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The train pushed across the tracks, through the Fold.

There wasn't much that could create genuine fear in the Serpent of the Barrels heart; usually only her memories had that power.

But the eerie silence blanketing over them as they travelled through the shadow Fold, an air of heaviness between them ever since they had crossed into the darkness, did nothing but swirl anxiety like a tornado through the inside of her skull.

The atmosphere was apparent to them all except Arken, who was content on doing his job shovelling the coal.

Zhen was more focussed on listening out for any sounds, in particular, Volcra.

A metal clang made her jump in her seat.

"What was that?" Kaz broke the silence.

"I've erected a system of timers along the line. Bits of metal hung on poles to keep me apprised of our pace." Arken explained.

"How did you know where to put the poles?"

"Physics and engineering account for... most of my success." He said, turning to them all.

"And the rest?"

"What we might call divine intervention," he glanced at Inej who was clutching her knife like a lifeline. "What others might call luck."
He continued darkly. "After all, the fold is thick with Volcra, and the tracks are not complete. Coal, please..."

The mention of the Volcra made Zhen tap her leg rapidly to take her mind off of the reality of what was around them. Kaz passed him a black slab of the stuff when Jesper jumped up in his seat.

"I'm sorry. Did you say the tracks weren't complete?"

Zhen was gripping her seat tightly, trying to control her unease.

Akren nodded. As though it was nothing.

Jesper yelped. "What?" Almost jumping to a stand.

"Ah ah ah. No moving." He warned, turning to survey them all. They leant back in their seats. Zhen pressed her back against the cool metal, the hatch right by her right ear, the icy breeze against her cheek calming her nerves. "We're a tad late. More coal."

Jesper clutched the fabric of his jacket tightly as he called out, "Back to the real issue. We're on tracks that don't connect to other tracks?"

"There is a gap but-"

"-you said you could get us through." Kaz shot back, clutching his cane in his lap tightly.

Zhen pressed her lips into a thin line. She hated this, she decided. The sooner they were free of the Fold the better.

If they got out in one piece.

"How much of a gap?" Jesper pried. She had a feeling they wouldn't like the answer.

"I built slats on the car. They roll into place under the wheels. The turbine generates enough wind to push us all the way through to the eastern track. As long as we don't shift our weight." He emphasised just as another clang rang through the train.

"The noise will attract the Volcra." Zhen pointed out, dread tugging at her gut as she looked up at the ceiling.

He nodded at her, pulling a face. "Yes. But it's the only way across. Now, there's a nest nearby but we'll be fine."

Zhen blanched. "Oh, a nest nearby, is that all?" She wondered aloud to herself, closing her eyes for a moment so she could contain her anxiety.

Fine was not a word she would use in this situation.

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