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                                                                       Anne p.o.v~

I love sun it is so bright #peaceful_morning suddenly yesterday's incident came to my mind I woke up from my bed and started getting ready for school after doing everything I went down to see if James was there

Anne: Good Morning ( hug him )
James: Morning Princess 
Anne: Fast! Gimme my breakfast I need to leave I am already late 
James: Here is your breakfast ma'am 
Anne: 2 slices of bread? Try harder next time okay I need to go bye! 

I took my breakfast in my hand and started running while I went down suddenly I heard a puppy voice it was so cute I stopped at the moment it was all alone I went near it 

Anne: You hungry? Here eat this bread I will give you anything yummy next time.. Let's give you a name your name will be kookie from now you are so cute kookie😍.Oh no I am late see you kookie!

I need to run as fast as possible I was running and-

Anne: Ahh!
...: Sorry you okay?
Anne: Yeah I am fine thank-
...: Anne?
Anne: k-kyle 
Kyle: What are you doing here?
Anne: Uh.. I heard kookie voice no I mean that puppy voice ( pointing at kookie ) I came here to feed it some bread 
Kyle: Oh 
Anne: Y-yeah see you 

I ran super fast from that place.. Like how can I bump on my crush am I becoming careless? Ah no I am not careless.. Thank god I didn't blush at the moment! Yeah finally I am here where is Tyler?! Ohh yeah there I ran to her

Anne: Hey ( breathing heavily )
Tyler: Why were you running idiot
Anne: Nothing dude.. I said something yesterday you remember right
Tyler: Huh? What is it?
Anne: You should get a award for your acting skills.. I said I have a crush on Kyle ( low voice )
Tyler: Yeah!!
Anne: Shh🤫 don't shout did you say that to James?
Tyler: Yes I said him because he is my fiancé..

Fiancé my foot! I am screwed today.. Should I go home today? Or maybe I should- 
Aishh, no no The bell rang and Tyler grabbed me inside the class..  Why should they always take attendance who cares if the student is there or not 😑

Teacher: Anne
Anne: Yes ma'am
Teacher: Kyle
Suddenly someone opened the door and came inside 
Kyle: Present ma'am

Woahhh  can someone be this cool he always comes late but the teacher never asks him why that's wired maybe even the mam is amazed by his looks I felt someone tapping my shoulder I turned around and saw Tyler

Anne: Don't disturb what is it?
Tyler: Are you busy admiring your crush? ( chuckles )
Anne: Yaaa stop teacher will see us 
Teacher: Anne what are you doing
Anne: N-nothing ma'am
Teacher: Kyle you may go to your bench now 
Kyle: Thank you ma'am 

He always sit away from me I can't even see his face from here ( sigh ) why all the popular boys sit at the last bench and why should I be at the right could have been in left right! This ma'am I am gonna kill her one day!! 

....: Hey
Anne: Ye-

Hello! Author here!

Are you an army?! I am so curious to know it if yes who is your bias?! ^_^
I am ot7!! 
Hope you liked today's update :D 
I will update the next part as soon as possible
See ya😁

Purple you💜

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