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                                                                                Anne p.o.v~

When I was thinking about him suddenly someone came to my bench and called me 
Anne: Ye- Kyle?
Kyle: Take it you dropped it in parking area
Anne: T-thanks 
Aish, I dropped my keychain there... Anne don't think you are careless because of course you are ahh now whole class is seeing at me I hate when everyone see me why should it be Kyle whyyyy?!
                                                                             [ Time Skip ]

Oh yeah! finally lunch break I am starving. Me and Tyler are walking to our lockers I need to take my notebooks for next class..  After taking notes we were heading to canteen few girls came to us we both stood and waited for them to speak 

Girl1: Hey loner ( smirk )
Girl2: How did Kyle get your keychain? It is so obvious that you are doing it purposely  
Girl3: He is my Kyle!
Girl1: Don't you-
I knew this was going to happen I won't talk too much I agree but not always..

Anne: Will you shut it? Are you blind at any cost?
Girl1: Our eyes are better than yours ( smirk )
Anne: You're eyes just works to stalk Kyle right 
Girl2: How dare you!
Anne: Well, If you are done can I go? We don't have time for losers and nice meeting you jealously queens.. I hope I never see you guys again bye

With that we left we were sitting in canteen and eating suddenly everyone started shouting 
Girl1: Kyle!!!
Girl2: Be my boyfriend!!
Anne: Ah why are they shouting like that my ears are paining
Tyler: Looks like someone is jealous? ( teasing tone )
Anne: Yaa stop it! I am not jealous😤

                                                                      [ Time Skip ]

Now it is free period no teacher.. If there are no teacher you know how the class will be.. Tyler said she is going to bunk this class so now I am alone.. 

Boy1: Hey guys can we play a game?
Everyone: Okay!
Boy1: You will have to answer that "what you want in your life". First let's go with the popular guy Kyle 
Kyle: I want happiness ( cold tone )
Omo! Why is he saying like that? Maybe he is like me..
Boy1: I hope you get it.. Okay next Anne?
Anne:  I want someone to understand me and whom I can tell everything and cry on their shoulders..

After I said that tears were forming in my eyes I didn't wanted to show anyone that I was crying so I sit down and leaned on my desk and took a nap next is P.E period anyways I won't do anything in ground.. 

                                                                               Someone's p.o.v~

The bell rang and everyone went down to ground I stood from my place and I saw someone still sleeping on their bench. I should lock the door and go down I can't look her inside no other way I should wake her up.. ( End p.o.v~ )

                                                                                 Anne p.o.v~

...: Hey! wake up it's P.E period you should go down.
I was sleeping very peacefully suddenly I heard someone waking me up I was so tried I didn't even look up to see who it was 
Anne: Give me five minutes 
...: Okay then I will lock you in here and I will go 
My eyes widen when he said that.
Anne: How dare you do that! 
...: You again?
Yeah! It's me even though he is my crush how can he say that to ME?
Anne: Y-yeah it's me! 
I finally stopped my stutter voice
Anne: How can you say that? How can you lock up me in here ( whining )
Kyle: If I didn't say it would you wake up? 
Anne: Fine! I forgive you  because you are my crush ( Low voice )
Kyle: What?
Anne: Nothing.. 

With that I left the classroom and I went to ground to search Tyler..

Tyler: Hey gurl! Where were you been I was searching my bff for long time
Anne: You know what happened? 

After that I said everything to her which happened earlier.. She was so shocked by what I said

Tyler: Really?!!!
Anne: Yes really this is 10th you are asking me this..
Tyler: But how?!!
Anne: I don't know.. I was just tried and slept but this is the first time I spoke to him without my stutter. And I should ask him sorry.. I slightly raised my voice at him 
Tyler: OMG you raised your voice?! Hell no! I hope I was in that room to see you I've never seen you raising your voice that too on your crush!!
Anne: Aish stop shouting will you?
Tyler: Yes ma'am okay are you coming to play?
Anne: No I am fine here I need to write something so you can go ( smile )
Tyler: Okay. 

I always used to write what I can't say to others in a notebook I can't say it to anyone at least I could write it down so that it will be a relief..

 Did I ask anything very big? Or anything which is hard? I just asked someone to hug me when I am crying and to understand me. Why am I not telling anything to anyone? Till how much time I am going to hide these things which hurt me? Will there be anyone in this world whom I can tell everything? Will someone say I am with you always? Always smiling is hard.. When I am hurt I want to cry I can't smile but that is what I am doing I cry secretly and I hide everything I.. I need someone to comfort me.. This tears in the paper can't say anything it is blank I hope someone comes and answer it.. Being a loner has always been  hard but I am happy.. I can't get betrayed again and again and I can't take it if that happens again so it's good for me to being like this.. James and Tyler are going out for few months from tomorrow. You know I can't stop them let them be happy.. But the sad thing is I will be alone I guess from tomorrow I need to take out the notebook very often. I will hear songs for the whole day that is a good thing right? And I should also ask Kyle sorry hope I don't forget it..

Hey guys!

 Did you like it? This story sometimes defines my own life..

Did you guys see BUTTER?😍

I am loving it!! 
See you guys in next update😁


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