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Jesper quickly explained why he had such a smug grin on his face the entire journey back into town.

An hour later, they all stood in silent trepidation around the back hatch of the carriage, eyeing the crate as though it were some trick.

Zhen crossed her arms in wait, but they all stared wide eyed as a white glow emitted from the centre of the lock, melting it and popping it open.

Jesper placed a hand on his pistol at his waist. Kaz held his cane tighter.

Alina shoved the lid open and climbed out, her shoes crunching gravel when she came to a stand in front of them. She froze at the sight of them.

Zhen was caught by how pretty she was, silently observing her dark hair, pale skin, the faint scar above her right eyebrow.

"We don't want any trouble," Jesper said carefully, hand on his gun.

She put her hands out cautiously, eyeing them all. "Neither do I, so I'll just be on my way..."

She took a step to their right but Kaz held out his cane in a swift jolt, blocking her pathing. He gave her a look, the subtle shake of his head.

Zhen was hesitant, eyeing the woman and wondering if she could so easily hand her over to a rich, greedy merchant who would do untold things for power. Something about it gnawed at her internally.

Jesper spoke easily. "Clearly you want out of East Ravka. But we can help you. We have a secure route through the fold."

Secure was half the lie.

"I prefer to travel alone."

"Don't be rash; you stick with us, everybody gets what they want."

She remained guarded, tense. "I'm not being anyones captive ever again."

Zhen's expression must have faltered a fraction for she felt the saints eyes lock with her own, a clash of equal darkness and a glint of light deep, deep within. She released a slow breathe.

"So step aside and let me pass."

Kaz spoke up. "I'm afraid we can't let that happen."

They all flinched when Alina lifted her hands, light bursting from her palms, blinding them.

Zhen put her arm up to shield her face, having turned to the side, expecting it, able to sense the crackling fire within the girl from that shared look alone.

She recovered quickly, meeting Alina's gaze once more.

Inej was next to her and clutched Zhen's hand, neither of them putting up a fight as she escaped.

In her hesitation, Zhen wondered if she had made the right call, able to feel the burning gaze of Kaz's stare on the side of her head as their eyes readjusted.

She avoided his gaze and held Inej's hand tighter.

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• Serpent Among Crows • Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now