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After explaining the plan, Zhen and Kaz hadn't exactly spoken much and certainly not in relation to what went on the night before. Both of their business heads on, it seemed they were equally eager to ignore their feelings and remain stubborn in their silence.

Though she was in the same boat, it did sting a tiny bit as she watched Kaz avoid her gaze and speak of nothing but the plan as though the night before was nothing but a fever dream.

To her it was anything but, because she could still feel the tingling warmth over the patches of skin that had brushed against his cold hands. It left her with a fluttery feeling in her stomach.

But the plan was more important and she had to push those thoughts and feelings down - something she had been doing for years, if she were honest with herself - for the sake of the job. She was the Serpent of the Barrel first and foremost in situations like this, so she couldn't afford to fall into her feelings like a lovesick teenage girl.

(That could wait.)

To get into the Palace Zhen had to simply cause a tiny distraction; tiny in the form of a small fire in the stables caused by a clumsily knocked over lantern - guards and stable hands had been so caught up with containing it from spreading through the hay to the animals that they hadn't noticed her sneak her way in.

Dressed as one of the performers, she had on a stupidly tight gown of a dark colour with dark red embroidery in the pattern of small roses across the fabric. The skirts were long but with a split down the side, which she had cut herself because it was ridiculously hard to maneuver with it on. The neckline cut straight across her chest, sleeves long and off the shoulder to hide her tattoos and bandages.

Luckily, all the staff were so frantically serious and too busy getting everything prepared for the Fete that they didn't glance her way as she traversed the courtyard, assuming she was meant to be there with the others. So long as she stayed away from any nosy Grisha or guards, she could remain undercover.

The trick to fooling everyone else was to act like you were meant to be there, like you belonged, and if you did it with enough confidence no one would bat an eye.

After Kaz had scouted out the pathing to where the supposed Sun Summoner would be held, they all met up in one of the performers carriages to bring the plan together.

Zhen climbed in last, hoisting her dark skirts up with her and closing the door, drawing the little curtains shut to hide their meeting from any prying eyes.

When she gazed at Kaz, he was already staring at her. She took the seat next to him and flattened her skirts down with her hands, the split in the side as it wrapped around her unevenly already irritating her.

(She did not ask Kaz where he had got the dress from. It was lovely, but not quite her style.)

Not to mention it was a bit tight around the chest and hips.

• Serpent Among Crows • Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now