Sharing pain!

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When I was talking suddenly I heard the doorbell ringing. Who will it be at this time? It is Marie aunty she is a lady who works in Kyle's house.

Anne: Marie Aunty?
Marie: Anne!
Anne: What happened aunty?
Marie: Anne dear, Did someone in school talk about Kyle's parents?
Anne: No aunty but why?
Marie: What will I do? He went inside his room after he came from school. If I tell him to eat he says he don't want and shouting at me ( panic )
Anne: Don't get panicked. I will speak with him. John stay here till I come
John: Okay
Anne: Aunty, Please be here I will handle it ( smiles )
Marie: Thanks dear

I went to his home and saw his room at upstairs. I slightly knocked the door he shouted from inside I sat in front of his door.

Anne: Kyle this is me Anne I don't know who said you about your parents but they are still watching you from heaven. I won't tell you to come out now just listen to me cause I know this feeling better than anyone where parents  are not not with us.
Anne: Don't waste your energy on shouting. Of course you can be alone but now your only family and the one who is worried about you is Marie aunty please kyle don't make her worry. I don't know if you know this but she once said me that she treats you like her own son you are lucky to have someone in your mother's place you used to say I don't tell anything to anyone right? I will tell you my pains but please open the door let me hug you. 
Kyle: N-no 
Anne: I wanted someone to hug me when I am crying but it never happened. You asked me why I trust John so much am I right? He made me smile when I am sad and gave me a hug when I am crying it might be a small thing for you but for that for one hug I have starved a lot and he won't betray me either. You remember in middle school I was always with few girls they were the people whom I trusted from whole heart I was a fool I didn't even know that they were using me one day it came to an end they found another girl to talk and betrayed me. I don't know if they felt bad for doing it to  me but whenever someone talk about middle school  tears used to flow in my eyes. I guess you transferred after that day but after that I lost my parents in an accident and after that every single day was like a hell for me, everyone used to tease me that I am alone I have no family and they used to bully me for no reasons  they will never let me smile that is when I even forgot how to smile but I never cry in front of them. I will come home won't even turn on the lights I will sit at a corner and cry out of my soul I daily used to cry, whenever someone says me loner I want punch them but I can't do it because that is the truth.  When everyone's parents come to school I will be seeing at them at that point I don't know if I should be sad or happy many months passed like this and one day James came in my life he convinced me to go with him as his sister and he said everyone that I am his sister and protected me from others. He thinks his sister is happy now but his sister cry daily but when I smile he is happiest person ever I want to him be happy at any cost so I hide everything from everyone, you asked me why I always sleep right? only my pillow knows how much I cried when I can't hide my tears and emotions I sleep to get relaxed ( tears flowing ). Kyle don't make anyone worry about you you need to make her happy please open the door. ( slightly door opens ) I am coming in. ( hugs him ) Don't worry I am always with you. I love comforting people no one does it for me but in this time you need someone to hug you I know how it feels. Just remember crying is the best solution this time you can tell me your hard times I am with you and take care of Marie aunty ( breaks the hug ) I'll go and send her don't do like this again ( smiles wipes the tears ).

                                                                                 Kyle p.o.v~

I really miss them very much ( tears flowing ) 
Anne: Kyle this is me Anne...
Kyle: Go away!

She kept on talking I don't know why but I kept on listening to her I have never seen this girl speaking this much. She is is trusting me and telling her pain to me. I really need someone to hug me now ( sobs ). How can the god give one girl this much pain and struggle I have never tried to understand her and never asked her why is always alone and I was always cold towards her. I also know how it feels when your parents are not there when you want them and Marie aunty is always nice towards me I need to make her happy. I slightly opened the door she came in and hugged me and told me that she is always with me ( tears flowing ) she wiped my tears and smiled at me this is the first time seeing her smile I thought she won't speak much but I never knew this side of her.  After that she went ( end of Kyle p.o.v~ )

                                                                           Anne p.o.v~

Anne: Aunty you can go now he opened the door ( smiles )
Marie: Thank you so much dear! ( goes to Kyle )
John: Hey hey how did he open the door? what did you say? Did he shout on-
Anne: Yaa idiot stop stop ( laughs )
John: ( laughs )
Anne: I said the truth he opened the door 
John: I can't understand anything but you are great really bro
Anne: You need someone at times like that 
John: I am proud of my cutie 😌
Anne: ( laughs ) let's go inside 
John: ( goes inside ) What are you going to do now?
Anne: I want to sing ( smiles ) 
John: Whattt?!
Anne: Yeah I decided you remember the song Circles from Post Malone that is Kyle's favorite song once Marie aunty said me that he always listen to it. If I sing that I hope it will be comforting to him.
John: ( jumping ) Yay!! I am going to hear you singing to everyone!!?
Anne: ( chuckles ) Yes yes of course you will! But for now let's go see movie~

                                                                   [ Time Skip ]

I heard someone doing something is kitchen I slowly went down and saw who was there

Anne: Yaa what are you doing?
John: Morning cutie ( hugs )
Anne: ( hugs back ) Be like this for a minute. You remind me of my brother ( sobs ) he used to cook for me and gives me a hug in morning.
John: Are you still a baby? He will be back soon Anne why are you crying now early in the morning? Should I go call Kyle ( chuckles )
Anne: ( breaks hug ) Don't you dare! 
John: Yeah yeah okay I need to go home! 
Anne: Okay you can but when you are free call me we will go to karaoke you are going to hear it 
John: What will I get for it? ( smirk )
Anne: Ahh you! Okay fine I will give you your fav chocolate happy?
John: Sounds great! Then see you!
Anne: Bye!

After that he went to his home and I took my notebook and started writing 

I have never said anything to anyone but yesterday I said everything to Kyle I couldn't even imagine of telling everything to someone but he felt very lonely at that time and he really needed some comforting words from someone even though I couldn't comfort him fully I told him story and said everything I thought he wouldn't listen me but he was I am so happy that he is normal now. That was the first time I saw him crying I didn't even know that he used to cry but I didn't wanted to stop him crying I said I am with him in my life I always starved for someone's hug when I am crying let him be happy I know he needed a hug but he didn't say it. I just hope him to be happy I have never seen him smiling but there must be pain in his journey too that's why he became like this.

 Hey guys! Author here!

Today's update is a bit sensitive but I hope you like it 😉
See y'll in next update


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