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                                                                                    Anne p.o.v~

I was about to get up and shout at everyone but Tyler near me suddenly stood up 

Tyler: Haven't you guys seen couples feeding each other before?! Go do your own business everyone! 
Anne: ( wink ) Oh yeah what happened why did you guys come back soon?
Tyler: Why? Wanted to spend time with your prince? ( smirk )
Anne: N-no nothing like that.
Tyler: Mia is transferring here. So my parents wanted me to be with her, this is so ridiculous if she is transferring why would I be with her? Is she a kid?
Anne: You should be lucky to have a sister like her 
Tyler: Yeah yeah 
Anne: ( smiles )
                                                     [ After many years ]

                                  Anne p.o.v~

I woke up from my bed and yeah I am so happy today cause today is my birthday!!!!! Yesterday my room was full mess those guys sneaked into my bedroom at 12:00 when I was sleeping I was scared to the hell when they shouted but it was veryyy fun! I went down and as expected James was cooking in kitchen

Anne: Morning!
James: Happy Birthday lil one ( hugs her )
Anne: Thank you~ ( breaks the hug ) Where-
James: I know. Go check your.....
Anne: Check what?! Where is it?! Come on!!!
James: ( chuckles ) Kk go check your closet
Anne: ( runs ) Okay!

I ran to my room and when I opened my holy eyes am I dreaming?!! I can't believe it! I took it and ran down to him

Anne: ( hugs him tightly ) Thanks!!!
James: A-ah let me breath girl!
Anne: ( breaks the hug ) I'mma hear BTS songs all day now! I have seen this in internet this is so expensive though
James: Quite expensive stuffThis album also have your fav song Magic shop ( author: Lol I hope I get at least one album🙂#sadlife Kk back to story )
Anne: Thank you so much!!!
James: Yeah. Tyler, Selena!!
Anne: I guess they are sleeping, I'm mad at them they didn't wish me in morning and both mother and daughter are sleeping. Leave Selena small girl but you wife Tyler I'm going to kill her
Tyler: ( rubs her eyes ) Why are you shouting, Oh! Happy birthday gurl
Anne: Who wants your wishes! What is the time now?! And look at Selena you're making her like you! 
Selena: Happy Birthday Anne ( kiss her in cheeks )
Anne: Thanks baby. Did you sleep well?
Tyler: This is not fair!! I am also here. She also just now woke up shout at her too!
Selena: Omma, I'm not like you ( hifi with Anne ) 
Anne: ( laughs )
Tyler: So, You're the one who is teaching her to talk back? ( pulls her ear ) Will you do it again?
Anne: Ouch! Will you torture a birthday girl like this. And I'll teach her what will you do ( mocks )
Tyler: What? What? Say it again
James: ( laughs ) Both started their kindergarten fight again.
Anne & Tyler: What?!
James: N-nothing
Anne: I'm mad at you! I'm going!
Tyler: Yeah go go. That poor gift I bought that for you but I'll throw it then ( smirk )
Anne: Woaaaa! You've my gift?? Where is it?! I wanna seeee
Tyler: So will you teach her again? 
Anne: Uh.. Okay I won't ( winks at Selena )
Tyler: Great. Close your eyes 
Anne: Fine! 
Tyler: Open it!
Anne: Where? Where?
Tyler: I'm your gift😌
Anne: You ruined my mood srsly! ( walks to her room )

This girl though I wanna kill her. But I won't ever get sick of fighting with her that is some kind of fun mocking her and teasing her. I prepared my birthday outfit and was about to get my bath that's when Tyler came inside

Anne: What? Can't you knock idiot
Tyler: Here ( gives a box )
Anne: Heck! Am I dreaming is this really Tyler?!  Thanks bro!!!!
Tyler: Hehe I bought your fav chocolate from store yesterday
Anne: Ah thank you!!
Selena: A-Anne ( nervous look )
Anne: Yes baby
Selena: I've got something too 
Anne: Woah! You also? 
Selena: I'm so nervous
Anne: Aii come on I'm sure I'll love it and man this is unexpected come on!~

Hey guys! Author here!

Hope you liked today's update see y'll in next update


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