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Dear diary,

its day I don't even know anymore. Im sick of been here. Its awful, Hes awful. If i just hadn't snooped that day i wouldn't be here in this mess. The mess of my Fathers past and hidden life.

May 12th 2017 : The day i got kidnapped from the grocery store in home town.

It was a normal day. Apart from that I felt like i had a ton of bricks on my back from the information i found out only yesterday. I was wearing my signature black hoodie and grey sweatpants, my hair tied up and out of my face and black Raybans sat on my face while my off white sneakers trail me along the street. I had barely had my eyes open for long when my mother was demanding me to go and get her some things from the store. Now looking back at it i wish i just said that i wasn't well.

I was walking around the store aimlessly, trying to look for the milk aisle. A tall man with piercing green eyes brushes past me. His strong sent of tobacco Vanille filling my senses. I felt like i had seen him around town a lot lately. Thinking nothing of it i pick the rest of the items i needed and headed to the checkout. I paid for the items and left the store, Feeling more awake. Me been lazy i decided to take the shortcut through the back of the alleyways.( bad mistake on my behalf). I walked slowly but quietly through the alleyway. About halfway through the first shortcut, i could hear another pair of footsteps behind me. Not taking notice because this alley was popular i continue walking , The next thing i realised a white cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. A strong scent of disinfectant filled my airwaves. I struggled to get away , i kicked, elbowed but nothing would work until my eyes fell heavy and everything went black. 

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