Why me?!

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                                                                                   Anne p.o.v~

The school is gonna end in few minutes. It is so surprising that not even one girl came to me and spoke about the incident that happened in the morning. Such a relief hope no one comes I need to go home soon  and am gonna watch my netflix🤩.. That will be great time! Tringggggggg..
Oh yeah! It's time to go home. I was searching John so I could tell him a bye ah this guyy where is he?! 

Anne: There you are
John: Yup what is it?
Anne: Yaa idiot school is finished I am going home now
John: Want a ride ( smirk )
Anne: I won't do that mistake again. I will take bus byee!
John: Bye cutie! Be careful and don't forget you need to tell sorry to Kyle
Anne: Y-yeah I remember bye!

We both are behaving like as if we were friends for years😂. But even though I like it I have never thought of having a guy best friend. I was walking in the hallway and.... I knew this!

Anne: Don't you girls have anything else to do like seriously what is the use of talking with me now
Girl1: You are our target 
Anne: Target my foot ( low voice )
Girl2: What you said?
Anne: Target my foot.
Girl3: Don't need to show that you are savage 
Anne: Great then you guys already know that? Nice.  What is your problem? If nothing let me go
...: You are our problem ( smirk )
Anne: Oh looks like there is one new jealously queen in the group 
Clarie: My name is Clarie 
Anne: I didn't even ask you though. See I don't know how to waste my time like you guys I have so much to do just leave my way 
Clarie: Seducing Kyle is your job right 
Anne: Why are you telling me your job. The way you guys flirt with him that's enough for me to say. And today it was just an accident 
Girl1: It was so obvious that you did it 
Girl2: And looks like you got a new friend ( everyone starts laughing )
Anne: Wow I am impressed I thought you guys only stalk Kyle. Oh yeah you guys don't have anything else to do expect stalking right
Clarie: Well, John is my boyfriend ( smirk )
Anne: Ooo what happened to his taste don't he have eyes 
Clarie: Excuse me
Anne: Aren't you shameful? You already have a boyfriend but then also flirting with Kyle.
Clarie: That's my wish 
Anne: Okay losers if you guys are done with shit talks can I leave?
Clarie: Don't you dare go near Kyle again! Come on girls 
Anne: ( laughs ) Are you any kind of mafia. Come on girls ( imitating )

With that they all gave me a glare and went. I wasted my time with them I am too expensive to talk with trashes😌 I turned around and started walking  suddenly I felt a hand in my wrist before I could look down someone dragged me inside janitor room I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes I was just.. speechless. He was very close to my face

Anne: W-what happened k-kyle? ( starts blushing )
Kyle: Come on try to be savage as before. Why are you stuttering ( smirk )
Anne: N-no a-actually 
Kyle: Why did you kiss me today? ( smirk )

Aish! you boy! don't come so close I can't handle my stutter. okay Anne you can do it!

Anne: S-sorry it was just an accident I didn't mean to do it 
Kyle: Should I re-pay it? ( smirk )
Anne: Please don't do anything you are so scary as hell now ( blushing )
Kyle: Do you think I will leave you ( smirk )
Anne: N-no I mean I can do a-anything for you please leave me for now  ( looks down )
Kyle: Okay as you wish I will leave you for now but I will come afterwards ( smirk )
Anne: Can I go then? ( blushing )
Kyle: Baby don't try to run away from me ( smirk )
Anne: BABY?! Who is baby huh?!
Kyle: Are you getting angry ( comes closer )
Anne: N-no you can call me w-whatever you want let me go ( blushing )
Kyle: We are in the same apartments. Do you think we can't even meet once and because of you everyone is talking about me in class 
Anne: I am really s-sorry I just fell on you by mistake I won't do it again. 
Kyle: You better follow your words. I will see you tomorrow( smirk )
Anne: Yeah s-sorry. I will get h-home then ( blush )

I literally slapped myself after running away from there. Am I still dreaming?! Wait wait what happened to him!! Why is he showing his smirk to me and talking like that ahh my heart would have explode if I was still there and my cheeks would have become red. He will also take the same bus as me If he come closer again then I would die like how much close he was. I shook my head and started blushing this guy is making me crazyy I am gone if I fell on him again. 
                                                                            [ Time Skip ]

I am here sitting at bus that guy is behind me when I first saw him he gave me a little smirk then after that I didn't see him I don't know why but it makes me blush.. And here John is sitting beside me. I asked him why he didn't take the bike that little brat said he wanted to see my blush. I will kill him😤

Anne: Yaaa you pabo why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?
John: I totally forgot to say many things happened before I could even think of telling it ( smirk )
Anne: ( blush ) Stop Don't talk about it
John: Aww see cutie is blushing🤭
Anne: Bro you know what happened while I was walking in hallway?
John: What happened?

Then I said him the whole story how Kyle dragged me, the way he spoke to me and of course his rare smirk. While I was telling his eyes were growing big like tennis balls 

Anne: ( laughs ) See your eyes big as tomato 
John: Like wait! Is it even true or you were dreaming ( pinch )
Anne: Ah! Why are you pinching mee ( pout )
John: Does it hurt?
Anne: It hurtsss why did pinch me idiot!
John: Then I am not dreaming 
Anne: Youu!!Should I also pinch you? Wanna see? 
John: No thanks. But I should say something you are dead
Anne: W-what!! whyyy??
John: His smirk is so rare to see you know that. And also he showed it on you be careful and be ready for anything 
Anne: What do you mean by anything huh? Oh wait a second 

A heard a notification on my phone it was so rare who will text me?! When I opened and saw the msg my eyes widen and I stood up from my seat

Hey guys! Author here!

I'mma savage af 😎. I am not savage. Savage is me..
Yaa Suga raised me😎 Being savage is just something I do always😌 

Kk I hope you liked today's update and thank you!😁
See you in next update💜

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