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The guests soon became far too intrigued by the expanse of the Fold as they moved through it, too much for naive rich people who bought into the act of the General and Alina at the front of the ship as her light guided them through

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The guests soon became far too intrigued by the expanse of the Fold as they moved through it, too much for naive rich people who bought into the act of the General and Alina at the front of the ship as her light guided them through.

The sight of Alina standing stiffly beside the man, her closed off expression, the rigidness of her back and her unwillingness to look back at the crowd - it screamed danger, that something was seriously off.

Zhen had spotted the chain beneath the Saints dress peeking out beneath the black fabric, securing her to the deck, and when she pointed it out to the Crows they had all gone solemnly silent.

She felt sick staring at it, unable to pull her gaze away - everything about it was wrong, which didn't bode well for anyone on the ship.

Shortly after the Crows all managed to find a spot below deck to keep out of everyone's sight and to prepare.

There were seating areas below lined with old cargo boxes and barrels, most dust covered and empty. Jesper took a seat immediately and began cleaning his guns with expert precision.

Kaz was next to take a seat, hand pressing into the side of his leg.

The sound of distant volcra looming at a strong distance didn't fill any of them with confidence, least of all Zhen who was gazing up at the ceiling as though one would burst through at any minute.

Her fingers absently ran over the raised edges of her volcra scratches through the thin fabric of her peach blouse, dread pooling in her stomach.

"This is a bad idea."

They all glanced over at Jesper who was on the verge of pacing inside the small space.

"Well spotted," Zhen deadpanned, eyes flickering back up to the slivers of white light breaching through the deck.

"I think it's rather practical," Kaz nodded to his gun atop the table, half disassembled. "I don't see a way we walk off this boat without you pulling those guns."

Jesper stared at him for a moment before gesturing for emphasis. "I don't mean this," he jabbed his gun with his finger, then gestured in a circle at them all. "I mean this."

A growl from a volcra grew closer making Zhen flinch without even realising.

Jesper continued ranting, "we are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets! I should have brought Milo..."

"Oh, fuck Milo," Zhen shot back immediately, crossing her arms across her chest. "Why don't you take comfort in the saints like Inej while you're at it? There's only one right upstairs."

Jesper glared at her. "Milo is a saint!"

"Yeah," she murmured mockingly. "The saint of being a pain in my arse."

• Serpent Among Crows • Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now