New Friend!

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                                                                                      Anne p.o.v~

I heard someone waking me and I looked who it was.. It is security uncle 
Security: Wake up!
Anne: Uncle, where did you go yesterday? I was shouting for help but you didn't come it was already late so I slept here.
Security: Sorry dear, Always there will be no one so I thought today also no one will be there and closed the door.
Anne: It's okay uncle please take care from next time. Can we both go home now?
Security: Sure, Take care
With that he left I looked at John who was still sleeping. An evil idea came to my mind I gave a smirk at him 
Anne: Ah!!!!
John: Ah!! W-what happened!?
Anne: ( laughs )

John: You little brat!! There are many ways to wake someone up! My ears ouch. Can we go?Anne: Yes yes we can go
John: How will you go home?

Anne: Opsiee I forgot about that. I should take taxi 
John: Do you have money?

Anne: Uh.. 
John: ( chuckles ) Come with me. I'll drop you 

Anne: Ah that.. No need of it I guess 

John: You guess? Okay then see you
Anne: Yaa! Wait! T-take me to xxx place!
John: That's good. Come

Anne: Wait what?! 
John: Why?
Anne: A b-bike?
John: Yupp are you scared? ( smirk )
Anne: N-no 
John: Then come! (dragged )
Anne: Fine! Don't you dare go fast

Seriously I am veryyy scared!! This is the first time riding it. I am holding him very tight as if I am going to die

John: After this drive, I think I will be admitted in hospital 
Anne: Why?
John: The way you holding me. I can't even breath properly ( raising the speed )
Anne: Yaa! Do you have any death wish!?
John: Calm down cutie. This is just a bike ride! ( stops the bike )
Anne: Aish, Finally! Were you planning to kill me?
John: ( chuckles ) Bye!
Anne: See ya!

The first thing after I got fresh up was to call James and Tyler. They called me but battery died..
                                                                                in call~
James & Tyler:
Are you okay? What happened to you?
Anne: Yeah yeah you guys know what happened? ( says them the whole story )
Tyler & James: Whatttt!
Anne: ( laughs ) Yes!
Tyler: Oh my gosh gurl will you forget me now?
Anne: Aww.. You are my first best friend and my brother's girlfriend. I won't forget my annoying best friend very soon🤭
Tyler: Who is annoying huh?!
Anne: You!
Tyler: No you!
James: Kk both of you stop for now. Anne it's time for school
Tyler: Yeah go to school. We both have many things to do
Anne: Aish! youuu once you come here. Then I will kill you
Tyler: Try your best!
Anne: Okay bye both of you
Tyler & James: Take care!

I took some food for kookie and went down. As expected is he waiting for me? No just in my dreams. I will go feed kookie..

Anne: Hey kookie! Are you hungry? Here eat this ( pats him ) Kookie I got a new friend!! Very shocking right. The guy who dropped me today was him. I don't know how but I trusted him very easily. And the funny thing is I got locked in classroom with him!😂
Kyle: You didn't come home yesterday?
Omo! He was still here!!! He will think me as a mad that I am talking with a dog!
Anne: Y-yes I got locked in classroom. I came home this morning 
Kyle: Why are you always sleeping?
Anne: N-no not a-always just yesterday I was tried 
Kyle: Careless girl..
Anne: ( pouts ) No I am not...Pleasee take me to bus stop 
Kyle: No ( cold )
Anne: I promise from tomorrow I will go on my own. Pleawseee
Kyle: Come
Anne: Thank you! you are the best!
Kyle: I thought you won't say anything to anyone ( walking )
Anne: W-why? 
Kyle: You tell everything...but not to people to your kookie 
Anne: Hope there was someone whom I can tell everything 
Anne: What happened?
We were walking he suddenly stopped when I said it and looked at me. Aish! He is making me blush I hide my face from him and started staring at my shoes..
Kyle: Come
Anne: O-okay 
                                                                                             [ Time Skip ]

We are here sitting in bus. Today also there are not so many people very few. It's time to hear my songs. I was about to play a song and this happened I heard a sound and got scared
John: Boo!
Anne: ( gasp )
John: ( laughs ) This is what we call revenge
Anne: You idiot my heart stopped for a second! ( beats him )
John: ( laughs ) Kk stop it hurts
Anne: 😤 
John: Oooo I see did you come here with your crush? ( whispers )
Anne: Yeah ( low voice ) 
Kyle: So he is your new friend
Anne: O-oh y-yeah 
John: ( pinch ) Stop stuttering ( low voice )
Anne: Ouch! Aish you pabo! Leave it let's hear some songs 
John: I know a song. It is best song to hear when we travel wanna hear together?
Anne: Yup! what is it?
John: Circles from Post Malone
Anne: Ohh okay

This song gives me vibes. I was closing my eyes and enjoying the song. I hear this song and the breeze. Woah this the great vibe ever.

Anne: I hope I be happy always like how I am now but everything is temporary.
John: I am not temporary. You will always have me ( chuckles ) pinky promise?
Anne: Don't make me trust you so much. Then I can never let you go ( tears flowing )
John: I would never leave you idiot. And you can trust and tell me everything I am always by your side ( wipes the tears ). Such a baby ( chuckles ) Don't cry for these kind of things. 
Anne: Hehe thank you!! Love you oppa!
John: Eww.. Who is that oppa
Anne: ( laughs ) That is a word when a boy is close to a girl brother, friend anyone😁
John: Cutie is enough for me😌 
Anne: ( gummy smile )
John: ( chuckles ) Adorable girl! Yeah don't think like that again remember the promise you asked me yesterday. I will always be with you as a best friend forever
Anne: I know but sometimes my thoughts I can't help it. But now I know you won't ever leave me ( smiles )
John: We are here
Anne: Yeah. Rock paper scissor shoot!
John: What?
Anne: Let's see whose going to class first. The one who wins will run first ( smirk )
John: That is childish thing I have ever heard.. But I accept it 
Anne & John: Rock paper scissor... Shoot!
John: ( laughs ) loser! ( starts running )
Anne: Who is loser?! ( starts running ) 
John: Try to catch me cutie!! ( laughs )
Anne: Aish! Youuu!!
John: ( running fast )

We both were running in the hallway as if we were running in the tournament. I was way far behind from him. But I saw him going inside the classroom aish! I lost!! but I kept on running till I reach to classroom. I saw him laughing at me.. 

Anne: Ah John how dare-

Hey there! Author here!
Have you guys ever fell on someone while running? I have that experience that was the worst day ever😂!
See you in next update😉

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