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                                                                              Kyle p.o.v~

Kyle: I'll take care of you from now 

I made her rest in my shoulder and played her fav song Magic Shop she was in so much she didn't leave my hand for a second I could feel her warm tears. I couldn't see her like that I turned and wiped my tears

                                                                       Anne p.o.v~

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my room I went down and there was someone in kitchen cooking.

Anne: Kyle ( low voice )
....: I was not here for few days. How can you forget me so easily?
Anne: James! 
James: Morning
Anne: When did you come back? And why didn't you tell me earlier 
James: I'll tell. First sit down 
Anne: Is Tyler also here?
James: ( keeps ice in her eyes ) See this red eyes
Anne: Of course it will be red. Hey I'm not going school today please
James: Kyle asked you to come school today and don't worry I know everything and I also know that you and Kyle are dating
Anne: How did I come home yesterday? All I remember is sleeping in janitor room
James: You should thank Kyle for that. He carried you here and even took taxi from school and you know something you didn't even leave his hand for a second ( chuckles )
Anne: ( weak smile )
James: My little one got someone else to call her princess
Anne: At any chance, are you jealous now? I'm always your princess 
James: Kk madam go get ready today I'll take you to school.
Anne: Okay

I came school with James today.. I went to my class and everyone was seeing at me and whispering okay so this is normal. I went to my seat and

...: Hey gurl! Forgot me? 
Anne: I missed you idiot 
Tyler: I missed you too! But it was very fun without you😝
Anne: ( chuckles ) You'll never change 
Tyler: Yeah! Okay go sit
Anne: I'm waiting for someone you can go 
Tyler: Okay then

I was waiting near the door and someone opened the door before I could see his face he hugged me and I came to know this was Kyle cause when he hugged the whole class expression was priceless I hate being at center of attention

Anne: Everyone-
Kyle: I don't care
Anne: B-but-
Kyle: Are you okay now?
Anne: Way better than yesterday. Will you be like this for a second ( tears flowing )
Kyle: ( lifts her in bridal style )
Everyone: ( gasp )
Anne: W-what are you d-doing?
Kyle: ( makes her sit in bench ) Everyone! She is mine. No one have rights to hurt her!
Anne: ( blushing )
Kyle: Blushing?
Anne: N-no. You know what these are called ( points at her legs )
Kyle: ( whisper ) Come to janitor room. I'll tell you there ( smirk )
Anne: A-ah go from here dirty guy ( blushing )
Kyle: Love you my princess ( smiles )
Anne: ( whisper ) Love you my prince 
Tyler: Okay okay lovely couple this is your classroom remember?
Anne: ( chuckles )See you in lunch break and yeah thank you for yesterday 
Kyle: ( smirk ) Looks like you enjoyed it
Anne: W-what are you saying. I don't even know anything I was unconscious. Don't look at me like that just g-go 
Tyler: Oh my- What happened yesterday?
Anne: Yaaa idiot nothing like you think. He carried me home yesterday
Tyler: So sweet
Anne: ( raises her eyebrow )
Tyler: ( laughs ) Look at this girl getting jealous
                                                    [ Time Skip ]

Tringggggggggggggg~ It was lunch break I looked at Kyle. He was massaging his shoulders when he looked at me I can't hold my tears I turned front and wiped it

Kyle: Are you crying because of me?
Anne: ( shaking her head as no and yes ) Why would you carry me like that? Now see your hands are paining
Kyle: You know what is more painful than that? Seeing you crying
Anne: ( hugs him ) Sorry
Kyle: ( chuckles ) I can do anything for you
Anne: I want something 
Kyle: What?
Anne: ( whisper ) A chocolate
Kyle: ( smiles ) Come with me

We went to canteen and woahhh he bought me a chocolate bar after seeing it my mood became freshen up after seeing it and gave him a wide smile

Kyle: My hand is paining ( looks at her )
Anne: Is it paining? You want chocolate?
Kyle: Actually I'm not able to eat my food 
Anne: Mr. Kyle what are you exactly planning to do
Kyle: Please feed me
Anne: Yaa what are you saying 
Kyle: Ah! my hand
Anne: You need a award for your acting. Okay as it was because of me I'll feed you today but don't ask this again.
Kyle: Okay!

I started feeding him his lunch and everyone around us were like what they are doing. I can't hold it haven't they seen any couples?! 

Hey guys!

Hehe long time no see? 
Hope you liked today's
update. See you guys in next update

Saragheoooo 😘🥰💜

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