Winning or Losing?

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                                                                             Anne p.o.v~

I heard the voice coming behind from me and when I turned and-

Kyle: Sit here ( smirk )
Anne: N-no!
Kyle: Hmm?
Anne: F-fine I will!

I went to his seat and sat beside him. Seriously he could at least be sweet with me for once but no he never does that. Anne why do you like this cold guy this much? Even though he is cold as ice and showing his international smirk that makes me blush and stutter why?!

Kyle: Which song are you singing?
Anne: Ha! That's a secret
Kyle:  Which is your fav song?
Anne: Mine? There are lots of songs but all time fav is Magic shop. Those words comfort me a lot
Kyle: ( hummed )
Anne: Can I ask you something?
Kyle: Yes, what is it?
Anne: Why you wanted me to sing? And what if I don't win?
Kyle: I never told you to win and you have a great voice why didn't ever participate in any competitions?
Anne: Who is even ready to listen me. I've tried giving my name a lots of time but every time I get broken by someone and I'll re-take my name from the list.
Kyle: Just see your own way there is lot of people who will distract you if you get distracted by them then you can never go to your destination. If I didn't threaten you, would you given your name?

This is what I do every time why do I even care about others I should do what I like ahh this guy makes me cry I love him sooooo much!

Anne: Thanks! ( smiles )
Kyle: ( looks her ) Why did you comfort me that day? I was always cold to you 
Anne: Cause the pain only the one knows who was in the situation before and I agree you are always cold towards me but you never harmed me or harmed anyone. I know there much be some reason which made you like this but you never hurt me.
Kyle: Sorry, if any of my words hurt you
Anne: Ah no no there is nothing to be sorry here I know you better than anyo-
Kyle: ( smirk )
Anne: You know what just leave it ( blushing )
Kyle: Come
Anne: Yes
Kyle: All the best ( cold )

After saying it he went! Ahhhhh yay!!! He wished meee. Okay Anne let's get it! I went to stadium I kept on saying I can do it till I get there and after I went there I saw John waiting for me

Anne: Hey!
John: Yeah you are here
Anne: Yup! What is it?
John: For whom you're singing this song?
Anne: Of course you know for Kyle
John: You're gone
Anne: Yaa tell me what happened will you?
John: You see the teacher standing at the center of stage ( points at them )
Anne: Yes so what?
John: She will ask questions after you sing like for whom you are singing this, why you are singing this for them.
Anne: I-I am dead!
John: And also there are many people who are singing for Kyle my point is just tell for whom you are singing don't lie
Anne: But ( looks at Kyle ) Okay I will tell 
John: Best of luck cutie! You should win~
Anne: ( chuckles ) Yes sir
                                                               [ Time Skip ]

There are many people in school who are good at singing and as John said already 3 girls sang and told that they sang it for Kyle and I had a idea in my mind and I win or lose I just want to try it for him! 

Teacher: Next is Anne from xxx class!!

Hey guys!!

Are you guys good at singing???

Hope you liked today's update.
See you guys in next update😉



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