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Zhen stood shoulder to shoulder with Jesper and Inej as they watched Kaz approach them, a woman in a scarlet dress at his heels following like a loyal lap dog

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Zhen stood shoulder to shoulder with Jesper and Inej as they watched Kaz approach them, a woman in a scarlet dress at his heels following like a loyal lap dog. Her golden hair was up in ringlets at the base of her neck, her back ramrod straight and heels tapping over the cobbles unsteadily as she attempted to keep up with his stride.

Zhen crossed her arms and eyed the woman with distaste, trying to keep her outward expression unbothered.

Kaz nodded for them to follow him and they did towards the merchants estate, coming to a stop just before the tall iron gate.

Malina had taken notice of the snake ornament in the Shu womans hair and couldn't quite believe her eyes, her steps suddenly faltering behind her.

Jesper cleared his throat, prompting the woman to continue, but Zhen was very aware of a curious pair of eyes on the side of her head that she was trying her best to ignore.

Zhen looked completely different to how she had imagined after the years. A black shawl tied at her waist with it's foreign patterns, her black jacket brushing the backs of her knees. The blonde woman remembered her with ruby red lips and lined, emotionless eyes.

With her head held high and confidence in her step, this was a different woman.

Or maybe it was just the same but with a new set of scales to wear.

She pointedly avoided looking at Malina as she walked shoulder to shoulder with her, not hiding the fact she was blatantly staring. That was, until she had the nerve to speak.

"So this is where you slithered off to," her sultry voice made the woman want to hit something, and that wasn't ideal considering Malina was the closest and it wouldn't be in their best interest to harm their leverage. "You've been sorely missed back at work, you know?"

Zhen kept her eyes forwards. She caught Kaz's eyes as he threw a bag of money through the iron gate, bribing the guard to let them through.

Malina was a needle, prodding and poking at her thick scales, trying to weave her way underneath. Zhen held no hate towards those that took pride in sex work, but for her to hold herself to a higher level than the others while knowing how despicable others were treated... Malina had been Dame Florescu's favourite. The one who ratted out the girls to get in her good books, not caring of the turmoil they were put through as punishment. And how easily, with pride, that Malina could call what she did work.

"Your people make such a pretty penny," Malina mused quietly, eyeing her. "The Dame misses you."

She eyed her from the side in distaste, almost laughing. "If this is how much you talk to all of your clients, I can see why you were so popular; I'd want to shove something in your mouth too."

Jesper snorted but coughed into his fist to disguise it. Inej dipped her head to hide her laughter that she would have to pray to the saints to for forgiveness later.

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