- Season 2 Preview -

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The Snake returns to Ketterdam

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The Snake returns to Ketterdam

The Snake returns to Ketterdam

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"Kaz, we both know this won't end well."

"No. But I'll be the one who ends it."

"And you're fine with who gets hurt along the way?"

"No one will if I can help it."

"You can't be one step ahead of everyone all the time, Kaz."


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"We own you now, Snake."

"A dog hungry enough will turn to bite the hand that feeds it - Maybe you should consider that first before attempting to ensnare a snake in her own den."

"It's not an attempt."

"It will be."


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"Let her go," his voice was gravelly. "She had nothing to do with this."

In a split second Zhen had slithered free of the arms holding her down.
Like a snake striking out, she snatched up Kaz's cane from the floor quicker than anyone could stop her.

"I did, actually-"

She swung it at Rollins faster than any of them could blink.


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"Why are you so willing to put yourself back in that type of danger, now, after everything you did to get out-"

"-because you're my sister!"


"Because there is a chance for you to get out and I will do everything in my power to make it happen. And if I can't do that then will do everything in my power to protect you from what I couldn't be!"


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"Would anyone like some tea?"

Zhen perked up immediately. "What kinds do you have?"

"We don't have the time."

She put a hand up in front of his face. "Don't talk of matters that don't concern you, Brekker."


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"Touch her again and I'll break your fucking neck."

• Serpent Among Crows • Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now