( grabs the mic from Kyle ) MY BESTIE IS GETTING MARRIED!!!
Mia: Congrats Anne ( smiles )
Anne: Oh Mia? Woah you're also here?
Mia: Yupp didn't wanted to miss this beautiful moment ( winks )
Anne: ( chuckles )
Selena: Anne are you getting married to him? 
Anne: Yes baby wae?
Selena: ( looks at Kyle ) Hey you Kyle! You better take care of my Anne okay? Otherwise you know me😤
Kyle: Yes ma'am I'll take care of her
Selena: Good 
Kyle: ( chuckles ) And this was our plan from long time but your birthday gift is still remaining sweetie
Everyone: What?!
Kyle: Yeah Chris!!
Chris: ( comes out from no where ) Yes I'm here
Kyle: This is Anne
Chris: Yess let's go Anne 
Anne: Kyle come with me
Kyle: I'll stay here you go with him ( smiles )
Chris: I'll take care Anne come come
Anne: ( chuckles ) Okay let's go

We both walked and he made me sit on a bench and started talking I was just holding my tears when he was talking this lil guy reminds me of that pabo. I was just seeing him talking 

Chris: Anne? 
Anne: ....
Chris: Anne!! 
Anne: O-oh yeah?
Chris: You know what my father calls me?
Anne: What??
Chris: Pabo ( pouts )
Anne: Aww why?
Chris: I just don't know but he said that is his fav nick name. My dad is a wiredo for sure
Anne: ( starts laughing )
Chris: You look so cute Anne.. Should I call you cutie?
Anne: ( closes her eyes and holds her tears in eyes ) Okay ( smiles )
Chris: Yay! Cutie can we listen to Circles from Post Malone?

Hey guys!!

Uh... Will one sorry be enough for not updating for long? Well plewease forgive me
I had some kind of works sorry about that.. And my army

Happy Army day🥳🥳❤ You guys are the best in the whole universe hope that BTS and ARMY's bonding keep on getting stronger love ya guys 💜

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